Last Friday, Shai Linne released his new album Still Jesus, which kicks off with the track “Random Thoughts 3.” The song addresses, in part, some of Shai’s concerns with Christian hip-hop, especially from the Reach Records collective. Ruslan, formerly of theBREAX and Dream Junkies, has made a response song entitled “Random Thoughts 4 (Shai Linne).” You can stream both of the songs below.

Ruslan Responds to Shai Linne
By Graham Wall in News, Streams | 9 Comments
Years later, Shai is still right.
Had no idea this kind of thing happened… looking forward to the Shai Linne diss track where he disses himself for getting involved in diss tracks which are ‘of the world’ and getting in the way of the gospel.
Haha Tim M, my brain just exploded. He disses an artist which then leads to a song dissing his dissing which leads to s prompt diss of a diss that led to the diss and dissing back in return lol
I think it’s dumb that CHH is making diss tracks to each other. Probably why people are trying to avoid the Christian title altogether.
Are you saying that Xian people are avoiding the Xian title (for their music) as an excuse to make diss tracks?
Haha no. Almost the opposite. Was trying to say that things like this are why someone would avoid the being associated with the Christian scene.
yay beefs
I enjoyed some of Shai Linne songs (never a full album though) and the song with beautiful eulogy is fire. But some of his attitude towards things is robbing me the wrong way.. especially that Paul Washer sermon on the end of the album.. why add that on the album? seems like only a pad on the back for themselves.. it all just seems a bit self-righteous to me
Yeah, I think I agree with you for the most part. I bought his lyrical theology albums but haven’t listened to them much … just not for me I guess; I’m more of a Mars Ill sort of hip-hop fan, or something, ha. I haven’t heard much of the new album, but now I’m curious to hear that last song in full (only heard a sample so far).
Personally, on a strictly musical level, I enjoyed Ruslan’s response. It’s been awhile since I heard a hip-hop song I liked this much … it’s been on repeat.