A friend and fellow writer here at IVM, Stephen G. Young, has come up with the idea for a Spirit Filled Hardcore shirt. The shirts are being sold for $18 + $4 shipping. He has limited supply so order quick. Pics can be seen below of Wiley Willis (2Minute Minor/The Blamed/October Bird of Death) modeling the shirt, below. Contact Stephen on facebook here for purchase info.

Spirit Filled Hardcore Shirts (and they look sweet!)
By Brandon J. in News | 6 Comments
Thank you so much for posting this and helping keep the scene alive
hey how do i order your spirit filled hardcore shirt… your site says underconstruction in the link to the merch store
This is an old post that you have found. That spirit filled hardcore shirt was made in 2017 but no longer available. Thanks for checking out IVM though.
Lol well what in the name of jesus…… You guys should reproduce more to be available again with the blamed signed to your company. Or just remove that miss leading advertisement.
That wasn’t a misleading advertisement. It is a 4 year old news post and a shirt posted by someone named Stephen Young. Indie Vision Music never sold it or shipped it. Sorry for any confusion. You can find OUR clothing/merch right here though if you want to check it out
I have no xl sizes left and a few large and medium left from this first run of shirts