We all find that special album, the initial attraction which binds the listener to a band from the get go. For me, that first album “Homecoming” by Craig’s Brother was just that, an alluring piece of work that had me fascinated from day one. Tooth & Nail released this album in 1998, nearly 21 years ago. It wasn’t exactly a “huge” hit but sure did knock us all in the chest with powerful guitar heavy punk rock and harmonies you can’t get out of your head. I hear people say Ted Bond’s vocals are an “acquired” taste but in reality that’s just a cop out for those that don’t necessarily embrace the punk rock aesthetic and listen to similar bands on a daily basis. I’ll smack the next person that lumps Ted Bond and Joey Cape (Lagwagon) into the same sentence. It’s like comparing No Use For a Name and Face To Face, both melodic punk bands but very different in delivery. Craig’s Brother delve deep into their metallic punk rock leanings on this album and come out with something I would call entirely unique for not only it’s time period but just punk rock in general. This song “Who Am I?” was one of many GREAT songs found on Homecoming and one of my personal faves. It’s a song built around that age old question of just “Who Am I?” in the grand scheme of things. Youthful yearning for finding your place in the world (hi Michael W Smith) and carving out that footprint of Faith and action. CB have hit us all hard for over 25 years now and their impact is felt strongly among the underground music scene. They may not sell on a platinum level status but you can easily drop that pop crap of modern day music, pick up some positive melodic punk, put your feet down securely on that skateboard and crank out some ollies to your favorite CB tunes. Thank you Ted & company for creating some of the most enduring punk rock tunes in our modern age filled with questions, love, and most of all Hope. #WhoAmI

Song of The Day: Craig's Brother - Who Am I?
By Brandon J. in Articles, News | 1 Comment
I still remember when I first listened to this album. In 1998 I picked up Songs from the Penalty Box vol. 2 at a local recordstore. “Dear Charlotte” was one of the tracks that immediately caught my attention. So after a couple of weeks I went back to see if they had any other T&N releases. It wasn’t a christian bookstore and they only recently were distributed by Sonic Rendezvous here in the Netherlands, so chances were quite slim. They had Craig’s Brother’s “Homecoming” though! Man, “Insult to Injury” came in hard, and I remember the lyrics were quite a… Read more »