We've Lost an Icon--R.I.P. Michael Knott

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The world of Christian music has lost a true icon. Michael Knott was confirmed dead yesterday, March 12th. Knott was a true pioneer in independent Christian music, leading a plethora of bands, dabbling in multiple genres, engaging prolific solo work, in addition to being a visual artist.

Starting in the 1980s, Knott joined existing band Lifesavors, a Southern California power pop/new wave band, but later took leadership of the band. Initially Knott continued the new wave direction, but things took a darker shade in 1987 when he rebranded the outfit LifeSavers Underground and released one of the most influential album our scene ever produced, Shaded Pain. It was the first album on a Christian label to be dabbling in post-punk, goth, and even death rock.

He had hinted at this darker sound with his indie band Idle Lovell. And if the names are getting hard to keep up with, that is a trend that would continue until his death. His band names and collaborations are difficult to count: Idle Lovell (goth/post-punk), Lifesavors/Lifesavers/LifeSavers Underground/L.S.U./L.S. Underground (alternative/new wave/post-punk/goth rock), Mike Knott/Michael Knott (alternative rock/singer-songwriter/indie rock/indie folk), The Aunt Bettys (alternative/punk), Cush (shoegaze/dream pop), Bomb Bay Babies (alternative/power pop/punk), Michael Moret (Italo-disco/techno/dance). And let’s not forget Blonde Vinyl Records, the coolest, hippest indie/alternative label to emerge in the pre-Tooth and Nail days. In fact, it seems unlikely that Tooth & Nail (or so many other chrindie labels) would exist had it not been for Blonde Vinyl.

Michael Knott was a complex character–one that was difficult to be on the fence about. He was conservative in theology, but was always pushing the boundaries, not only musically but in terms of how much one could share about their personal struggles as a high-profile artist. Knott had a fairly public struggle with alcohol, which was reflected occasionally in song lyrics, like “Double” from the critically-acclaimed L.S.U. album Grace Shaker. While some fans found solace in the raw honesty of Knott’s songwriting, others shunned what may have seemed like a compromise with sin. I am not here to take a position on any of those. Rather today, we celebrate the life and art of an influential musician, songwriter, industry figurehead, artist, and ultimately a man who pointed others to Jesus.

(Photo by Jeff Elbel.)

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Pat Nobody
Pat Nobody
March 13, 2024 8:01 pm

So sad… a huge loss for us. He was gifted beyond definition. RIP Mike, see you soon.

Simon M.
Simon M.
March 13, 2024 1:04 pm

Very sad, are real loss!

March 13, 2024 11:45 am

Well said. May he rest in peace, in the arms of the Savior he shared w many. I first met Mike when we were both in high school and he launched into local stardom w Lifesavors. We would go and hear them play around Southern California, and then Idle Lovell. I remember the night at the Golden Bear, and at venues in Hollywood. It was a precious outpouring and revival and Mikes music was an integral part of the teen Christian music scene, which shared the Gospel w so many.

March 13, 2024 7:52 am

Awful news. Was just listening to “Rocket and a Bomb” the other day. Condolences to his family.

March 14, 2024 11:19 am

I, like so many, am absolutely CRUSHED! We knew he hadn’t been in a good place for a few years, but NOBODY, I mean NONE OF US, anticipated THIS! I hope his family and his beautiful daughter receive the outpouring of our Love, our Hearts, our Prayers, our Commitment that his short life will not have been in vain. We will keep him, his music and his beliefs alive, no matter what it takes. Good night, Dear Gentle Man. Peace Be With You.

March 13, 2024 12:34 pm

I haven’t listened to him in a while, but yesterday on a drive I listened to a few hours worth. I guess I must have felt a disturbance. He moved me so much over the past 40 years. RIP.

March 14, 2024 12:23 pm

I first met Michael Knott in 1993 at Inner Seeds Fest in the Atlanta, GA area. Being from Kentucky, all my friends were into everything Knott, whether his solo album or L.S.U. About a week or so before the Inner Seeds festival, a friend and I stopped along the highway where a rather large stone sign set in the hillside read: “Welcome to Knott County”. I had a leather biker jacket on with my friend’s Les Paul guitar slung around my neck and posed in front of the sign in mock rock-star fashion. I presented the polaroid picture to Michael… Read more »

Bob Bright
May 18, 2024 8:07 am

Michael Knott’s best creation was an album called Labor of Love where he wouldn’t list the band members but did sell albums even though no one seems to have the album

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