This is a truly exciting and mood stimulating new music project from Adam Lohrbach formerly of pop-punk kings, Home Grown. Radical Radical has now grown to be an official band with 4 members and played their first live show a few weeks ago to a very enthusiastic crowd here in Southern California. The band just released their latest song, the 3rd one so far in 2021 for those keeping track. The song is titled “I’m Not OK, and That’s OK”, which most definitely has an honest, open, and hopeful viewpoint expressed through some great emo/pop-punk. Check out the song below and make sure to support the band on social media. I’ve also included a special live acoustic version of the song from Adam. Check it all out below.

Radical Radical Release 3rd Song, "I'm Not Ok, and That's Ok"
By Brandon J. in News, Streams | No Comments
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