Album Review :
2Minute Minor - Goons best friend

By in Reviews | 2 Comments

  1. 2minute minor – Goons best friend

To be released – June 12, 2017

  1. Change my life
  2. Follow your own path
  3. Prime
  4. Unwritten war
  5. Stand firm
  6. We’ve had enough
  7. We will prosper
  8. Goon crew


Have you ever been dropkicked in the face in the pit at a punk show? Me neither, but I imagine the soundtrack to such an insane show where bodies are flying every which way, would sound something like 2Minute Minor.

2MM hails from the windy city but they shouldn’t be lumped in with the hundred other punk bands that spend the cold winter nights cooped up writing fast punk anthems. They do in fact stand out in an impressive way.

They live up to their name since only 2 songs bridge the 2 minute mark on the album. Wiley, the vocalist channels the intensity of Henry Rollins era Black flag to the forefront of these 8 rambunctious tracks. You can hear the influences of 80s hardcore punk bands, such as Warzone and Minor threat throughout the albums 8 blistering tracks. Bands that bring such fast intensity and breakneck speed is what I look for. The tracks are short and sweet and the whole album clocks in around 17 minutes.

Wiley’s lyrics are passionate in his pursuit of God and his glory. Keeping a positive mental attitude is also his motto. (PMA) In song 2, Follow your own path, the lyrics are as follows. “I choose to be edge because it betters my heart. I choose to seek God because it betters my soul. I choose PMA because it betters my mind.”


Song 3 continues the onslaught to my car speakers. The fast guitar and vocals both kick in at the same time.  The gang vocals come in on the song shortly after and add to the intensity. There’s no shortage of gang vocals on this album.

The last song on the album called Goon crew, speaks of staying strong to family and staying old-school and not giving up the good fight. To keep fighting for what’s right and not following the crowd. It speaks of respect and gratitude for the bands that paved the way.

This album, which is being released soon on vinyl and cassette definitely has a place on the shelf next to the 80s hardcore bands that paved the way.  Ex. Uniform choice, Slapshot, Chain of strength, the list goes on and on

Do yourself a favor and go to their big cartel site and pre order the vinyl. Listening to punk on vinyl is the way that it should be. You also have the choice of CD and cassette. No 8 track yet, sorry folks. This isn’t your grandma’s church recital music. This is pure old school greatness, plain and simple.


2MM-Goons best friend out this Monday June 12

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June 15, 2017 10:31 am

Not being straight edge, I always find it a little awkward to listen to straight edge music. But this album is pretty fricking sick, so I bought it anyway.

June 14, 2017 10:58 pm

Am I the only one hearing some Infest influence? Because I am and I’m loving it!!!

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