Wolves At The Gate Drop New Album "Eulogies"

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I am playing catch up this morning for all the news I missed the past few days. Please be patient 😉 Wolves At The Gate just dropped an incredibly powerful and deeply moving new album titled “Eulogies”, on Friday. The album is a signal, a beacon of sorts to call upon fans and friends to join in unison, sharing love among the hopeless. It comes at a perfect time for our broken and very much, hurting world. We are broken, we are wounded, and while it might seem like some of us are out of “hope”, there is an answer and a truth for our brokenness. The pain may seem unbearable at times but but we are calling out… “Eulogies” is a strong album and plays upon the band’s strengths at writing powerful songs that are both melodic and aggressive in nature, filled with an abundance of passion, all the while sharing this unmistakable, haunting beauty that may or may not cause a tear to shed. It has the perfect contrasts between heavy and light. My favorite song is “No Tomorrow” and you can take a listen to it below. Make sure to pick this album up either on physical media, digital purchase, or by streaming on your favorite network.

As I drown in the abyss I’m falling till I
Feel the wings of mercy lift me up and carry me

We are left with silent sorrow, no tomorrow. Lost, unknown
Until You hear me screaming out now for Your love

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March 15, 2022 10:20 am

If you are a fan of heavy music this album is the best and most important! Best- because the songs are that good, most important- because the message slays. I encourage everyone to check it out.

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