Today’s song of the day comes in the form of some punk-ska from our friends in Michigan based band – The Insyderz. I was a fan of this band dating back to 1997 when I heard their debut full length, “Motor City Ska”. The band released 3 full lengths, 2 worship/praise albums, and this final (?) full length in 2012. The song that meant the most to me and had me spinning it again was “Sinner’s Songbook”. The track features Joe’s (Yerke) gritty yet melodic, vocal delivery alongside the vocals of Reese Roper (Five Iron Frenzy), and Matt Morginsky (OC Supertones). It’s like the ultimate joining of forces with 3 powerful voices and influences. Like if Batman, Iron Man, and the pink power ranger (sorry Reese) all teamed up on one super hero benefit album. It’s a great song full of Truth and is made even better by the uniqueness of these 3 Men and their voices. It’s one of those tug at the heartstrings kind of songs and gets my blood pumping every time I listen. Each of The Insyderz releases like Motor City Ska, Fight Of My Life, Soundtrack to a Revolution, “Sinner’s Songbook”, had that witty humor, tongue in cheek sarcasm, and healthy dose of praise & cheer. It’s crazy to think that the “big 3” as we call them (Five Iron Frenzy, The OC Supertones, and The Insyderz) came up at a time when the music scene was a diverse and vibrant place where punk rockers, rude boys and girls, hardcore kids, metal heads, heck even CCM fans, could all join together as one body of Christ celebrating the good news. These “ska” and “punk” bands were all so different from one another musically but shared this certain hopeful message that resonated with so many people like myself. It was different, unique, and for that time period something undeniably spiritual that you couldn’t help but sing along with no matter where you were. There may never be another “Christian” ska movement like what we experienced in the 90’s and early 00’s but that doesn’t matter and isn’t the point. It is the songs these bands created that continues to resonate with fans and new listeners alike. Old cynics may laugh off these band’s accomplishments or try to diminish their impact on youth at the time but none of it matters when these songs speak for themselves. Oh and for those searching for newer ska bands featuring hopeful lyrics and a great message, may I suggest the bands: October Light and Must Build Jacuzzi.

Song Of The Day: The Insyderz - Sinner's Songbook
By Brandon J. in Articles, News | No Comments
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