I dug this old VHS tape out of the deepest cavern of Pre-Indie Vision Music archives that I could search through. This old tape was converted to digital (Digitized) by a company called imemories out of Arizona. I love their services and they’ve done a tremendous job so far. Anyway, check out this really old concert footage of the bands Unashamed and Strongarm from 1995 at a Church in Capo Beach California (Dana Point) called “Capo Beach Calvary Chapel”. I was 17 years old at the time and holding my parents VHS camcorder. It was a good time from what I remember and these are two of the great Spirit Filled Hardcore bands of the 1990s. I wish I had Focused, Bloodshed, Overcome, and some of the others but sadly I only ventured out with the camcorder a couple times. Watch the video below but keep in mind it’s old and sound isn’t all that great. Enjoy! -Brandon J.

Unashamed and Strongarm Concert Footage from 1995
By Brandon J. in News | 1 Comment
This is so good, thanks for sharing!