Album Review :
Newvale "Summer's Gone"

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Band: Newvale
Title: Summer’s Gone EP
Label: None
Release Date: N/A
Review By: Wilhelm

01. Summer’s Gone
02. Explosions in the Distance
03. Flowers and Parking Tickets
04. Our Thursday

Band Members:
Reuben Hernandez: Vocals, Guitar
Jon Dreyer: Drums, Percussion
Brandon Wong: Bass, Guitar, Back-Up Vocals

I had not previously heard of Newvale until Sir Brandon Jones named them the featured artist. I had originally avoided listening to them because I had immediately written them off as a moderately cheeseball, pop punk outfit. Happily, though, I am glad I was incorrect. Once hearing their song, “Summer’s Gone,” I immediately decided that I needed to hear more. When I put Newvale’s EP in my cd player, I immediately became hooked with what I was hearing. As cliche as that sounds, it is totally true.

The EP begins with my personal favorite track, “Summer’s Gone,” which is a song swelling with passion and intensity rarely heard in my ears. I enjoy the subtle, relatively clean guitars that stream throughout this album. Reuben Hernandez does an amazing job with vocals throughout the album. The vocals are carefully balanced with soft intensity without sounding like too much of a nasal whine (which can be annoying… as heard with New Found Glory). Regardless, Hernandez fits in nicely with this EP. Musically, I really enjoy the talent of these three gentlemen. Out of everything I’ve heard on this four song EP, nothing grinds against my musical training. Honestly, this is the kind of music I would consider for late night, solitary driving… (singing loudly, air drumming, air guitaring, and reflecting on various things)

Although lyrics were not included with the EP, it was enough for me to figure out that the majority of the songs dealt with relationships and other realms of the heart. Without actually knowing the lyrics, I can honestly not comment any more and not sound like an ignorant idiot.

To me, the standout tracks (considering there are only four songs on the EP) are “Summer’s Gone” and “Our Thursday.” I personally enjoy everything about these two songs. I like these songs to the point where I would be willing to buy the album just for those 2 songs. Newvale does a great job with incorporating heartfelt passion with good music and I am very excited to see what comes from the gentlemen of Newvale. For now, though, you can listen to three of the four songs from the “Summer’s Gone EP” on their myspace and purevolume profiles.

In conclusion: Newvale deserves a listen from any self respecting Indie/whatever fan. Although the album is incredibly short, the songs on the album are well worth your attention.
For those interested, the cd (for now) is available directly from the band’s myspace via paypal.

Newvale on Myspace
Newvale on Purevolume

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