Album Review :
Addison - Closer To Home

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Band: Addison
Title: Closer To Home
Label: Unsigned
Release Date: May 17th, 2010 (I-Tunes)
Reviewer: Stephen M


  1. This Hole in the floor looks like Us
  2. Oh Lethargy, Why do you Covet Me?
  3. Ocean’s
  4. Sleep
  5. Change and The Constant Struggle
  6. Traverse
  7. The Long Walk Home

Hailing from New Zealand, Addison isn’t a new band on the scene. They have one EP previous to this titled, To The Ends of The Earth. The band has recently decided to move on to other things than music, but have released one final EP as a special treat to the music community. Closer To Home is one EP that will not leave you disappointed, not one bit. If you’re a Calvinist, God made Addison incredible. If you’re an Armenian, Addison chose to be incredible – Either way Addison is a very talented group of guys and will leave your ears wanting more.

Closer To Home is a 7 song EP that has a diverse, original sound from beginning to end. This CD ranges from mellow, soothing, singing songs to heavy, destroying, epic songs. Each song is unique throughout providing the ability to listen to it several times always hearing something new. I have listened through this CD over 20 times in the past couple days and every song I am hearing something new, grooving out to a different part of the music. This, to me, is a true sign of an artist that has depth – Addison is kind of like an onion that way.

Lyrically this CD is beautiful. I’ll give you a taste from the song, “Change and The Constant Struggle”:

Deliver me

Until there’s more of You and less of me

Why is there love I feel, In the times when Ive hurt You the most and You take my mess as Your own

You break down my empire

Because every stone I’ve laid has divided us a mile away.

Pull these scales of your eyes

The light is blind but I can see

All Your majesty.

Overall: Addison delivers with Closer To Home. They have matured as a band and in my opinion have become one of the distinctive sounding bands in their scene. It’s too bad they are done as a band now – at least they left with a legacy and have created a piece of music everyone must listen to.

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