This is not music news but I think many of you will appreciate this post. Star Wars Episode 8 has now been titled “Star Wars: The Last Jedi“. The film hits theaters on December 15th 2017. Discuss among yourselves. Is “Jedi” plural? Hmmmm…..

Star Wars Episode 8 Gets a Title
By Brandon J. in News | 7 Comments
Really love the title. Simple but vague and seems properly dark too.
Jedi is the the proper plural for the word, but I do this think we will get an answer until December. This could literally be talking about just Luke or and infinite number of Jedi. I love how this title really doesn’t give away a thing….Or maybe it does.
Rad, rad, rad. If the last 2 incarnations are anything to go by then I am stoked on this release!.
Yes! To be honest, I didn’t like “Rogue One” though I was impressed by “The Force Awakens.” This next one should be good.
I liked both, but TFA was basically just A New Hope repackaged for the most part. Still very enjoyable though.
I’ve heard other people say that, but I totally failed to see that when I saw it. Next time I see it I’ll keep it in mind.
My bet it is plural but they probably would have said last of the jedi if there were more. But who knows. I can’t wait for this!!!