Slow Salvation "Here We Lie" Releasing August 25th via Velvet Blue Music

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Velvet Blue Music has another exciting artist to announce, and their band name is “Slow Salvation“. A 15sec trailer dropped (View below) which shows the album “Here We Lie” dropping on August 25th through Velvet Blue Music. It sounds ethereal, dreamy, and otherworldly. Serious dreamy-pop, indie noise vibes in the most melodic and sincere of ways. Pre-Order here on the Velvet Blue site and stay tuned for a song soon.

Slow Salvation is the dream pop project composed of Travis Trevisan and Christina Hernandez. In late 2022, Trevisan had been making instrumental dream pop songs when he stumbled upon Hernandez via her project Orion Lake. After hearing her ethereal voice and effortless command of melody, Trevisan knew Hernandez was the missing piece. He sent her an email pitching the collaboration, with a demo of the title track “Here We Lie.” Hernandez, already a fan of Trevisan’s long running shoegaze band Tape Deck Mountain, obliged, and the duo went to work on what would become Slow Salvation’s debut full length. The crosscountry collaboration developed alongside the drumming and percussion of former TDM collaborator Dylan Mandel and was mastered by Simon Scott of Slowdive.

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