We are finishing up 2019 with a BANG! New release from The Blamed is out now, Mainframe “Ties That Bind” on November 9th, Inner 29 “Now and Again, Here” out November 22nd, Heart Like War “Thoughts On This” Ep out Nov/Dec, and the long awaited album from Names Without Numbers out in December. 5 Releases between October and December, that’s pure insanity but we made it happen (somehow). I have a strong passion for independent music and my heart rests with those bands striving to get their voices heard among the rubble of the rock n’ roll scene. Plans for 2020 are up in the air as I prepare for 20th anniversary of Indie Vision Music and try to figure out my next move. I do have plans for another Grandpa Loves Rhinos album next year, and hopefully more from At The Wayside, The Prettybads, and maybe a 20th Anniversary IVM Compilation celebrating our 20th year as a website and label. Stay tuned and make sure to support all of our bands by visiting their social media pages, buying merch, and streaming/downloading their albums on digital networks. Remember, the best way to keep this site afloat is by buying merchandise directly from my Storenvy site (I run it and ship all physical music merch) and bandcamp. You can also buy ts and hoodies from StoreFrontier where I get a small cut of each sale. That’s all for now, enjoy the rest of your day!

The Final Quarter of 2019 Goes Off With a Bang
By Brandon J. in Articles, News | No Comments
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