Sherwood Forest Releases New Track "Feed My Lambs"

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The story of Peter is one of the most challenging parts of the gospels apart from perhaps the story of Judas. He walked alongside Christ, was given a new name and title, was in Jesus’ inner circle even within the Twelve – yet still was rebuked for his lack of faith, verbally denied Christ multiple times, and deserted the Lord upon the hour of His death. Of course, the story does not end there – and Peter is three times asked if he loves Jesus and is ultimately restored to ministry with more boldness than before, even to the point of becoming a martyr.

Such is the focus for Sherwood Forest (the musical project of Clifford Close of the I’m Clifford Today podcast) on “Feed My Lambs.” The song plays out as a conversation between Jesus and Peter, with Cory O’Carroll (Saint of Pine Hills) adding in guest vocals for the part of Christ. The lyrics touch on several weighty subjects: going through the motions, faith versus works, immense failures in the lives of believers, and grace that somehow is bigger than all of this. Check it out below:

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