Tourniquet’s brand new full length effort is now available on all digital networks and bandcamp here. Take a listen to the album below (via bandcamp). Now that the album is officially out, what are your thoughts on this new heavy metal record?

Tourniquet "Gazing at Medusa" Now Available
By Brandon J. in News | 2 Comments
I liked the two songs they released early, and especially enjoyed them more than anything they’ve done in a while. Hoping to get some time to dive into the whole thing this weekend.
This was a plesent surprise 4 me. The album cova+ theme 4 “antiseptic” turnd me off so much , that i ignord em 4 a wile. I gues ther guna b doin the “guest vocalist” thing, insted of getin a perm singa, wich is kinda wierd 4 such an establishd band, but i think it workd out prety gud 4 this album.