Song of the Day: Mike Stand - Footsteps of Love

By in News, Song of The Day | 3 Comments

I don’t know why it took me so long, but recently a very simple thought has helped me out immensely in my spirituality and my walk with Christ. It’s simply this: choose love. That’s it. When I am tempted to sin, choose love instead. When I want to be selfish, choose love. When I want to do something that would only please or elevate myself and not others, choose love.

Mike Stand was singing about it decades ago. And of course, the ultimate trump card here is Jesus himself. The two great commandments are to love God with all we have, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Did you notice the third love sneaking in there too? If I am to love my neighbor as myself, that also assumes that I love myself. See, loving myself isn’t wrong, I just have to keep it in the proper perspective. As I get older, the more the simple concept of choosing love impacts me.

While I loved the raw almost-punk rock of the Altar Boys, Mike’s solo work–though not as ‘hard’–was equally compelling (if not more so), as it was so heartfelt, and challenging in my Christian walk. Taking on a singer-songwriter approach (not too unlike Bob Mould’s work after Husker Du), his songwriting matured and the musical palette was broadened.

In this life we make our choices
Serve ourselves, or walk in the footsteps of love

If you’re looking for a New Year’s resolution, I’ve got a great suggestion . . . choose love.

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Lois Hudson
Lois Hudson
January 1, 2022 7:41 pm

Great song, Mike!

Chris Timby
Chris Timby
December 31, 2021 9:05 am

Have not heard Mike Stand’s music since the early 90’s. Great message in that song and a good vinyl confession with a strong call to action. Thanks. I needed this today.

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