Sleeping Giant - I Am

Sleeping Giant Announce Final Album

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California hardcore act, Sleeping Giant, have partnered with Facedown Records once again to release “I Am”. Due January 26th, 2018; “I Am” serves as the band’s final album. Check out the new song No Love below and Pre-order Here

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Mark K
Mark K
December 1, 2017 3:10 pm

Well, I thought maybe they were done after Finished People, it had been so long. So I guess I’m glad we get one more album. Stinks that it’s another band disappearing. This year I lost Attalus, Worthwhile, Your Memorial and now Sleeping Giant. The truth is a Christian life tends to call for different priorities as musicians age and ministry opportunities change. When I see them get married, build families I think “Well, not too long now till they give up the touring life.” I understand. We’ve got seasons with God in different places and areas of life. I’ll be… Read more »

December 5, 2017 6:00 am

Silent planets garret may have helped with the lyrics considering its 3/4 a silent planet song cause he screams in most the track. However, the lyrics are just a reflection of today’s political landscape. A lot of people pick sides and turn it into a “war”. It’s true that homosexuality is considered a sin in the Bible, but I don’t think this song is claiming they are ok with it but that we should love them (the sinners) as we are all sinners.

December 2, 2017 11:32 pm

How is this liberal? Cause the word homophobic is used? Sleeping giant has always had the same type of lyrics. Tommy since day one wasn’t a typical traditional Christian. I don’t see how he lyrics are liberal. Except maybe the homophobic pet but even than I agree that we shouldn’t be hateful towards others because they are gay. Does that mean to agree with it? No. But pray for them. This song shows that Christians should walk in love as God has called us to.

Phil metalhed
December 2, 2017 7:32 pm

Aparently my coment was del? Just wantd 2 say, that altho im not shokd wit the usage of libturd words thrown into his songs (Its basicaly a “tom project” at this point) now, i wont b getin this+ im disapointd that jd at facedown suports this kinda left wing retoric.

Brandon J.
December 3, 2017 7:54 am
Reply to  Phil metalhed

Well Phil thankfully there is more to life than left wing and right wing politics. Our love for God and that passionate faith most of us share rises well above all the divisiveness and ugliness of the modern political landscape. Frankly I’m tired of following it all and keeping up with the hateful exchanges from all sides. The media really builds up this uncomfortable environment and pits people, family, friends against one another online (especially through social media). It’s nice to have a bit of escapism through music and hopeful substance driven tunes most of which we try to share… Read more »

Phil metalhed
Phil metalhed
December 4, 2017 11:58 pm
Reply to  Brandon J.

Brandog, I agree. Thats xactly my point. Y he wud feel the need 2 include a clear left wing political word that didnt even exist until the 70s like “ho mofobia” is beyond me, especialy wen im sure hes wel aware that most sg fans wud fall unda the conservativ political spectrum, if askd. Thats y im kinda sad that hes hijakd the band+ turnd it into a solo project 2 vet his ideas ova the past few years. Again: im not shokd, since ive seen them live the past few years, but mor surprised that he wud go 2… Read more »

Mark K
Mark K
December 6, 2017 2:04 am
Reply to  Phil metalhed

I would guess Garrett wrote that lyric himself. Here is the weird part for me. Based on what Garrett has said in the past, I’m not sure I agree with him entirely on the issue of homosexuality. I think in some sense I have a notable disagreement. However, in the context of this song I get the lyric line. Those of us living in the public sector, and certainly Garrett and Tommy know by interacting with the non-believing public constantly in ministry settings, that because how the church has publicly reacted to the issue (and yes the media has a… Read more »

Zac Zinn
December 8, 2017 10:15 pm
Reply to  Phil metalhed

Phil, I’m lost here. I’ve listened to sleeping giant’s music for years and all I’ve heard was worship music. Where are there politics in any of their songs?
(I haven’t listened too much to Finished People) however.

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