Song of the Day: Mad at the World - All These Questions

By in News, Song of The Day | 1 Comment

Mad at the World went through at least three distinct phases throughout their history, which impressively spans across 4 decades: synth-pop/new wave, hard alternative rock/metal, and retro rock/alternative. We’ve already featured a song from their synth-pop era, and here’s one from their hard alternative phase, but one that interestingly enough hints at their retro phase that would be unleashed in 2 more albums’ time.

Both of the songs I’ve chosen from the Rose brothers have spoken words of encouragement to me when I needed them. Let’s face it: 2020 has largely been crap. Okay, sorry mom, that’s a bit rude. 2020 has been . . . challenging. From transitions that I hoped would happen but didn’t, to changes that none of us saw coming that came anyway, to the dumpster fire that is politics (as an American living in Britain–I get it from both sides of the pond!) it’s sent many of us looking for answers. I find that very often in troubling, distressing times, it’s a song from my youth that helps keep me focused on what’s really important, calling me back to the simpler things. In this case, it’s my faith:

I believe that You care
For this world
And the needs of people everywhere
My faith in Your love is the answer
To all these questions

That’s an important message to bear in mind in such times as these.

It’s hard to choose a favorite album from Mad at the World, for a number of reasons. First, their sound changed so much throughout the years, yet managed to maintain a high level of quality. Second, I enjoyed most of their distinct phases (with the retro era being my least favorite). Nonetheless, Boomerang is certainly a contender for my favorite–or at least top 3.

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October 9, 2020 5:51 am

Boomerang and Seasons Of Love are by far my favorite two Mad At The World albums! Both mean so much to me and have seen me through some hard times as well. I will never forget seeing MATW at Cornerstone ’92 on a hot stormy night under one of the Encore stage tents!

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