Reviews (Alphabetical)
- 1 Girl Nation - 1 Girl Nation
- 12 Stones - Beneath the Scars
- 180 OUT - Black & White
- 180 Out - Send Down Your Love
- 2Minute Minor - Blood On Our Front Stoop
- 2Minute Minor - Goons best friend
- 2Minute Minor - Snake That Ate It's Own Tail
- 7 - Orion Walsh
- 7 Horns 7 Eyes - Throes of Absolution
- 714 - More Than Conquerors
- 7eventh Time Down - Just Say Jesus
- A Billion Ernies "Stop Calling Us Ska"
- A Bright Sky - Reinventing Yourself EP
- A Bullet for Pretty Boy - Revision:Revise
- A Common Goal - Blessings and Battles
- A Current Affair - The Real Devastation
- A Feast For Kings - Hell On Earth
- A Hill To Die Upon - Omens
- A Hope For Home - In Abstraction
- A Hope for Home - Realis
- A Hope For Home - The Everlasting Man
- A Midday Atlantic - The Difference EP
- A Past Unknown - To Those Perishing
- A Past Unknown - Vainglory
- A Plea for Purging - Depravity
- A Plea For Purging - The Life And Death of A Plea For Purging
- A Plea For Purging - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
- A Plea For Purging "A Critique Of Mind And Thought"
- A Plea For Purging "Quick Is The Word Steady Is The Action"
- A Thousand Times Repent - Virtue Has Few Friends
- A Very Special Christmas - Bringing Peace to Earth
- A Wayward Heart - A Wayward Heart EP
- A Wayward Heart - As Sure As Seasons Change
- A Wretched Betrayal - Destroyer
- A.Duff - One Life
- Aaron Gillespie - Anthem Song
- Aaron Gillespie - Echo Your Song EP
- Aaron Shust - Morning Rises
- Aaron Sprinkle - Water & Guns
- Aaron Strumpel - Bright Star
- Aaron Strumpel - Vespers III & IV
- Abandon - Abandon EP
- Abandon - Control
- Abandon Kansas - A Midwest Summer
- Abandon Kansas - Ad Astra Per Aspera
- Abandon Kansas - Alligator
- Abandon Kansas - We're All Going Somewhere
- Abandon Kansas - You Build A Wall, I'll Build A Ladder
- Abandon Kansas "Minutes" ep
- Abandoned Pools - Sublime Currency
- Abandoning Sunday - Rest (Acoustic EP)
- Abated Mass of Flesh - Brutal Death
- Abated Mass of Flesh - Eternal Harvest
- Abel - Lesser Men
- Abel - The Honest Love
- About A Mile - Find Yourself
- Above the Golden State - Above the Golden State
- Above The Golden State - The Golden Rule EP
- Absolved - This One Goes to Seven
- Ace Augustine - The Absolute
- Ace Augustine - The Sick and Suffering
- ActionReaction "3 Is the Magic Number"
- Adam Cappa - The Rescue
- Addison - Closer To Home
- Addison - Gas Money EP
- Addison Road - Stories
- Adeste - In Parables
- Adjy - Prelude (.3333)
- Admiral Twin - The Center of the Universe
- Advantage - Say Your Best, Do Your Worst
- Advent - Naked and Cold
- Advent - Pain & Suffering
- Advent "Remove the Earth"
- Advocate - I'll Be There
- Aeroflop - Daycripple
- Affiance - No Secret Revealed
- After the Anthems - What If the Astronauts Are Lying
- After The Tragedy - The Beautiful Brand New
- Agonal - A Suffering Complete
- Air 1 Presents: Club Awesome Live Tour 2012 - KJ-52, Manafest, 7eventh Time Down
- Air Five - Write My Story
- Air Review - Low Wishes
- Akissforjersey - New Bodies
- AKissForJersey- Victims
- Alakrity - Whatever Happened To Good TV?
- Alex Faith & Dre Murray - Southern Lights: Overexposed (Album / Visual Album)
- Alexander the Great - Circumnavigation EP
- Alexander the Great - Faces Change
- Alive in the Dark - Advent
- All At Risk - s/t
- All But Screaming "Electric Lights"
- All In - Nothing To Lose
- All or Nothing - A City Built On Its Dead
- All Sons and Daughters - All Sons and Daughters
- All Sons And Daughters - Live
- All Sons and Daughters - Season One
- All Sons and Daughters - The Longing EP
- All Things New - All Things New
- All We Have - Freedom Fighters EP
- Alove for Enemies - Resistance
- Altars - Conclusions
- Altars - Opposition
- Amanda Noelle - Beautiful Name EP
- Ambassadors of Shalom - Abdicate Self
- Amen. The Animal - Pray Now Destroyer
- American Arson - A Line in the Sand
- American Arson - Rise & Fall
- American Arson - Sand & Cinder // Tide & Timber
- American Arson - The Blood & The Bones EP
- American Arson - Waymaker EP
- Amohalko - Spark
- Amy Grant - How Mercy Looks From Here
- An Early Ending - Bloodlines
- An Epic, No Less - Echo of Love
- An Epic, No Less - We Are the Echo of Love
- Ana Sapphira - Edge Walker
- Analog Apostles - The Other Side Of The Sea
- Anam Cara - Ready to Live
- Anathallo "Floating World"
- Anberlin - Cities
- Anberlin - Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place
- Anberlin - Devotion
- Anberlin - Lost Songs
- Anberlin - New Surrender
- Anberlin - Vital
- Anchor & Braille - Songs for the Late Night Drive Home
- Anchor & Braille - The Quiet Life
- Anchor & Braille - Felt
- And By Love - Patience EP
- And By Love - Self Titled EP
- And Then There Was You - And Then There Was You
- And Then There Were None - Who Speaks For Planet Earth?
- Andrew Hedlin - Downstairs
- Andrew Peterson - Light For The Lost Boy
- Andrew Peterson - The Lost Boy Sampler
- Andy Cherry - Nothing Left To Fear
- Andy Hunter - Collide
- Andy Hunter - Colour
- Andy Hunter - Presence, Vol. 2
- Andy Mineo - Never Land
- Andy Needham Band - Lifted High
- Andy Squyres - Poet Priest
- Angel 7 - Black And White
- Anima Mortuum - Morbid Temple
- Animal Giant - The Glory EP
- Anthem Lights - Anthem Lights Acoustic Sessions EP
- Anthem Lights - You Have My Heart
- Antivenom - Sacred Funeral
- Apartment 5 - Apartment 5
- ApathyEdge - Balloons EP
- Archabald - Carcosa
- Archabald - Relativity
- Ark of the Covenant - Self Harvest
- Arkeo - Of Clive and Malcolm
- Armath Sargon - Cyberian Inner Death
- Army Of Me - Citizen
- Army Of Me - Make Yourself Naked
- Arthur - Watch the Years Crawl By
- Arthur Alligood - One Silver Needle
- Artifex Pereo - Time In Place
- As Bold As Lions - Martyr
- As Bold As Lions - s/t EP
- As Cities Burn - Hell or High Water
- As Cities Burn - Hell or High Water
- As Cities Burn, "Come Now Sleep"
- As Hell Retreats - Revival
- As I Lay Dying - An Ocean Between Us
- As I Lay Dying - Awakened
- As I Lay Dying - Decas
- As I Lay Dying - The Powerless Rise
- As They Sleep - Dynasty
- Ascend The Hill - Hymns: Take The World, But Give Me Jesus
- Ascend the Hill - O Ransomed Son
- Ascend The Hill - s/t
- Ascendant - The Alteration
- Ascending King - Funeral of the Species
- Ashes Ashes - Aries
- Ashes Remain - Christmas EP
- Ashtree - Rescue the Light
- Asleep in the Light - Asleep in the Light
- At the Wayside - At the Wayside
- Atombender - Wait of the World
- Atrocities - Demo
- Attaboy - Motion Toward the Miles
- Attaboy - Shout
- Attalus - Gospel Hymns Vol. 1
- Attalus - Into The Sea
- Attalus - Post Tenebras Lux
- Attalus - The Greater Tide EP
- Auburn - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
- Audio Adrenaline - Big House To Ocean Floor
- Audio Adrenaline - Kings And Queens
- Audrey Assad - Death, Be Not Proud EP
- Audrey Assad - Fortunate Fall
- Audrey Assad - Heart
- August Burns Red - Constellations
- August Burns Red - Home
- August Burns Red - Leveler
- August Burns Red - Lost Messengers: The Outtakes
- August Burns Red - Rescue and Restore
- August Burns Red "Thrill Seeker"
- August Burns Red- "Messengers"
- August Rain - Sanctuary EP
- Austin Archer - Venture To Breathe EP
- Austrian Death Machine - Jingle All The Way
- Author - Is It Far Or Is It Close
- autumnboy - ghost of a broken record
- Avery Pkwy - You Have the Roadmap
- Awake! Awake! - Bittersweet Horizon
- Awake! Awake! - Future Fire
- Awake! Awake! - We've Been Strangers
- Awaken, North Wind! - Doubt
- B Is Bridgie - 500 Words EP
- B. Cooper - While The City Sleeps EP
- Backdrop: What's Next?
- BadEnders - Driving
- Bare Branches - Haunts
- Bareheart - In the Mo(u)rning
- Baretta May - Signals Vol. 1
- Beautiful Eulogy - Instruments of Mercy
- Beautiful Eulogy - Satellite Kite
- Beautiful Eulogy - Worthy
- Bebo Norman - Lights of Distant Cities
- Becoming Saints - Oh, The Suffering
- Becoming The Archetype - Celestial Completion
- Becoming the Archetype - Celestial Progression
- Becoming The Archetype - Dichotomy
- Becoming The Archetype - I Am
- Before Their Eyes - Self Titled
- Before Their Eyes - The Dawn of My Death
- Before Their Eyes - Untouchable
- Before There Was Rosalyn - The Fuhrer: An Allegory of a History of Deception
- Before We Forget - L.T.D.
- Behold the Branch - Oh To Love You More
- Behold The Kingdom - The Eyes Of The Wicked Will Fail
- Being As An Ocean - Dear G-d...
- Bekah Wagner - The Blameless EP
- Beleaf - Red Pills + Black Sugar
- Bella Vita - Flight Patterns EP
- Bellarive - Before There Was
- Bellarive - The Being Human Project...Start Listening EP
- Bellarive - The Heartbeat
- Belle Epoque - Disillusions of Man
- Beloved (US) - Failure On (VINYL)
- Ben Cantelon - Everything In Colour
- Benjamin Daniel - Home Enough for Now
- Benjamin Daniel - The Rain Falls Sideways
- Benjamin Dunn and the Animal Orchestra- Fable
- Benjamin James - Change is Everything
- Berea - Empty Vessels (EP)
- Bernard - A View Beyond a Cave
- Besides Daniel - The Clay, the Seed, the Stone
- Besieged - Atlantis
- Beta State - #Friendship
- Beth Hazel Farris - EP No. 1
- Bethany Dillon - To Those Who Wait EP
- Bethel Live - For the Sake of the World
- Bethel Live - You Make Me Brave
- Bethel Music - The Loft Sessions
- Bethel Music - Tides
- Bethel Music - Without Words
- Between the Trees - The Story and the Song
- Beware the Neverending - Times of War
- Big Daddy Weave - Love Come To Life
- Big Daddy Weave - Love Come To Life: Redeemed Edition
- Bigfoot Wallace - Malleable
- Bigfoot Wallace - Songs for the Larva
- Bill Mallonee & The Big Sky Ramblers - Lands & Peoples
- Bison - Quill
- Bjéar - Bjéar
- Black Pages - Where It Gets You EP
- Blake Goss - Love Has Spoken
- Blank Books - EP1
- Blank Page Empire - Sinners, Thieves and Beggars
- Blank Page Empire - Sleeping Sound EP
- Blaster The Rocket Man/Destroy Nate Allen - Split 7"
- Blessed By A Broken Heart - Feel The Power
- blessthefall - Witness
- Blindside - With Shivering Hearts We Wait
- Blood and Water - Blood and Water
- Blood and Water - In Character
- Blood of the Martyrs - Completionist
- Bloodlined Calligraphy - Ypsilanti
- Bloodsport - Blackest Darkness
- Bluetree - Greater Things
- Bluetree - Kingdom
- Bodies Awake - The Great Renovation
- Bosc - EP
- BoughtXBlood - Restoration EP
- Bradley Hathaway - A Thousand Angry Panthers
- Bradley Hathaway - How Long
- Brady Toops - Brady Toops
- Bram Cools - We Are Civilised!?
- Brandon Heath - Blue Mountain
- Brandon Heath - Christmas Is Here
- Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes [The Acoustic Sessions EP]
- Brandon Michael Williams and Seth Andrew Hecox - All Folked Up
- Brandon Michael Williams presents The Brandonborg Concertos
- Brave Saint Saturn - Anti-Meridian
- Brave Season - Foreigners
- Bread of Stone - Letting Go
- Bread of Stone - The Real Life
- Bread Of Stone - The Real Life
- Breakaway - Warrior
- Brendan Moss - Your Face Is Glowing
- Brenton Brown - God My Rock
- Brett Younker - Come To The Water
- Brett Younker - Come to the Water Remix EP Single
- Brian Weaver - Let Love In
- Bring the Arsenal - Brevity
- Bring The Arsenal - EP Is For Epic
- Britt Nicole - Gold
- Brittany Hargest - Love All The Way
- Brooke Fraser - Flags
- Brooke Waggoner - Originator
- Brothers Martin "The Brothers Martin"
- Buck Barnabas - Hidden Agendas (Mixtape)
- Building 429 - Give Me Jesus (Live from Winter Jam) EP
- Building 429 - Iris to Iris
- Building 429 - We Won't Be Shaken
- Burden Of A Day - Blessed Be Our Ever After
- Burden of a Day - OneOneThousand
- Burden of a Day - Pilots and Paper Planes
- Burgundy Road - When I'm With You
- Burning Tree Project - Time and Color
- Burning Tree Project - Time and Color EP
- Caldwell - Accidental Renovation
- Call to Preserve - Life of Defiance
- Call To Preserve - Unsinkable
- Call To Preserve - Validation
- Called to Arms - Peril and the Patient
- Calling Jonah - Eden
- Calling Out Closer - Spaces
- Calling Out Closer - Stars And Broken Hearts
- Calling Out Closer - The Parallel EP
- Cally Delorme - Song of the Sparrow
- Camaria - Something To Believe In
- Cannonhands - Lovely Things
- Canon - Loose Canon Vol. 2
- Canopy Red - Wake Up
- Canterbury Effect - We Are All Dogs
- Capital Kings - Capital Kings
- Capital Lights - Rhythm 'N' Moves
- Capital Lights - This is an Outrage!
- Captain the Sky - Butterfly Effect
- Captain the Sky - Lions & Foxes (Deluxe)
- Careo - Liars
- Carlos Whittaker - Fight
- Carman - Anthems Of A Champion
- Caroline Cobb - The Blood + The Breath
- Carrollhood - Afraid
- Carrollton - Breathe In Deep EP
- Carrying the Fire - Passed On
- Casey Darnell - Casey Darnell
- Casey Darnell - Coming Alive: The B Side Remixes
- Casting Crowns - Come To The Well
- Casting Crowns - The Acoustic Sessions Vol. 1
- Casting Crowns - Thrive
- Cathy Crescendo - The Bright Branching
- Century Sleeper - Awaken
- Chandelle - The Casualties of Casual
- Chandelle - The Cold That Keeps You Alive EP
- Chapter 14 - Like Trees In November
- Charlie Hall - The Death of Death
- Charlie Peacock - No Man's Land
- Chase Tremaine - Accidental Days
- Chase Tremaine - Development and Compromise
- Chase Tremaine - Unfall
- Chasing Eden - The Dying Place
- Chasing Light - I AM
- Chasing Victory - Friends, Vol. 1
- Chayah Miranda - No Other Way
- Child Like Faith - s/t
- Children 18:3 - Children 18:3
- Children 18:3 - On The Run
- Children 18:3 - Rain's a Comin'
- Children of Wrath - No Flesh Spared
- Choirs Of Veritas – I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life
- Chris August - The Upside Of Down
- Chris Bernstorf - It's All Joy
- Chris Bernstorf - Move
- Chris Sligh - For Our God And King
- Chris Tomlin - Burning Lights
- Chris Tomlin - How Great is Our God: The Essential Collection
- Chris Tomlin - Love Ran Red
- Christ's Sake - Christ's Sake
- Christafari - Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival
- Christine D'Clario - Deeper
- Christmas: Joy to the World - Various Artists
- Christmastime All Year EP - Various Artists
- Christy Nockels - Into the Glorious
- Cicero - You Can't Outrun Your Mouth
- Citizen Way - Love Is The Evidence
- Citizens - Citizens
- Citizens - Repeat the Sounding Joy
- City Harbor - City Harbor
- City Harbor - Come However You Are EP
- City of Snow - True Reason
- Civil Parish - Abolition's Well
- Civilian - You Wouldn't Believe What Privilege Costs
- Clear Convictions - A Past That Attempts to Define Me
- Clear Convictions - The Mystery Of Iniquity
- Clemency - Vapors
- Close Your Eyes - Empty Hands & Heavy Hearts
- Close Your Eyes - Line in the Sand
- Close Your Eyes - We Will Overcome
- Cloud City - Everything Is Getting Colder
- Coia - The Friction
- Cold Comfort - Join or Die EP
- Cold Comfort - Year of the Crow
- Colliding by Design - Acceptance
- Colony House - When I Was Younger
- Colossus - Badlands
- Colossus - Time and Eternal
- Colours - Ivory
- Colours - Skin and Bones E.P.
- Colton Dixon - A Messenger
- Come & Rest - Royal Blood
- Come and Rest - Blacklist
- Come What May - Strange Dialect
- Come Wind - Wanderer O' Wanderer
- Common Yet Forbidden - Struggle
- Community - All For Love, All For The Gospel
- Comrades - Lone / Grey
- Comrades - Safekeeper
- Concert Review: Brand New, Colour Revolt
- Concert Review: Copeland, The Hush Sound, Daphne Loves Derby
- Concert Review: Emery, As Cities Burn, Cry of the Afflicted
- Concert Review: Fireflight, Abandon, and Seven Layer Soul
- Concert Review: Manchester Orchestra, The Features
- Confide - All is Calm
- Constant Recourse - Remain
- Constella - s/t
- Continuance - Carry Ourselves
- Cool Hand Luke - Cora
- Cool Hand Luke - The Fires of Life
- Cool Hand Luke - The Sleeping House
- Coolfield - The Minimalist EP
- coopertheband - Kingdoms
- Coopertheband - Kings
- Copeland - Eat, Sleep, Repeat
- Copeland - Ixora
- Copeland - You Are My Sunshine
- Copperlily - Copperlily
- Copperlily - Love is a Legend
- Corey Crowder - Gold and the Sand
- Cornerstone Festival 2011 - Part 1
- Cornerstone Festival 2011 - Part 2
- Cornerstone Festival 2011 - Part 3
- Corpus Christi - A Feast For Crows
- Corpus Christi - The Darker Shades of White
- Cory Breth - Wide Awake
- Cory Lamb - Safe In Your Arms EP
- Craig's Brother - Easily Won, Rarely Deserved
- Craig's Brother - The Insidious Lie
- Crave - Crave
- Creations - Ruined EP
- Creations - The Gospel
- Crowder - iTunes Session
- Cruentis - Alpha and Omega
- Curbsquirrels - We Wish We Knew How To Quit This
- Dalton - Taste The Sky
- Dan & Lauren Smith - The Revive Project
- Dan Bremnes - Light My Way
- Danen Kane - Flesh and Soul
- Dangerous Minds - Blood Diamonds
- Daniel Bashta - The Invisible
- Daniel Markham - Burnout
- Danielson - Best of Gloucester County
- Danielson - Trying Hartz
- Dara Maclean - Bethlehem Skies EP
- Dara Maclean - Wanted
- Darkness Divided - Written In Blood
- Darkroom - A Curious Excavation
- Darkroom - Stay Here With Me (For Better or for Worse)
- Darlene Zschech - Revealing Jesus
- Dave Barnes - Stories To Tell
- Dave Barnes @ The Soiled Dove Underground; Denver, CO
- Dave Hunt - You're The Light EP
- Dave Ian - Vintage Christmas Wonderland
- David Crowder Band - All This For a King: The Essential Collection
- David Crowder Band - Give Us Rest
- David Crowder Band - Live at the Golden Dome (Feb. 21, 2008)
- David Crowder Band - Remedy
- David Thulin - Reconstruction 2.1
- Davy Jones' Locker - Schizophrenia, The Dance Machine
- Day of Fire - Cut and Move
- Day of Fire - Losing All
- Day Of My Escape - The Buried Life
- Day of Vengeance - Crutchless
- Day of Vengeance - He Who Has Ears
- Day of Vengeance - Star Breather
- Days Divide - Aurora
- Dear Future - Can't Wait Any Longer
- Dear Lovely - Jerusalem
- Deas Vail - All the Houses Look the Same
- Deas Vail - Self-Titled
- Deas Vail - White Lights EP
- Death is Not Welcome Here - Death Is Not Welcome Here EP
- Death Is Not Welcome Here - Freedom for the Broken
- Death Is Not Welcome Here - Revelations EP
- Death Is Not Wild And Terrible - Self-Titled
- Death Requisite - Revisitation
- Death Therapy - "Voices"
- Death Therapy - The Storm Before the Calm
- Deathbreaker - Disconnect
- Debra Arlyn - Heartbeat
- Debtor - Bloodseeds
- Debtor - Deliverance
- DecembeRadio - Satisfied
- DecembeRadio - Self Titled
- Declaration AD - I Can't Ignore
- Declaration AD - I Can't Ignore
- Declaration AD - Voices
- Decyfer Down - End of Grey
- Decyfer Down - The Other Side Of Darkness
- Delay Trees - Soft Construction EP
- Delirious? - My Soul Sings DVD/CD
- Deliverance - Hear What I Say!
- Deluge - Swell
- Demise Of Eros - Neither Storm...
- Demon Hunter - Extremist
- Demon Hunter - Outlive
- Demon Hunter - Peace
- Demon Hunter - Storm the Gates of Hell
- Demon Hunter - The World Is A Thorn
- Demon Hunter - True Defiance
- Demon Hunter - War
- Denison Witmer - The Ones Who Wait
- DENS - No Small Tempest
- DENS - Taming Tongues
- Dependency - Convicted EP
- Derek Minor - Empire
- Derek Webb - I Was Wrong, I'm Sorry & I Love You
- Derek Webb - Mockingbird
- Derek Webb - Stockholm Syndrome
- Derek Webb - The Ringing Bell
- Desert Neighbor - I Haven't Always Been Like This
- Desiring Dead Flesh - That Suuck'd
- Desperation Band - Center Of It All
- Desperation Band - Update:Live
- Despite My Pride - Cold Blood/Simple Math EP
- Destroy Nate Allen - Awake O' Sleeper
- Destroy Nate Allen - Perfect Recipe for a Smile
- Destroy Nate Allen - Until My Ankle's Better
- Destroy Nate Allen - With Our Powers Combined
- Destroy the Runner - I, Lucifer
- Destroy The Runner - Saints
- Destroy the Runner - Void
- Deuteronomium - From The Midst Of Battle
- Devin Shelton - Life & Death
- Dignan - Cheaters & Thieves
- Dinner and a Suit - Stay
- Dinner and a Suit - Too Late EP
- DIRE - Depths
- Dire - Volume 1
- Disciple - Attack
- Disciple - Horseshoes & Handgrenades
- Disciple - O God Save Us All
- Disciple - Southern Hospitality
- Distal - Tomorrow May
- Divide the Sea - Man
- Divided By Friday - Holy Nights and Snowball Fights
- Divided by Friday - Prove It (Ep)
- Divided By Friday - s/t
- Divided By Friday - Too Legit EP
- Divulgence - Future Seed
- Dizmas - Dizmas
- Dizmas - Tension
- Do What You Want Tour
- Domestic Terminal - I Could See Midnight Sky
- Dominic Balli - American Dream
- Don't Wake Aislin - Don't Wake Aislin
- Dorean Lives - A Cold Fire From the One I Loved
- Drew Holcomb And The Neighbors - Medicine
- Duister Maanlicht / Kärv - Split
- Dustin Kensrue - Carry the Fire
- Dustin Kensrue - The Good Night Is Still Everywhere
- Dustin Kensrue- Please Come Home
- Dylan Case White - Remind Me Your Name
- Dynasty - Beyond Measure
- Dynasty - Truer Living With A Youthful Vengeance
- Dystopian Futures - The Tyranny of Things
- Eager Seas - Mine As Well
- Earth Groans - Renovate
- Easter Teeth - Shake Hands With Danger
- Ed Kowalczyk - Alive
- Eddie Kirkland - Kings & Queens
- Edison Glass - Time is Fiction
- Eisley - Currents
- Eisley - Deep Space ep
- Eisley - The Valley
- Elevation Worship - Nothing Is Wasted
- Elevation Worship - Nothing is Wasted EP
- Eleventyseven - Adventures In Eville
- Eleventyseven - And the Land of Fake Believe
- Eleventyseven - Attack of the Mountain Medley
- Eleventyseven - Galactic Conquest
- Eleventyseven - Rad Science
- Eleventyseven - The Quota EP
- ElisaRay - All Creatures
- Elizabeth South - Do It Afraid
- Elizabeth South - I Love You
- Elizabeth South - Just a Prayer Away EP
- Ellie Holcomb - As Sure As The Sun
- Ellie Holcomb - With You Now EP
- Embers In Ashes - Outsiders
- Embers In Ashes - Sorrow Scars EP
- Embers of Brave - Pre-Production Demo EP
- Emery - ...In Shallow Seas We Sail
- Emery - Eve
- Emery - We Do What We Want
- Emery - While Broken Hearts Prevail
- Emery - White Line Fever
- Emery - You Were Never Alone
- Emery- "I'm Only A Man"
- Empire Nation - Closer
- Encomium - The Day Love Came
- Endeavor / Servants - Split
- Endeverance - Serenade of Lost Hearts
- Enlou - Body of Friends, Body of Water
- Enlow - The Recovery
- Erika Soto - Wonderfully Made
- Essentials - Trials
- Esterlyn - Call Out
- Esterlyn - Lamps
- Esterlyn - Mending the Meaning (Acoustic EP)
- Esterlyn - Woven
- Evan Craft - Giants
- Evan Wickham - Make Us One
- Even the Dogs - They'll Never See It Coming
- Ever Stays Red - On the Brink of It All
- Everett - Destination EP
- Everfound - Anticipation EP
- Everfound - Colorful Alibis And Scandalous Smiles
- Everfound - Dawn In Our Eyes
- Everfound - Everfound
- Everlife - At The End Of Everything
- Every Knee Shall Bow - Slayers of Eden
- Every Knee Shall Bow - Weary Warrior
- Every Man For Himself - Te Pae Mahutonga - The Southern Cross
- Every New Day - Even In The Darkest Places
- Everyday Sunday - A New Beginning EP
- Everyday Sunday - Wake Up! Wake Up!
- Everything In Slow Motion - Influence
- Everything in Slow Motion - Laid Low
- Everything in Slow Motion - Phoenix
- Evoka - Cries From The Castlegate Empire
- Exit the Ordinary - Exit the Ordinary
- Exiting The Fall - Bloodline
- Exiting the Fall - Windchaser
- Extol - Self Titled
- Eyes - Eyes EP
- Eyes of Eli - Eyes Of Eli
- Eyes of Eli - Ignite EP
- Face Your Giants - Demo
- Facedown Records - Something Worth Fighting For
- Failingravity - Tainted
- Fair - Best Worst Case Scenario
- Fair - Disappearing World
- Fairgreen - When You Come Back Home
- Fairweather Fan - The Ghost of Honesty
- Faith Factor - Against A Darkened Sky
- Faithful Unto Death - Give Up, Grow Old
- Falling Up - Falling Up
- Falling Up - Fangs
- Falling Up - Hours
- Falling Up - Midnight On Earthship
- Falling Up - Your Sparkling Death Cometh
- Falling Up- "Captiva"
- Fallstar - Backdraft
- Fallstar - Reconciler, Refiner, Igniter
- False Idle - California Or Bust EP
- False Idle - Hymns Of Punk Rock Praise
- False Idle - Threat
- Families / Kevin Schlereth - Split
- Family Force 5 - Business Up Front, Party In The Back
- Family Force 5 - Christmas Pageant
- Family Force 5 - Dance Or Die
- Family Force 5 - Dance Or Die With A Vengeance
- Family Force 5 "Business Up Front...(Diamond Edition)"
- Far-Less - A Toast to Bad Taste
- Farewell Flight - Sound. Color. Motion.
- Fellow - Fellow EP
- Fepeste - What You Don't Know
- Festival Review: Purple Door 2006
- FFH - The Way We Worship
- FFH - Wide Open Spaces
- Fiction Family - Fiction Family
- Fielding - Our Side Is an Ocean
- Fight the Fade - What We Know
- Fighting Jacks - Decade
- Fike - The Moment We've Been Waiting For
- Final Surrender - Nothing But Void
- Finchley - Walking with Angels EP
- Finding Favour - Finding Favour EP
- Finding Iris - We the Moon
- Fireflight - For Those Who Wait
- Fireflight - INNOVA
- Fireflight - Now
- Fireflight - The Healing of Harms
- Fireflight - Unbreakable
- Fires Of Babylon - Fires Of Babylon
- Fish Fest: The O.C. Supertones, Thousand Foot Krutch, Tyrone Wells, Run Kid Run
- Fit For A King - Creation/Destruction
- Fit For A King - Dark Skies
- Fit For A King - Deathgrip
- Fit For A King - Descendants (Redux)
- Fit For A King - Slave to Nothing
- Five Iron Frenzy - Engine of a Million Plots
- Five Iron Frenzy - The Rise and Fall of Five Iron Frenzy DVD
- Fixed til Tuesday (I Am Terrified) - Aww Son EP
- Flactorophia - Redemption of the Flesh
- Flame - The 6th
- Flashlight Party - Wreaths_
- Flatfoot 56 - Black Thorn
- Flatfoot 56 - Knuckles Up
- Flatfoot 56 - Odd Boat
- Flee the Seen - Doubt Becomes the New Addiction
- Fleshkiller - Awaken
- Flyleaf - Between the Stars
- Flyleaf - Who We Are
- Flynn - Forever And Ever Amen
- FM Static - Critically Ashamed
- FM Static - Dear Diary
- For a Season- Covers EP
- For All Eternity - Beyond the Gates
- For All Eternity - The Will to Rebuild
- For All Those Sleeping - s/t
- For King and Country - Crave
- for KING AND COUNTRY - Hope is What We Crave (DVD/CD)
- for KING AND COUNTRY - Into the Silent Night EP
- For Today - "Ekklesia"
- For Today - Breaker
- For Today - Fight the Silence
- For Today - Immortal
- For Today - Portraits
- For Today - Prevailer Ep
- ForChristSake - Death Is But A Breath Away
- Forever Changed "Chapters"
- Foreverlin - Long Lost
- Foreverlin - Still After
- Forevermore - Telos
- Forfeit Thee Untrue - Blood Soaked Splinter
- Former Ruins - Large Startling
- Former Ruins - No Creature Is Hidden
- Francesca Battistelli - Christmas
- Francesca Battistelli - Hundred More Years: Deluxe Edition
- Francesca Battistelli - If We're Honest (Deluxe Edition)
- Frank Schweikhardt - Life But No More
- Freaked! A Gotee Tribute to DC Talk
- Friends with Microphones Compilation
- From Beginning to End - In the Beginning...
- From Small Seeds Come Giant Trees - DENS
- From The Eyes of Servants - Change The World
- From The Eyes of Servants - From The Eyes of Servants EP
- Further Seems Forever - Hope This Finds You Well
- Further Seems Forever - How to Start a Fire (VINYL)
- Further Seems Forever "Farewell Show 2006"
- Future - Endure
- Future Ghosts - Oh Great City EP
- Future Of Forestry - Advent Christmas EP: Volume 2
- Future of Forestry - The Piano & Strings Sessions
- Future of Forestry - Travel (EP)
- Future of Forestry - Travel III
- Future of Forestry "Twilight"
- Gabi DiPace - Bring Me Back To Wonder EP
- Gaffer Project - Slowknife: A Study of Fear
- Garden - Golden Sails
- Gardienne - Walking Trees EP
- Gasoline Heart - You Know Who You Are
- Gateway Worship - Forever Yours
- Gayle Skidmore - Sleeping Bear
- Geology - The Neighboring Sea EP
- Ghost Ship - The Good King
- Ghostree - Ghostree EP
- Gideon - Calloused
- Gideon - Cold
- Gideon - Costs
- Ginny Owens - Get In, I'm Drivin'
- Glass Age - Bloom
- Glen Galaxy - Thank You
- Glowhouse - RIVAL
- Gnashing of Teeth - Walking the Appian Way
- God - God II: Jesus Christ - The Origin, The Life, Death & Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
- God's Servant – Simple Love
- Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh - GFM Acoustic
- Golden Resurrection - Man With A Mission
- Good Luck Varsity - The Road/The Rail/The Wreckage
- Good Saint Nathanael - Hide No Truth
- Goodnight Caulfield - The Masquerade
- Goodnight Caulfield - The Masquerade
- Goodnight Wednesday - The American Nightmare
- Gorilla Warfare - The Battlefields
- Gr8frt - Half Life Carbon Fourteen
- Gr8frt - I Am Alive Today, Because You Believed In Me
- Grant Norsworthy - Resident Alien
- Grave Robber - Escaping the Grave
- Grave Robber - Exhumed
- Grave Robber - You're All Gonna Die!
- Great Awakening - Cities
- Great Awakening - Songs in Secret
- Great Awakening - Songs in Secret
- Great Forest - Me & My Friends
- Greeley Estates - The Death of Greeley Estates
- Greeley Estates - The Narrow Road
- Green River Ordinance - Under Fire
- Green River Ordinance- Kicking Up Dust Tour
- Grits - Reiterate
- Group 1 Crew - Fearless
- Guest Review: Good Saint Nathanael - I Write the Songs I Need (submitted by Brian A. Smith)
- Gungor - I Am Mountain
- Gwen Stacy - A Dialogue
- Hadwynn - Monuments
- Half Life 2 The Orange Box
- Hallowell - Hallowell
- Hand Drawn Mountains - Old Fires
- Hand Of Fire - Nuclear Sunrise
- Hands - Creator
- Hands - Give Me Rest
- Hands - New Heaven/New Earth
- Hands - The Sounds of Earth
- Hannah Rose - Hannah Rose
- Harbor & Home- Dark Days
- Harmony - Chapter II : Aftermath
- Harp & Lyre - Tribes
- Haste The Day - Attack of the Wolf King
- Haste the Day - Coward
- Haste the Day - Dreamer
- Haste the Day - Haste the Day vs. Haste the Day
- Haste The Day "Pressure The Hinges"
- Haste the Day Farewell Tour - Show Recap
- Hawk Nelson - Crazy Love (Plus The Light Sides)
- Hawk Nelson - Live Life Loud
- Hawk Nelson - Made
- Hawk Nelson - Smile It's the End of the World
- Hawk Nelson ".....Is My Friend"
- Hawkins and Silver - Pizza 'n Skateboards EP
- Hazel and Vine - All Together Now
- HB - Frozen Inside
- He Is Legend - Suck Out the Poison
- Hearts In Stereo - A Tale Of Two Worlds
- Hearts In Stereo - In The Shadows Of Giants
- Hearts In Stereo - The 9-5 EP
- Hearts Like Lions - If I Never Speak Again
- Hearts Like Lions - These Hands
- Hearts Of Saints - For All Of Us
- Heath McNease - Be Clean Again
- Heath McNease - The Weight of Glory: Songs Inspired by the Works of C. S. Lewis
- Heather Clark - Overcome
- Heather Schnoor - This One's For You
- Heather Williams - This Time Around
- Heaven's Force - Aggressive Angel
- Here's My Chance - Through The Towns
- Hillary McBride - Brave
- Hillsong - We Have a Saviour
- Hillsong Chapel - Forever Reign
- Hillsong Live - Cornerstone
- Hillsong Live - Cornerstone EP
- Hillsong LIVE - Glorious Ruins
- Hillsong United - Aftermath
- Hillsong United - Aftermath: Live in Miami
- Hillsong UNITED - Oceans EP
- Hillsong United - The White Album
- Hillsong UNITED - ZION
- Hillsong UNITED - ZION: Acoustic Sessions
- Hillsong Young and Free - We Are Young and Free
- Hippos of Doom - Road Trip EP
- Holding Onto Hope - Of The Sea
- Holly Spears - Heartache to Hope
- Holly Starr - Focus
- Home is Calling - Evening Lights
- Homeless J - Three Seconds to Gaze
- Honest Abe - Someone Punch Abel
- Hooray for Love - Hooray for Love EP
- Hope for the Dying - Aletheia
- Hope for the Dying - Dissimulation
- Hope For The Dying - Hope For The Dying
- Hope/Well - The Danger of Falling
- Hopeless Passion - Everything You Ever Wanted
- Horizons Fall - Love Is Key
- Hostile Array - Hostile Array
- Hotel Books - Equivalency
- House of Heroes - Cold Hard Want
- House of Heroes - Hark! The House of Heroes Sing
- House Of Heroes - Presents The Christmas Classics
- House of Heroes - Smoke EP
- House of Heroes - Suburba
- House of Heroes - The End Is Not the End
- House of Heroes - The End Is Not The End
- Household - With or Without
- Hrada - Mirrorland
- Humble Feet
- Hundred Year Storm - Hello From The Children Of Planet Earth
- Hundred Year Storm - The Future Belong To The Brave
- Hundredth - Let Go
- Hundredth - When Will We Surrender
- Huntingtons - Muerto, Carcel o Rocanroll
- Husband&wife - Proud Flesh
- Hyland - Finding Our Way
- Hyland - Weights & Measures
- Hymns From Nineveh - Endurance in Christmas Time
- I Am Alpha and Omega - The Roar and the Whisper
- I Am Alpha And Omega - The War I Wage EP
- I Am Empire - Kings
- I Am Empire - s/t
- I Am History - Visions
- I Am Not I Am - Dear God, We Must Return Fire
- I Am Terrified - I Am Terrified EP
- I Anthem - Not Afraid, Not Alone
- I Anthem - The Things Our Eyes Can't See
- I Built The Cross - Banish The Disconnect
- I Built The Cross - Bridging The Gap Between Mind And Heart
- I Cry Wolfe - Adequate
- I Still Dream - The Ghost EP
- I The Breather - Truth & Purpose
- I The Breather - Truth & Purpose
- I, The Breather - These Are My Sins
- Ian McIntosh - Alive
- Icon For Hire - Scripted
- Immortal Souls - IV: The Requiem for the Art of Death
- Immortal Souls "Wintereich"
- Impending Doom - Baptized in Filth
- Impending Doom - the Serpent Servant
- Impending Doom - The Sin & Doom Of Godless Men
- Impending Doom - There Will Be Violence
- Impending Doom "Nailed. Dead. Risen"
- In The Midst Of Lions - Out Of Darkness
- In The Midst of Lions - The Heart of Man
- In the Verse - Transformer
- Incrave - Dead End
- Inhale Exhale - Bury Me Alive
- Inhale Exhale - Movement
- Inhale Exhale- I Swear...
- Inked In Blood "Sometimes We Are Beautiful"
- Inlow - Prayers EP
- Inlow - s/t EP
- Introducing Off Road Minivan, Plus EP review, PLUS Music Video
- Irela - Irela EP
- Iron Sharpens Iron - Beware the Wolves EP
- Ironwill - Unturned
- Ischus - Blessed Assurance
- ISF - Feel. Kill. Conceal. Reveal.
- Israel and the New Breed - Jesus At The Center
- Istra - The Verdict
- Ives The Band - The Incredible Story of Mr. Birch
- Ivoryline - There Came A Lion
- Ivoryline - Vessels
- J Lind - The Land of Canaan
- J'espere - Live As Loud As You Can
- Jaci Velasquez - Diamond
- Jacob Goins - A Spring May Well Up
- Jacob James Wilton - Life Wide Open
- Jacob Montague - All Creatures Volume One
- Jadon Lavik - Roots Run Deep
- Jadon Lavik - Roots Run Deeper
- Jake Germany - Leftover EP
- Jake Hunter - The Life Project
- Jake Smith - Real
- Jamie Grace - One Song At A Time
- Jamie Grace - Ready To Fly
- Jared Anderson - The Narrow Road
- Jars of Clay - Closer EP
- Jars of Clay - Inland
- Jars of Clay - Jars of Clay
- Jars of Clay - The Long Fall Back to Earth
- Jars of Clay - The Shelter
- Jars of Clay - Under the Weather: Recorded Live in Sellersville, PA EP
- Jason Castro - Only A Mountain
- Jason Castro - Starting Line EP
- Jason Crabb - Love Is Stronger
- Jason Gray - A Way to See in the Dark
- Jason Gray - All the Lovely Losers
- Jason Gray - Christmas Stories: Repeat the Sounding Joy
- Jason Gray - Love Will Have The Final Word
- Jason Gray - Nothing Is Wasted EP
- Jawbone - Loss of Innocence
- Jay Tholen - Blood Fete EP
- Jay Tholen - Control Me
- Jeff Deyo - Moving Mountains
- Jeff Deyo - Unveil
- Jeff Jacquay - La Cambria
- Jennie Lee Riddle - People & Songs: Opus 1 Collective
- Jenny & Tyler - Open Your Doors + 3 New Love Songs
- Jenny & Tyler: Songs For Freedom: A Covers EP
- Jenny & Tyler - Faint Not
- Jenny Simmons - The Becoming
- Jeremy Camp - Christmas: God With Us
- Jeremy Camp - Reckless
- Jeremy Camp - We Cry Out: The Worship Project
- Jeremy Horn - Sound of the Broken
- Jeremy Riddle - Furious
- Jeremy Vanderloop - All Creation Sings
- Jerome Madigan - Instructions For Deconstruction
- Jessa Anderson - Not Myself Anymore
- Jessa Anderson - Whole
- Jesse Sprinkle - Surrounded By Lights
- Jesus Culture - Live in New York
- Jesus Wept "Show's Over"
- Jillian Edwards - Daydream
- Jimmy Needham - Clear The Stage
- Jimmy Needham - The Hymns Sessions Vol. 1
- JJ Heller - Loved
- JJ Heller - Unto Us
- JJ Heller - When I'm With You
- JJ Weeks Band - All Over The World
- Joanna Beasley - Hallelujah Christmas
- Joanna Beasley - Loud Love
- John Ball - Found Among the Broken
- John Ball - John Ball EP
- John Gold - Arthur Unknown
- John Lucas - The Bible Belt Sessions, Vol. 1
- John Mark McMillan - Borderland
- John Mark McMillan - Economy
- John Mark McMillan - The Song Inside the Sounds of Breaking Down: Deluxe Reissue
- John Waller - Life Is A Gift
- Jon Bauer - Forevermore
- Jon Bauer - Roots Of Worship
- Jon Foreman - Limbs & Branches
- Jon Foreman - Spring EP
- Jon Foreman - Summer EP
- Jon McLaughlin - Promising Promises
- Jon Russelburg - Ghost EP
- Jonathan & Emily Martin - Set Your Eyes
- Jonathan Allen Wright - Doorways & Tombstones
- Jonathan Jones - Community Group
- Jonathan Ogden - Autumn
- Jonathan Seller - Great Exchange
- Jonathan Thulin - Dead Come To Life (Music Video Review)
- Jonathan Thulin - The White Room
- Jonathan Thulin and Charmaine - Acoustic Living Room Concert
- Jonezetta - Cruel To Be Young
- Jonezetta - Popularity
- Jonny Diaz - Let It Fly
- Jonny Diaz - Starts With Love
- Jordan Critz - Nightlights and Melted Ice
- Jordan Taylor - Long Drive
- Joseph Cutshall - Stay Close
- Joseph Pfeifer - Lost Boys EP
- Josh Garrels - B Sides & Remixes EP
- Josh Garrels - Chrysaline
- Josh Garrels - Home
- Josh Garrels - Love & War & The Sea In Between
- Josh Garrels Concert Ft. Loud Harp and A Boy & His Kite
- Josh Guthrie - Josh Guthrie
- Josh Reardon - Villain EP
- Josh White - Absolution
- Josh Wilson - Carry Me
- Josh Wilson - Life Is Not a Snapshot
- Josh Wilson - Live From The Carson Centre EP
- Josh Wilson - Noel
- Josh Wilson - See You
- Josh Wilson - Trying to Fit the Ocean in a Cup
- Josiah James - All Forgotten Things
- Josiah James - Heaven Came Down
- Josiah James - Oceans
- Joy Electric - Curiosities and Such
- Joy Electric - Favorites at Play
- Joy Electric - My Grandfather, the Cubist
- Json - City Lights
- Json - Growing Pains
- JT Daly - Memory
- Judah & The Lion - First Fruits EP
- Judah & The Lion - Kids These Days
- Judah & The Lion - Sweet Tennessee
- Judgement X Day - The Altar
- Julian Drive - My Coming Day
- Julianna Zobrist - Say It Now
- Julissa - Metamorphosis
- Jump Ship Quick - Where Thieves Cannot Tread
- Junia - Everything's a Canyon
- Justin Kintzel - Death is Overcome
- K I D S - Side A
- Kanye West - Jesus Is King
- Kari Jobe - The Acoustic Sessions EP
- Kari Jobe - Where I Find You
- Karianne Larson - Bright
- Karyn Williams - Only You
- Karyn Williams - Wake Up EP
- Kate Hurley - Sleeping When You Woke Me
- Kate York - New
- Katharos - Stay My Captain/Warrior (single)
- Katie Gustafson - Introducing Katie Gustafson
- KB - Weight and Glory
- KB - Who Is KB?
- Keep Quiet - Odd New Celebrity
- Keila Garza - Keila Garza EP
- Kendra Blethen - Pilgrimage
- Kenosis - Transidentity
- Kerrie Roberts - Come Back To Life EP
- Kerrie Roberts - Once Upon a Time EP
- Kerrie Roberts - Thank You Child
- Kerrie Roberts - Time For The Show
- Kessler - I Know Your Voice
- Kevin and the Octaves - Hang Your Stocking Start The Rocking
- Kevin Schlereth - Alembic
- Kevin Schlereth - Catechism
- Kevin Schlereth - Don't Die! Please Stop Dying
- Key To The Midway - Keep It To Yourself
- kids - Rich Coast
- Kilo- Kilo EP
- Kim Walker-Smith - Still Believe
- Kim-Walker Smith And Skyler Smith - Home
- King's Kaleidoscope - Becoming Who We Are
- King's Kaleidoscope - Live in Color
- Kingdom - Kingdom
- Kingdom - Redeemer
- Kings Kaleidoscope - The Beauty Between
- Kings Kaleidoscope - ZEAL
- Kings to You "The Antidote"
- Kingston Falls - Armada On Mercury
- Kingston Falls - The Crescendo of Sirens
- Kiros - A Single Strand
- Kiros - Lay Your Weapons Down
- Kiros - Outlaws And Prodigals EP
- Kiss the Gunner - Why Are We So Dead?
- KJ-52 - Dangerous
- KJ-52 - Mental
- Knights of the New Temple - Armour's
- Knights of the New Temple - Armour's
- Krista Branch - I Am America EP
- Kristene DiMarco - Safe Place
- Kristian Stanfill - Attention
- Kristin Nicholls Band - Kristin Nicholls Band EP
- Kurtis Parks and the Anthem - Kurtis Parks and the Anthem EP
- Kutless - Believer
- Kutless - Glory
- Kye Kye - Young Love Remix EP
- Kye Kye- Fantasize
- Lacey Sturm - Life Screams
- Lacey Sturm - The Reason: How I Discovered a Life Worth Living
- Lael - Gravity
- Lakes - The Agreement
- Lakes "Photographs EP"
- Lanae' Hale - Back & Forth
- Lanae' Hale - Lanae' Hale EP
- Lara Landon - Overcome
- Laura Cooksey - Unshakeable EP
- Laura Story - God Of Every Story
- Lauren Hicks - When Everything Fades
- Lauren Shera - Once I Was a Bird
- LaVoy - Said The Quiet Hands
- LaVoy - We Met In The Arts
- Leaders - Indomitable
- Leaders - Now We Are Free
- Leagues - Spotlight EP
- Leagues - You Belong Here
- Least of These - Change Will Come
- Least of These - Mere Image
- Least of These - More Than Conquerors EP
- Least of These - Wolves
- Lecrae - Anomaly
- Lecrae - Church Clothes (Mixtape)
- Lecrae - Rebel
- Lecrae - Rehab
- Ledger - Ledger EP
- LEDGES - Homecoming
- Leeland - The Great Awakening
- Leem of Earth - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3
- Lessons - American Ghosts
- Let//Go - Let//Go EP
- Letter to the Exiles - Make Amends
- Letter to the Exiles - The Shadow Line
- Levi the Poet - Correspondence (a fiction)
- Levi The Poet - Monologues EP
- Levi The Poet - Seasons
- LEVVY - Bury EP
- Lex Anderson - Undone
- Lexi Elisha - Eventually EP
- Life In Your Way - Kingdoms
- Life In Your Way "Waking Giants"
- Life on Repeat - Struggle + Sleep
- Lifelong - Revive The Masses
- Light The Way - Long Story Short
- Lights Align - Before After
- Lights On The Atlantic - Lights On The Atlantic EP
- Lil' Dre - Homework
- Lil' Dre - Live Free
- Lil' Dre - Under Construction
- Lincoln Brewster - Joy To The World
- Lincoln Brewster - Joy To The World (Deluxe Edition)
- Lindsay McCaul - If It Leads Me Back
- Listener - Time Is a Machine
- Little Image - Musings
- LIV - Be the Change
- Live: Still Remains/The Showdown
- Living Fire - Jesus Rules
- Living Sacrifice - Ghost Thief
- Living Sacrifice - The Infinite Order
- Living Sacrifice – The Infinite Order (Deluxe Edition)
- LN - Monkeys & Spoons
- LNYX - Captivate EP
- Lo Inconmovible "El Que Abre Brechas"
- Lo Tom - Lo Tom
- Loftland - I Don't Want To Dance
- Long Live Logos - Mundus Vulti Decipi...
- Lórien - Esque
- Lórien - The Ghost in the Parlor
- Lost Ocean - Could This Be Love?
- Lost Ocean - Lost Ocean
- Loud Harp - Asaph
- Loud Harp - Loud Harp
- Love & The Outcome - Love & The Outcome
- Love and Death - Between Here and Lost
- Love and Death - Chemicals EP
- Love and Death – Concert Review (NJ)
- Love Begotten - The Great Unrest
- Love Begotten - Ugly, Dirty, Poor
- Love is... - Shelter EP
- Love Out Loud - The Wildlife
- Lovelite - Nearness
- Lovely Things In Ugly Places by Mattie Montgomery
- Luke Dowler - Polarized
- Luke Dowler - West
- Luke Hellebronth - Stand Up
- Luke Parker - Home EP
- Luminate - Welcome to Daylight
- Luminous City - LuminousCITY
- Lust Control - We Are Not Ashamed
- Luther-N - Dogmatics
- Lybecker - Until We Feel Alive
- LZ7 - Aftershow
- Mahteo - The NuWave Republic
- Main Line Riders - Worldshaker
- Mainstay - Become Who You Are
- Make Sure / Ezekiel Songs - Split EP
- Man Alive - A Light Goes On
- Man Alive - Man Alive
- Man Alive "Access Denied" Ep
- Manafest - Fighter
- Manafest - The Chase
- Manafest - The Moment
- Mandisa - Overcomer
- Mandisa - Remixed: Get Movin' EP
- Manufactured Defects - Reprays
- Maps - The Wick and the Fire
- Maranatha/Sanhedrin - Split
- Marie Miller - You're Not Alone EP
- Mark Mathis - The Brightening
- Mark Schultz - All Things Possible
- Mark This Day - Demo EP
- Mark Wagner - NeedLove
- Marksmen - Sister of Mine
- Marlene Brehm - Reach The Sky
- Marthe De La Torre - Preludes
- Martin Smith - God's Great Dance Floor Step 01
- Martin Smith - God's Great Dance Floor Step 02
- Mat Kearney - City of Black & White
- Mat Kearney - Just Kids
- Matt & Toby - Matt & Toby
- Matt Hammitt - Every Falling Tear
- Matt Maher - All the People Said Amen
- Matt Maher - The Love In Between
- Matt Price - We Won't Waver
- Matt Redman - Sing Like Never Before: The Essential Collection
- Matt Wertz - Weights & Wings
- Matter - Teraphim
- Matthew Cavanaugh - Potential. Meaning. Hope
- Matthew Reed - Come and Drink
- Matthew West - Into the Light
- Mayfly - Vereor Deus, Non Dogma
- Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - "II"
- Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - III
- Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster - IV
- Me and the Trinity - Crux
- Me In Motion - Yes We Can EP
- Meadows - In Those Days & Also After
- Means - To Keep Me From Sinking
- Means "Sending You Strength"
- Medical Morning - Ghost Riot Volume 1
- Megiddon - Covered by Blood, Burning Inside
- Memphis May Fire - Challenger
- Memphis May Fire - Sleepwalking
- Memphis May Fire - This Light I Hold
- Memphis May Fire - Unconditional
- Mercury Switch- Time to Shine
- Mercy Screams - Pathways EP
- MercyMe - The Hurt and the Healer
- MercyMe - Welcome To The New
- Meredith Andrews - Behold The Savior EP
- Meredith Andrews - Worth It All
- Merise - Reflection of You
- Messengers - Anthems EP
- Metanoia - Retroceder Nunca
- Metavari - Be One of Us and Hear No Noise
- mewithoutYou - Brother, Sister
- mewithoutYou - Catch for Us the Foxes
- mewithoutYou - It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All a Dream! It's Alright
- mewithoutYou - Ten Stories
- Micah Massey - Kingdom
- Micah McCaw - Imbalances
- Michael Boggs - More Like a Lion
- Michael Boggs - More Like A Lion
- Michael Ketterer & United Pursuit - The Wild Inside
- Michael McCully - Pangram
- Michael Phillips - Mirrors Within Mirrors
- Michael Sweet - I'm Not Your Suicide
- Michael W. Smith - Hymns
- Michael W. Smith - Sovereign
- Michael W. Stand - 3 Song Acoustic
- Mike Farris - Shine For All The People
- Mike Guess - Fully Convinced
- Mike Mains & The Branches - Calm Down, Everything Is Fine
- Mike Mains and the Branches - Home
- Mikeschair - All Or Nothing
- Mikeschair - It's Christmas EP
- Mikeschair - People Like Me EP
- Milano - Gloria EP
- Milosny - Babylon
- Mini Thrice Show Review House of Blues 5-28-08
- Misty Edwards - Little Bird
- Moda Spira - Moda Spira
- More Than Rubies - More Than Rubies
- More Yom - Ripe
- Moriah Peters - I Choose Jesus
- Mosquito Fleet - Swings & Cloves EP
- Mouth of the South - Struggle Well
- Mouth of the South - Transparency
- Movies with Heroes - Nothing Here Is Perfect
- Mr. Citizen - ...And So We Begin
- MrENC - On and On and On
- Music Inspired By: The Story
- Mute Math - Armistice
- MxPx - Left Coast Punk EP
- MxPx - On The Cover II
- Mxpx - Plans Within Plans
- MxPx - Punk Rawk Christmas
- Mxpx "Secret Weapon"
- My Compatriots - Waiting for Monuments to Pass
- My Double, My Brother - What We Found Beneath The Ground
- My Epic - Behold
- My Epic - Broken Voice
- My Epic - I Am Undone
- My Epic - I Am Undone
- My Epic - Ultraviolet
- My Epic - Violence
- My Epic - Viscera EP
- My Epic - Yet
- My Epic "This is Rescue"
- My Epic Tour Part 2
- My Genuine Find - What We Imagined EP
- My Heart to Fear - Algorithm
- My Heart to Fear - Lost Between Brilliance & Insanity
- My Heart to Fear - The Draft
- My Mantle - You Only Live Forever
- My Other Band Vol. 1 (Mono Vs. Stereo)
- My Ransomed Soul - The Chains That Bind Us
- My Ransomed Soul - Trilateral
- My Very Epic Tour Day 1
- MyChildren MyBride - Lost Boy
- MyChildren MyBride - MyChildren MyBride
- MyChildren MyBride - Unbreakable
- MyChildren MyBride - Vicious World
- Nailpoint - Falling to Pieces
- Nat Clubb - For Your Glory
- Natalie Grant - Hurricane
- Nate Parrish - I'm a Wreck
- Nate Parrish - Soul Surgery
- Nathan Jess - Love Stands Forever
- Naturalist - Friends
- Naturalist - Naturalist EP
- Nazarene - Heart & Mind
- Necroscopia Burial - O Inferno e um Lugar de Tormento e Ranger de Dentes
- Needle - Saint Timothy's
- Needtobreathe - Cercas Blancas EP
- NeedToBreathe - Daylight
- Needtobreathe - Live From Austin City Limits
- Needtobreathe - The Outsiders
- NEEDTOBREATHE- Rivers In The Wasteland Tour
- Neon Horse - Haunted Horse: Songs of Love, Defiance, & Delusion
- Nephesh - Inter Armas Silent Leges
- Never Forsaken - The Journey Here
- Nevertheless - In The Making...
- NEVERTHELESS - Live Like We're Alive
- Neviah Nevi - Tales Of Terror
- New Heights - Starting Again
- New Heights - Worlds
- New Life Worship - Strong God
- New Waters - Lions ep
- New Waters - Venture
- News From Verona - All I Know is I Know Nothing
- Newsboys - God's Not Dead
- Newsboys - In The Hands Of God
- Newsboys - Live in Concert: God's Not Dead
- Newsboys - Restart
- Newsong - Swallow The Ocean
- Newvale "Summer's Gone"
- Newworldson - Rebel Transmission
- Newworldson - s/t
- Nick Webber - All the Nothing I Know
- Nicole Croteau - Anchors And Silhouettes
- Nikki Fletcher - All Glory
- Nikki Hopkins - Held By Love
- Nimisilla Park – Welcome to Nimisilla Park EP
- Nine Lashes - From Water to War
- Nine Lashes - World We View
- Nine O Five - Live at C4: May This Be...
- NineOFive - No Other Name
- No Punk Influences - Fight Within
- Nodes Of Ranvier "Defined By Struggle"
- Noel McLeary - Can't Escape Your Love EP
- NoLoveLost - Without Beginning, Without End
- Nonparell - Heaven Come Down
- Norma Jean - Meridional
- Norma Jean - Polar Similar
- Norma Jean -The Antimother
- Normandy - New Foundation
- North Point - Here + Now
- North Point Christmas - Let There Be Light
- North Point Inside:Out - No One Higher
- North Point Kids - Shine
- Not Beneath - Memento Mori
- Not One Is Upright - And They Were Likened Unto Dogs
- Not One is Upright - Beauty is a Fleeting Thing
- Not One Is Upright - God Is Not A Watchmaker And The World Is Not Ticking
- Not Without Aim - 2011 EP
- Nothing Left - Destroy and Rebuild
- Now And Forever - Of Wounds And Blessings...
- Number One Gun - This Is All We Know
- Number One Gun - To The Secrets and Knowledge
- Number One Gun- "The North Pole Project"
- Numbers - Three
- Nuoro - In the Hills
- O' Brother - The Death of Day
- Ocean Is Theory - Future Fears
- Ocean Is Theory - Into The Mouth Of Lions
- Oceana - Birtheater
- Oceana - Clean Head EP
- Oceans Above - Oceans Above
- OceanSpeak - Sea|The|Same
- October Bird of Death - Death made its offer
- Oddly Normal - The Next EP
- Of Eyes That See - Empty Shadows EP
- Of Lions - Of Lions EP
- Of The Son - At War (EP)
- Of Violence & Vanity - To Trust a Traitor
- Off Road Minivan - Spiral Gaze EP
- Oh Sleeper - Children Of Fire
- Oh Sleeper @ Marquis Theater in Denver, CO
- Oh Tear the Veil - EP
- Oh, Sleeper - Son of the Morning
- Oh, Sleeper - When I Am God
- Olivia - Back to Friends Where Summer Never Ends
- Olivia the Band "Where We Come From It Never Snows"
- Olympia - Medic
- On New Horizons - Carolino
- Once Dead - Visions Of Hell
- Once Nothing - First Came The Law
- One Hot Minute - the story so far
- One Sonic Society - Forever Reign
- One Sonic Society - Live At the Tracking Room
- One Star Story - The Empty Room EP
- One Star Story "Self-titled EP"
- One: A Worship Collective - We Believe
- Onward to Olympas - The War Within Us
- Onward to Olympas - This World Is Not My Home
- Orion Walsh - First By Water Then By Fire
- Orion Walsh - Freedom Lost Or Freedom Found
- Orion Walsh - The Hitchhiker's Son
- Orion Walsh - The Tale of a Broken Compass
- Orion Walsh "Tornado Lullabies"
- Orphan Project - Spooning Out The Sea
- Ospreyshire - Verses Vs. Anhedonia
- Our City Sleeps- Wake Up!
- Our Sky is Falling - Tales From Distant Shores
- Out Of Hiding - Live From Brave Generation
- Outrage AD - New Blood
- Over The Ocean - Be Given To The Soil
- Overcome - No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets.
- Overcome - The Great Campaign of Sabotage
- Overseer - In The Offing
- Owl City - All Things Bright and Beautiful
- Owl City - Ocean Eyes
- Owl City - The Midsummer Station
- Owl City - The Midsummer Station Acoustic EP
- P.O.D. - Murdered Love
- P.O.D. - SoCal Sessions
- Pacific Gold - Sing My Welcome Home
- Palaris - The Pros and Cons of Redemption
- Paper Route - Real Emotion
- Papertowns. - Passion/Aggression
- Parachute Band- Matins & Vespers
- Paradox - Mending
- Parallels - First Mover EP
- Paramore - Brand New Eyes
- Paramore - Riot!
- Party or Die! - College & Career EP
- Party or Die! - The Well
- Passion - God of This City
- Passion - Passion 2013: Let The Future Begin
- Passion - Take It All
- Passion - White Flag
- Patrick Levis - Extravagant God
- Patrick Ryan Clark - Lifted Up EP
- Paul Baloche - Glorieux
- Paul Baloche - The Same Love
- Paul Colman - From the Saltland To the River
- Paul Demer - Barks of Yore
- Paul Demer - Canvas of Sky
- Peter Furler - On Fire
- Peter Furler Band - Sun and Shield
- PHAO - Playing With Fire
- Phil Joel - Deliberate People
- Phil Joel - Playlist
- Phil Wickham - Response
- Phil Wickham - Singalong 2
- Phil Wickham - The Ascension
- Phil Wickham - The Ascension (Deluxe Edition)
- Philippa Hanna - Through The Woods
- Philmont - Oh Snap EP
- Philmont - Oh Snap EP
- Philmont - The Transition EP
- Phinehas - Dark Flag
- Phinehas - s/t
- Phinehas - The Bridge Between EP
- Phinehas - The Last Word is Yours to Speak
- Phinehas - thegodmachine
- Pilgrims - The Joy of Sales Resistance
- Pillar - The Reckoning
- Pioneer - Pioneer
- Pistis In Him Alone - Darkness Only Is The Absence Of Light
- Planetshakers - Heal Our Land
- Planetshakers - Limitless
- Platoon 1107 - We Glory In The Title
- Platoon 1107 & The Cants - Split EP
- Playdough - Hotdoggin
- Playdough - Writer Dye
- Pleading Guilty - Defacto
- Plumb - Need You Now
- pmtoday - In Medias Res
- Poema - Remembering You
- Poema - Sing it Now
- Polyvalent - Want
- Pomegranates - Everybody, Come Outside!
- Pomegranates & Caleb Groh - In Your Face, Thieves / Chestnut Attic
- Post Mortum - Rise Above Ruin
- Praiser - 20 Again
- Prepared Like a Bride - Overcomer
- Preson Phillips - In Our Winters
- Preson Phillips - The Observant and the Anawim
- Press Play - #LITO
- Press Play - World Anthem
- Preston Eastwood & Paul Demer - Hope
- Project 86 - Knives to the Future
- Project 86 - Picket Fence Cartel
- Project 86 - Sheep Among Wolves
- Project 86 - The Midnight Clear Single
- Project 86 - Wait for the Siren
- Project 86- "Rival Factions"
- Prologue - The World At Midnight
- Promise Of Restoration - Metanoia
- Propaganda - Crooked
- Propaganda - Excellent
- Propaganda & Odd Thomas - Art Ambidextrous
- Psalters - The Divine Liturgy of the Wretched Exiles
- Puddleglum - Where the Wondering Got Us
- Punk for the Gospel Benefit Compilation
- pureNRG - The Real Thing
- Purple Door 2007: Festival Review
- Purple Door Festival 2006
- Pushstart Wagon - LA Was Our Alamo
- Quick and the Dead "Consider Your Options"
- Quiet Science - He Calls Me Diamonds
- Quiet Science - With/Without
- Rachael Lampa - All We Need
- Rachel Chan - Go
- Rachel Taylor - Magnetic
- Rackets and Drapes - Chapter One: Welcome Home (New album)
- Raining and OK - Always Will Be (EP)
- Raining And OK - Living Like A Ghost
- Raining and OK - The Devil On Your Shoulder
- Random Hero - Breakdown
- Rapture - Trials
- Rapture Ruckus - Invader Vol. I
- Ravenhill - Soul
- Ray Torres - Reaching for the Heavens
- Ray Torres and the Mercy - Ray Torres and the Mercy
- Reapers Are The Angels - S/T
- Reasons For Living- Future Destination Records Sampler
- Rebel Revive - XI (Eleven)
- Reconcile - Abandoned Hope
- RED - End of Silence
- Red - Gone
- Red - Innocence & Instinct
- Red - Of Beauty and Rage
- Red - Release the Panic Deluxe Edition
- RED - Until We Have Faces
- Red Morning Voyage - Get to the Trenches EP
- Red Roots - Triplicity
- Red Umbrella - Living and Surviving
- Redemption - Demo EP
- Redfoot - Winnowing Fork
- Reformers - Abolish
- Relent - Heart Attack
- Relent - Heart Attack (Revisited Review)
- Relent - Heavy
- Reliance - Running
- Relient K - Air For Free
- Relient K - Collapsible Lung
- Relient K - Forget and Not Slow Down
- Relient K - K Is For Karaoke
- Relient K - The Birds and The Bee Sides / The Nashville Tennis EP
- Relient K & The Almost Concert Review
- Remedy Drive - Resuscitate
- Remedy Drive - The Acoustic Sessions
- Remington Stallard - Houses
- Remove The Veil "Another Way Home"
- Remove The Veil EP
- Rend Collective - The Art Of Celebration
- Rend Collective Experiment - Campfire
- Rend Collective Experiment - Homemade Worship By Handmade People
- Rest. - Slaves EP
- Resurrected Divinity - Lycanthropy II
- Review : Meadows - In Those Days & Also After Pt. I
- Review: Amongst the Giants - Obscene
- Review: Corto Plazo
- Review: Fight the Fury - Still Breathing
- Review: Idle Threat. "Nothing Is Broken For Good"
- Review: Memphis May Fire - Broken
- Review: P.O.D. - Circles
- Revival Hymns - Feathers
- Revival Hymns - Pauhu
- ReVrence - EP
- Rhett Walker Band - Come to the River
- Richard Swift - The Collection Part 2: Walking Without Effort
- Righteous Vendetta - Lawless
- Righteous Vendetta - The Dawning
- Righteous Vendetta - The Fire Inside
- Rigoletto - Delusions of Grandeur
- Riley - For The Love EP
- Rival Choir - I Believe, Help My Unbelief
- River James - EP
- Rivers & Robots - Eternal Son
- Rob Ray - The Twilight Gospel
- Rob Ray - Yours Is The Day
- Rob Ray - Yours is the Night
- Robbie Seay Band - Psalms Volume 1
- Rocky Loves Emily - American Dream
- Rocky Loves Emily - Secrets Don't Make Friends
- Rocky Loves Emily - Secrets Don't Make Friends
- Rodeo Ruby Love - This Is Why We Don't Have Nice Things
- Rodinia - Year of the Liar EP
- Roemer - Straight Bars and Guns
- Roma Waterman - Release The Sound
- Ronnie Martin - From the Womb of the Morning, the Dew of Your Youth Will Be Yours
- Royal Tailor - Royal Tailor
- Run Kid Run - Live/Acoustic at Soulfest (July 31, 2008)
- Run Kid Run - Love at the Core
- Run Kid Run - Patterns
- Run Kid Run - This Is Who We Are
- Runaway City - Armored Heart
- Rush of Fools - We Once Were
- Ruslan - Indie Jones II
- Ruth - Anorak
- Ruth - Payola
- Ruth - Secondhand Dreaming
- Ryan Blake Martin - Fragile ep
- Ryan Hunt - Control
- Ryan Morgan - Come to Life
- Ryan Stevenson - Holding Nothing Back EP
- S91 - Behold The Mankind
- Sacred Sorrow - Deliver Us From Evil
- Safe Haven - Chasing the Sun
- Safe Haven - In The Middle Of Destruction
- Safe Haven - Setting Up and Tearing Down
- Sainthood Reps - Monoculture
- Saints Never Surrender- Brutus
- Sally Grayson - The Darkness in Me
- Salt Creek - If You Were There
- Salt of the Sound - In Prayer EP
- Salvador - Make Some Noise
- Same As Sunday - Earn Your Stripes EP
- Same as Sunday - The Dollar For Dollar EP
- Samecity - "Lowlands"
- Samestate - The Alignment
- Sanctus Real - Pieces of a Real Heart
- Sanctus Real - Run
- Sanhedrin - Pro Human. Pro Life.
- Sarah Brusco - The Woven Whisper
- Sarah Reeves - Acoustic Worship Covers Vol. 1
- Saravain/Ready the Way- Split EP
- Satellites and Sirens - One Noise
- Saving Grace - Behind Enemy Lines
- Saving Grace - The King Is Coming
- Saving Grace - The Urgency
- Saving Grace - Unbreakable
- Say You Will - Brighter
- Schematic - Color (n.) Inside the Lines
- Scott England - Redeemed and Brave
- Scott Stapp - Proof of Life
- Seabird - 'Til We See the Shore
- Seabird - Rocks Into Rivers
- Sean Lea - The Pen and the Poet
- Sean Michel - Back to the Delta
- Sean Michel - Electric Delta
- Search the City - A Fire So Big The Heavens Can See It
- Second Story Feedback - Symphony Lifespan
- Second Thief - Prelude
- Second to Safety - Esther
- Secondhand - Get In Line
- Secret & Whisper - Great White Whale
- Secret & Whisper - The Great White Whale
- See The Light - Maranatha
- See The Light - Tepid
- See You Soon - Don't Give Up EP
- Seeker - The Antagonist
- Seeker And Servant - Into Your Love I Go
- Self Proclaimed Narcissist - Honesty Folk EP
- Send the Advocate - Revelation: Act 1 - Seven Seals
- Sensation - Devin Shelton
- Senseless Beauty - Surviving.
- Sent By Ravens - Mean What You Say
- Sent by Ravens - Our Graceful Words
- Serianna - Inheritors
- Servants - Finding My Hope
- Servants - Standard of Life
- Seryn - This is Where We Are
- Set Free - S/T
- Seth And Nirva - I Need You
- Seth Condrey - Keeps On Changing
- Seth Davey - Kingdom Rising
- Seventh Day Slumber - Love And Worship
- Seventh Day Slumber - The Anthem of Angels
- Seventh Star- The Undisputed Truth
- Sever Your Ties- Safety In the Sea
- Several Other Ghosts - Ghost Stations
- Severchain - The Petals and the Thorns
- Sevin - Finally Home
- Shadow Puncher - All Glory to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Part II
- Shadow Puncher - Shadow Puncher EP
- Shai Linne - Lyrical Theology Part Two: Doxology
- Shamash - Done With Misery (Nos Pergamos in Domine Saluteum)
- Shane & Shane - Glory in the Highest
- Shane And Shane - Bring Your Nothing
- Shane and Shane - The One You Need
- Shapes Stars Make - These Mountains Are Safe
- Shards of Heartshell - I Looked at the Clock
- Sharp Skills - Anno Rebelio
- Shattered Pain - Shattered Pain EP
- Shauna Marie - He Heals the Broken
- Shawn McDonald - Brave
- Shawn McDonald - The Analogue Sessions
- Shelly E. Johnson - Power Of The Cross EP
- Sheridan - Of Which We Fall
- Shine Bright Baby - Dreamers
- Shook Like Dead Men - The 5 Solas EP
- Shook Like Dead Men - Unworthy ep
- Show Review- Hot Topic Tour
- Show: Last Chance To Breathe Tour
- Showbread - Age Of Reptiles
- Showbread - Cancer
- Showbread - The Fear of God
- Showbread - Who Can Know It?
- Sidewalk Prophets - Live Like That
- Sidewalk Prophets - Merry Christmas To You
- Silence O Israel - The Lord Speaks
- Silent Planet - Lastsleep (1944-1946)
- Silent Planet - The Night God Slept
- Silver Cities - Lights
- Silverline - Lights Out
- Sinai Vessel - Labor Pains
- Sinai Vessel - O Creator EP
- Since Forever - Welcome To The Nightmare
- Since October - Life, Scars, Apologies
- Since October - This Is My Heart
- Since Remembered - Coming Alive
- Sink In - Ordinary People, Extraordinary Things
- Sinners to Saints - The Greatest of These
- Sixteen Cities - Love Is Making A Way
- Sixteen Cities - s/t
- Skillet - Awake
- Skillet - Comatose
- Skillet - Comatose Comes Alive
- Skillet - Rise
- Skillet - Victorious
- Skillet/Decyfer Down Concert
- Skyhook - Pneuma: A Worship Project
- Skyhook - Raise the Stars
- Sleep for Dreaming - Heartless
- Sleep for Dreaming - Memories
- Sleep for Dreaming - Reverie
- Sleep For Sleepers - Conditions
- Sleep For Sleepers - Discovery
- Sleep For Sleepers - The Clearing
- Sleep For Sleepers - The Clearing
- Sleeping At Last - Keep No Score
- Sleeping At Last - Oceans
- Sleeping Giant - Finished People
- Sleeping Giant - I Am
- Sleeping Giant - Kingdom Days In An Evil Age
- Sleeping Giant - Sons of Thunder
- Sleeping Giant "Dread Champions Of The Last Days"
- Smalltown Poets - Smalltown Poets Christmas
- Smalltown Poets - Under the New Sun
- Smoking Popes - Stay Down
- so long forgotten - Baptism
- So Long Forgotten - Beneath Our Noble Heads
- So Long Forgotten - Things We Can See and Things We Cannot
- Sobre Todo Nombre - AbbaFather
- Society's Finest - And I the Drunkards
- Solamors - Depravity's Demise
- Solemn Vow - The American Dream
- Solia Tera - A Flammarion Woodcut
- Solia Tera - Diamonds, Dirt, Iron Pyrite, And A Pearl Of Great Prize
- Someday - To Failure, Dear Brother
- Son Lux - Lanterns
- Song of the Day: 3 Days Under: God's Gonna Cut You Down
- Song of the Day: Common Children - Skywire
- Song of the Day: Rich Mullins - While The Nations Rage
- Song Review: New Song From Earth Groans! Band Covers Deftones' "My Own Summer (Shove It)" (Song In Post)
- Songs of Water - Amara
- Songs of Water - Stars and Dust
- Sonic Martyr - s/t
- SONS - Keep Quiet
- Sons of God - The Genesis Prologue EP
- Sonset Down - You Lose
- Sonshine Festival in Wilmar, Minnesota
- Sophia - My Hands, My Greedy Hands
- Sophia - My Morning; Migration
- sosaveme - A Ghost at Sea
- sosaveme - The Garden
- Soul Embraced - Dead Alive
- Soul Embraced - Dead Alive (2)
- Soul Survivor - We are the Free
- Soul-Junk - 1959
- Soulfire Revolution - Revival
- Sound the Ruin - Bloodsong EP
- South of Royal - Deliverance & Doubt
- Southbound Fearing - Bad Dreams and Melodies
- Southbound Fearing - Southbound Fearing
- Southbound Fearing - The Arduous Task EP
- Southbound Fearing - Undefeated
- Sovereign Strength - Reflections
- Sow & Tether - Stripes Speak Out
- Sower - THE SEED
- Sower - THE SOIL EP
- Spacepilot "Grab Your Coats"
- Spirit and the Bride - Dry Bones
- Spoken - Breathe Again
- Spoken - Illusion
- Spoken - Spoken
- Spoken (Supporting Volbeat)
- SPZRKT - Bonfire
- Staggerford - Greet The Blinding Light
- Standing Small - Oh Sweet Child
- Starfield - Songs For Christmas Vol. 1
- Starfield - The Kingdom
- Starfield - The Saving One
- Starflyer 59 - Dial M
- Starflyer 59 - Miami (EP)
- Starflyer 59 - Slow
- Starflyer 59 - Young in My Head
- Stavesacre - MCMXCV
- Stavesacre "How to Live With a Curse"
- Stay the Shores - White Snow Red River
- Stellar Kart - A Whole New World EP
- Stellar Kart - Acoustic
- Stellar Kart - All In
- Stellar Kart - Everything is Different Now
- Stellar Kart - Expect The Impossible
- Stellar Kart - Frozen EP
- Stellar Kart - We Can't Stand Sitting Down
- Stemson - Weird World
- Stephen Mark Sarro - The Spirit Shrill
- Stephen The Levite - Can I Be Honest?
- Stephen The Levite - The Forerunner EP
- Steve Grace - Everytown
- Steve Hare - Heart Like Your Own
- Steve Owsinski - Seek And You Will Find
- Steven Curtis Chapman - Deep Roots
- Steven Curtis Chapman - JOY
- Steven Curtis Chapman - The Glorious Unfolding
- Steven Welch - Color of Love
- Still Remains - Ceasing to Breathe
- Stomptown Revival - Stomptown Revival EP
- Storyline - Welcome Home
- Strengthen What Remains - Humanity
- Strengthen What Remains - Turning a Blind Eye
- Stretch Arm Strong - Free At Last
- Stronger Than Hell Tour (Allentown, PA)
- Stryper - Murder By Pride
- Stryper - No More Hell to Pay
- Submission Red - Untamed Ones
- Subways on the Sun - Capsize
- Sucré - A Minor Bird
- Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
- Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz
- Sufjan Stevens "The Avalanche"
- Sullivan - Heavy is the Head
- Sumerlin - Motives
- Summertime Dropouts - Rewind
- Summertime Dropouts - Rewind
- Sun Darling - To Japan, With Love (Charity EP)
- Sundance - Midlife Marauders
- Superchick - Recollection
- Surprises - Goes Without Saying
- Surrogate - Diamonds and Pearls EP
- Surrogate - Love Is for the Rich
- Suspiria Profundis - Divine Knowledge
- Svarteskerm - Illojala Till Slutet
- Switchfoot - Fading West
- Switchfoot - Fading West EP
- Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane
- Switchfoot - Learning to Breathe
- Switchfoot - New Way to Be Human
- Switchfoot - Nothing Is Sound
- Switchfoot - Oh! Gravity
- Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown
- Switchfoot - The Best Yet
- Switchfoot - The Legend of Chin
- Switchfoot - Vice Re-Verses EP
- Switchfoot - Vice Verses
- Switchfoot - Where The Light Shines Through
- Swoope - Sinema
- Symphony of Heaven - The Season of Death
- TAKE - The Dead Will Rise
- Take / The Forerunner - The Beginning of Sorrows
- Take It Back - Can't Fight Robots
- Take It Back! - Atrocities
- Take the Name - Against Such Things
- Taking the Head of Goliath - Beyond Brutal Live
- Talkie - Talkie EP
- Tallhart - Bloodlines
- Tallhart - We Are the Same
- Tammy Trent - Sunny Days
- Tedashii - Below Paradise
- Tedashii - Blacklight
- Teeth for Eyes - Teeth for Eyes EP
- Templar - Dark Circus
- Ten Shekel Shirt - Live at Soulfest (July 30, 2008)
- Tenth Avenue North - iTunes Sessions
- Tenth Avenue North - The Struggle
- TERAMAZE - Esoteric Symbolism
- Terra Terra Terra - Mind Like A Man, Soul Like A Child
- Texas In July - I AM
- Texas In July - One Reality
- The 71's - We Are Locomotive
- The Access - The Time Has Come
- The Advice - The Advice
- The Advocate - s/t EP
- The Afters - I Wish We All Could Win
- The Afters - Life Is Beautiful
- The Almost - Monster EP
- The Almost - Monster Monster
- The Almost - No Gift To Bring
- The Almost "Southern Weather"
- The Almost Show Review Rocketown 06-01-08
- The Anchor Collective - Atlas
- The Apathy Eulogy - Beauty for Ashes
- The Apathy Eulogy - Introduction: Walk North When Winter Hits
- The Apprentice - (S/T)
- The Apprentice - Oh the Slavery Comfort Brings
- The Architect - The Benevolent EP
- The Art Of Living - The Art Of Living
- The Ascendicate - To Die As Kings
- The Atlantic Manor - On The Wrong Side Of A Saturday Night
- The Attending - Are You Watching Closely?
- The Beautiful Gate - We All Need Jesus
- The Beautiful Refrain - Redemption:Daylight
- The Beckoning - The Desolation of War
- The Black Noise Party Boys - Party All the Time
- The Black Unicorn Tour
- the Blue Letter/ The Gospel Is a Grenade - Splitsville
- The Brilliance - All Is Not Lost
- The Brilliance - Brother
- The Burial - Age Of Deceit
- The Burial - Lights and Perfections
- The Burial - The Winepress
- The Burning Edge of Dawn - Andrew Peterson
- The Canvas Waiting - A Seasons Change
- The Canvas Waiting - Chasing Color
- The Canvas Waiting - In Search of Beginnings... (Special Edition)
- The Chairman Dances - Child of My Sorrow
- The Chariot - Long Live
- The Chariot - One Wing
- The Chariot - Unsung EP
- The Chariot - Wars and Rumours of Wars
- The Chariot- The Fiancée
- The Chinese Express "After The Matinee"
- The Choir - The Loudest Sound Ever Heard
- The City Harmonic - Heart
- The City Harmonic - I Have A Dream (It Feels Like Home)
- The City Harmonic - Introducing The City Harmonic EP
- The Civil Wars - Barton Hollow
- The Civil Wars - The Civil Wars
- The Classic Crime - Acoustic EP
- The Classic Crime - Albatross
- The Classic Crime - How To Be Human
- The Classic Crime - Phoenix
- The Classic Crime - The Silver Cord
- The Classic Crime - Vagabonds
- The Classic Crime - What Was Done, Volume 1: A Decade Revisited
- The Collection - Ars Moriendi
- The Collection - The Collection EP
- The Color Morale - Know Hope
- The Color Morale - My Devil In Your Eyes
- The Color Morale - We All Have Demons
- The Colourful - Hearts and Citadels
- The Comeback Tour - And Then He Dreamed...
- The Constellation Branch - Mirage EP
- The Constellation Branch - The Dream Life, The Real Life, The Empty Glass
- The Contact - Canvas Tears
- The Corners - Born At Last
- The Cowards Choir - Reunion
- The Crimson Armada - Guardians
- The Crucified - The Complete Collection
- The Day Of - Undiscovered
- The Death in Me - Dead Bones EP
- The Devil Wears Prada - 8:18
- The Devil Wears Prada - Dead Throne
- The Devil Wears Prada - The Act
- The Devil Wears Prada - Transit Blues
- The Devil Wears Prada - Zombie EP
- The Devil Wears Prada "Plagues"
- The Devil Wears Prada- With Roots Above And Branches Below
- The Digital Age - Evening:Morning
- The Digital Age - Rehearsals EP
- The Dirt And The Flood - The Garden
- The Distance Between - Building Bridges
- The Drama Summer - Make a Move
- The Drawing Room - The Drawing Room
- The Driving Rain - Storm EP
- The Drowned God - I'll Always Be the Same
- The Dwelling - Strive
- The Earth And Everything In It - The Healer's Hands, The Beggar's Palms
- The Echoing Green "Winter of Our Discontent"
- The Ember Days - Emergency
- The Ember Days - Finger Painting EP
- The Ember Days - More Than You Think
- The Famine - The Architects of Guilt
- The Famine - The Raven and the Reaping
- The Farewell Scene - Broken Halos EP
- The Feel Good Drag - demo
- The Festal Shout - Tumultuous Noise EP
- The Fold - This Too Shall Pass
- The Followers - Wounded Healer
- The Forerunner - Deceptions
- The Forerunner - Victory
- The Frozen Ocean - In Exile
- The Frozen Ocean - Skeleton Key
- The Gallery - If You Know What I Mean
- The Gentleman Homicide - Understanding The Words We Speak
- The Glorious Unseen - Cries Of The Broken
- The Glorious Unseen - How He Loves EP
- The Glorious Unseen - Lovesick
- The Glorious Unseen - The Hope That Lies in You
- The Glorious Unseen- "Tonight the Stars Speak"
- The Gray Havens - Fire and Stone
- The Gray Havens - Where Eyes Don't Go
- The Great Commission - And Every Knee Shall Bow
- The Great Commission - Firework EP
- The Great Escape - In Search Of...
- The Great Transparency - Rebuild Your Love EP
- The Gun Show - Currents
- The Gun Show - Discontentment
- The Hawk In Paris - Freaks
- The Hawk In Paris - His + Hers
- The Heartstring Band "Aurora Songs Vol. 1"
- The Heritage - The Golden Age EP
- The Hoax - Stumbling Through
- The Hollands - Ashes to Beauty
- The Hotshot Freight Train - Get Low
- The Hotshot Freight Train - Poetic Devices And Personal Vices
- The Hotshot Freight Train - The Devil Pays in Counterfeit
- The House And The Human - It Began With A Chorus...
- The Human Flight Committee - Oh, When the Animals Unionize
- The Insyderz - The Sinner's Songbook
- The Juliana Theory "A Small Noise"
- The Keep Breathing Tour
- The Kings Kids - Set Sail and Seek...
- The Less - Loud Machines
- The Letter Black - Breaking The Silence EP
- The Letter Black - Hanging on by a Remix
- The Letter Black - Hanging On By a Thread
- The Letter Black - Pain
- The Letter Black - Rebuild
- The Listening - Transmission 1
- The Lonely Hearts - Paper Tapes
- The Lost Concept - Here Comes The Monster
- The Make - This Box EP
- The Midnight Life - Aslan's Fury
- The Miracle Of You - Sound And Shape
- The Modern Post - Grace Alone
- The Modern Post - Lowborn King
- The Monarch - World Without End EP
- The Museum - My Only Rescue
- The Museum - What We Stand For
- The Music Room - Live While You're Alive
- The Myriad - Prelude to Arrows
- The Myriad - With Arrows, with Poise
- The Neverclaim - Revival
- The Noise Revival Orchestra - Songs of Forgiveness
- The O.C. Supertones - For the Glory
- The O.C. Supertones - ReUnite
- The Oh Hellos - Boreas
- The Oh Hellos - Eurus
- The Oh Hellos - Notos
- The Oh Hellos - Through the Deep, Dark Valley
- The Oh Hellos - Zephyrus
- The Old-timers - Be Reconciled
- The Old-Timers - Soli Deo Gloria
- The Old-Timers - Spiritus Sanctus
- The Ongoing Concept - Handmade
- The Ongoing Concept - Places
- The Ongoing Concept - Saloon
- The Order of Elijah - Dethrone
- The Overseer - Rest & Let Go
- The Overseer - We Search, We Dig
- The Parousia - The Parousia EP
- The Prevailing - K. Gautier
- The Protest - Legacy
- The Radiance Effect - Mad Mess EP
- The Radiance Effect - Separate & Change
- The Radiance Effect - Wake The Forgotten
- The Reception - Does It Keep You Awake?
- The Record Kid - Stories
- The Red Letters Project - The Gospel Of Matthew
- The Redemption Center - Land of Plenty
- The Rekoning - The Road Less Traveled
- The Remission Flow - Rhythms Of Grace
- The Rendition - Sans Pearl
- The Restitution - Into The Dark
- The Rocket Summer - Do You Feel
- The Rocket Summer - Life Will Write The Words
- The Rose McCoy - I Won't Go Quietly
- The Royal Revolt - The Royal Revolt
- The Royal Royal - Return of the King
- The Royal Royal - The Royalty
- The Rugged Spud - Ball Buster EP/JCHC
- The Rugged Spud - s/t
- The Running Back - The Running Back EP
- The Sacrificed - 2012
- The Sacrificed - III
- The Saving - David Star
- The Send- "Cosmos"
- The Shackeltons - The Shackeltons
- The Shine Effect - With Open Eyes
- The Shiny Darks - Stab At Love EP
- The Showdown - Back Breaker
- The Showdown - Blood in the Gears
- The Showdown - Temptation Come My Way
- The Showdown "Temptation Come My Way"
- The Social Threat - Even Honest Talk is Cheap EP
- The Social Threat - Protest Songs
- The Soil & The Sun - Meridian
- The Somewhat - All Things New
- The Sonflowerz - By Faith
- The Sonflowerz - Love Walked In EP
- The Stiletto Formal - This Is My Boomstick (EP)
- The Stolen Season - Lost In Colorways
- The Suit - The Way That We Fall
- The Tug Fork River Band - Vulture
- The Unshakable Tour: For Today, Impending Doom, Sleeping Giant, Texas in July
- The Vespers - The Fourth Wall
- The Violet Burning - The Story of Our Lives
- The Waiting Kind - In The Land Of Hope
- The Waiting Kind - The Waiting Kind EP
- The Walking Tree - Glorious
- The Walking Tree - We Are Instruments
- The WAY - I Keep Falling
- The Wedding - Distance EP
- The Wedding - No Direction
- The Wedding - Polarity
- The Wedding - The Sound The Steel
- The Welcome Wagon - Light Up the Stairs
- The Welcome Wagon - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
- The Welcome Wagon - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
- The Western Den - Battle Hymns
- The Workday Release - Farther From Familiar
- The Working Title - About Face
- The Worthy Ghosts - s/t
- The Wrecking - So Much for Love
- Theatre Breaks Loose - Stranger Places, Greater Things
- Their Throats Are Open Tombs - Of Psalms & Snakes
- theLionhearted - Absolution (& Redemption)
- Theocracy - As The World Bleeds
- Theocracy - Mirror Of Souls
- Theory Hazit - IT'S WHATEVER
- Thera - If This Is The End...
- Thera - The Aftermath
- These Hearts - Forever Ended Yesterday
- These Hearts - Mistakes And Second Takes
- These Hearts - Yours to Take
- They Will Fall - Disrupt the World
- They Will Fall - Misconceptions
- They Will Fall - On the Depths of Depravity
- Thi'sl - Unreleased Chronicles
- Thieves & Liars - When Dreams Become Reality
- Thin Ice - Revelation Through Tribulation
- Thin Ice "Misery Noose"
- Third Day - Miracle
- Third Day - Move
- Thirtyseven - This Is What I Want
- This Armistice - (New Breath + New Heartbeat) = Change
- This Beautiful Republic - Even Heroes Need a Parachute
- This Beautiful Republic- Perceptions
- This City Awaits - ...said the liar
- This City in Ashes - Concepts
- This Divided World - The Missing Pages
- This Divided World - When Darkness Reigns
- This Is Luke - There Is Hope
- This Is The Giant - Speak Every Word
- This Patch of Sky - Newly Risen, How Brightly You Shine
- This Patch of Sky - S/T
- This Patch of Sky - The Immortal, The Invisible
- Thisl - Beautiful Monster
- Those Who Fear - Death Sentence
- Those Who Fear - State of Mind
- Those Who Fear - Unholy Anger
- Thousand Foot Krutch - Oxygen: Inhale
- Thousand Foot Krutch - The End Is Where We Begin
- Thousand Foot Krutch - The Flame in All of Us
- Thousand Foot Krutch - Welcome To The Masquerade
- Thousand Foot Krutch – Live At the Masquerade
- Thrice - Beggars
- Thrice - Major/Minor
- Thrice - The Alchemy Index Vol. 3 & 4
- Thrice - The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II (Fire and Water)
- Thrice - To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere
- Thrush "Aeon"
- Thyne Scabbard - Redemption
- Tiffany Thompson - One Voice EP
- Tiffany Thurston - Tiffany Thurston EP
- Till You're All I See - Seth Davey
- Tim Hughes - Love Shine Through
- Tim Keith Jones - Cards & Words
- Tim Mann - The Dream is Ended; This is The Morning
- Tim Neufeld - Trees
- Tim Timmons - Cast My Cares
- Timbre - Silent Night
- Timbre - Winter Comes to Wake You
- Times of Grace - The Hymn of a Broken Man
- TIMŌRĀTUS - Reverentia
- TIMŌRĀTUS/Symphony of Heaven/Bismoth - Body of Christ: 3-Way split
- To Every Cynic - Leaving Your Burdens
- To Speak Of Wolves - Dead In The Shadow
- To Speak of Wolves - Find Your Worth, Come Home
- To Speak Of Wolves - Myself < Letting Go
- To Speak Of Wolves - New Bones EP
- To Tell - So Much More
- TobyMac - Eye On It
- Todd Agnew - How To Be Loved
- Todd Ballard - Anthems
- Tongue&Pen - The Likeness EP
- Tongue&Pen - The Likeness EP
- Too Bad Eugene - Distance
- Topherman - Seek EP
- Torn - Demo
- Torn from Red - The Heart Beat EP
- Tortured Conscience - Every Knee Shall Bow
- Tourantula Show Review
- Tourniquet - Antiseptic Bloodbath
- Tracings - Bloodlines & Anchors
- Tracings - Unconditional (EP)
- Transient - Alone
- Transition - Get There
- Travis Ryan - Fearless
- Tree by Leaf - There Is a Vine
- Tree63 - Sunday!
- Trembling Hearts - Trembling Hearts EP
- Trenches - The Tide Will Swallow Us Whole
- Tricia - Enough EP
- Tricia - Radiate
- Trip Lee - Between Two Worlds
- Trip Lee - Rise
- Trip Lee - The Good Life
- Trip Lee - The Waiting Room
- True Liberty - City Of The One
- Tsavo Inc. - When The Lions Are Hungry
- Tug Fork River Band - No Hope For Man
- Tumbledown - S/T
- Twelve Gauge Valentine - Shock Value
- Twenty One Pilots - Blurryface
- twentyfour64 - Know Me
- Twin Radio - The Coast of Indigo
- Two or Three - Resolve
- Type (A) Alert - Into Depths, First Light
- UGLYTWIN - Oh, The Cost
- Ultimatum - Into The Pit
- Unashamed Tour 2012 - Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii, KB, Andy Mineo, PRO, Propaganda, and This'l
- Under Cities - 2012 EP
- Underoath - Ø Disambiguation
- Underoath - Survive Kaleidoscope
- Underoath @ Boulder Theater, Boulder, Colorado
- Underoath "Define The Great Line" (Special Edition CD/DVD)
- Underoath- "Lost In The Sound of Separation"
- United Harvest Workers Union - United Harvest Workers Union
- Unshackled - The Overcoming Years
- Unspoken - Get To Me EP
- Unspoken - The World Is Waking EP
- Unspoken - Unspoken
- Unteachers and Grace & Thieves - Split 7"
- Until June - Young and Foolish
- Uprise Festival 2011
- Ursa Robotica - Dischord & Dancefloors
- Ursa Robotica - The Memory Trigger
- Valleyheart - Everyone I've Ever Loved
- Vanguard - Bring Hope EP
- Various Artists - CompassionArt
- Various Artists - God’s Not Dead: The Motion Picture Soundtrack
- Various Artists - Jesus Firm Foundation: Hymns of Worship
- Various Artists - Music from the Motion Picture GRACE Unplugged
- Various Artists - My Hope: Songs Inspired by the Message and Mission of Billy Graham
- Various Artists - Snow in Love
- Venia - Frozen Hands
- Venia - I've Lost All Faith in Myself
- Venia - Victory By Surrender
- VERIDIA - Inseparable EP
- Veritas - Bull Neck EP
- Verlaine - Don't Wake Them From Their Sleep
- Vertical Church Band - Live Worship From Vertical Church
- Vertical Church Band - The Rock Won't Move
- Vertical Church Band - Vertical EP
- Viktory - R4 (Relentless 4ever) Vol. 2
- Vocal Few - She'll Be Right
- Vocal Few - She'll Be Right
- Vocal Few - Snowdrift EP
- Vocal Few - Tall Trees
- VOTA - Love Found Me
- Wade Walker - The Harrow
- Wage War - Manic
- Waking Ashland "Telescopes"
- Wall of Ears - Perfect Organ Assembly
- War of Ages - Alpha
- War Of Ages - Arise And Conquer
- War of Ages - Eternal
- War Of Ages - Pride Of The Wicked
- War of Ages - Return to Life
- War of Ages - Supreme Chaos
- War of Ages - Void
- War Of Ages "Fire From The Tomb"
- Warr Acres - Hope Will Rise
- Watchers and Hunters - Cruel World
- Watchers and Hunters - Fallen But Not Forgotten
- Watercolor Sidewalks - Anita Ranae
- Watson Park "Self Titled"
- Wavorly - The Wavorly EP
- Wayfarer - The River
- We Are Leo - Hello Ep
- We Are Only Fiction - Out From The Cave
- We Are The City- Violent
- We As Human - Self Titled
- We Set Fire - Deliverance EP
- We Shot The Moon - A Silver Lining
- We Shot The Moon - Fear and Love
- We Shot The Moon - Love and Fear
- We Shot The Moon - The Polar Bear & Cougar EP
- We The Gathered - We The Gathered
- Weathered - Stranger Here
- Whale Bones - Island Fire
- What If This Dream Is All We Have? - Look Outside Your Window
- What We Do In Secret - The Migration EP
- What's Your Damage? - S/T
- whatistruth - No Caps EP
- Where the Ocean Meets the Sky - Empires
- White Collar Sideshow - The Witchunt
- Why They Came - Don't Eat from the Candy Tree
- Why They Came - Led by the Unqualified to Do the Unnecessary
- Will Reagan & United Pursuit - Live at the Banks House
- Willet - Love On The Outside
- Willet - Somewhere In Between
- Willet - Teeth Of A Lion, Fangs Of A Lioness
- Winter's Halo - Welcome To Vegas, Baby
- With a Voice - The Witness in the Valley
- With Blood Comes Cleansing - Golgotha
- With Blood Comes Cleansing - Horror
- With Increase - Death Is Inevitable
- With Shaking Hands - Armor of Light
- Within - The End is Near, Consider Yourself Warned
- Within The Red - Take This Offering
- Wolves at the Gate - Captors
- Wolves at the Gate - Eclipse
- Wolves At The Gate - Types & Shadows
- Wolves at the Gate - VxV
- Woodale - Finish What You Started
- Words In Windows - Balloons!
- World Gone Cold - World Gone Cold EP
- Worship Central - Let It Be Known
- Worship Central - Spirit Break Out
- Worthwhile - Carry on Kid
- Wovenhand - Refractory Obdurate
- WOW - WOW Hits 2014
- WOW - WOW Worship Lime: Deluxe Edition
- WOW Hits 2013 - WOW
- Wrench in the Works - Decrease/Increase
- Wrench In The Works - Lost Art Of Heaping Coal
- Wrench in the Works - Prodigal Transmission
- Write This Down - Lost Weekend
- Write This Down - Write This Down
- Writer - Blood Drops
- Writer - Don't Wake the Sun 7"
- X Christmas
- X-Sinner - Fire It Up
- xDeathstarx - The Triumph
- xDeathstarx - We Are The Threat
- xDoulosx - Birth Pains
- xLooking Forwardx - Down With The Ship
- xLooking Forwardx - The Path We Tread
- XREDLINEX - Tongue Tied
- Y/Our Sparkle Heart - You, Me, and God
- Yancy - Jesus Music Box
- Yancy - Roots For The Journey
- Yaves - History in Progress (Mixtape)
- You Remain - Foreverlin
- You The Symphony - Empty Room Philosophies
- You The Symphony: From Air To Arms
- Young Oceans - Advent
- Young Oceans - Young Oceans
- Young Oceans "Songs of Christmas"
- Young Poet - Thrive in a Modern Era
- Your Chance to Die - Suscitatio Somnus
- Your Eyes My Dreams - Weapons are Useless
- Your Memorial - Atonement
- Your Memorial - Redirect
- Your Memorial - Your Memorial
- Yours for Mine - Dear Children
- Yours for Mine - Dear Children