Album Review :
Advent - Pain & Suffering

By in Reviews | 5 Comments

Release date: January 27, 2017
Record label: Bridge 9 Records

  1. “Wind From the Valley”
  2. “Weight of the World”
  3. “Shadow of Death”
  4. “BrickXBrick”

2016 was the year for comebacks. There was bands like Destroy the Runner, Hopesfall, and Advent. Advent has brought their A-game with their comeback. And they bring the pain with their new EP, Pain and Suffering. You could call it a “Revival”.

“Wind from the Valley” is the first track of the EP. The bass is thick, the guitars bring in the metal, while the drums are very hardcore style. Joe Musten’s vocals are some of the most violent vocals ever. “Wind from the Valley” sounds like a slower version of the band Nails.

“Weight of the World” starts with the rolling toms, and goes into several vocal calls. It brings a very chaotic hardcore vibe, but also a metalcore vibe. There is a slower part in the song, which is build up. The brief solo is awesome, especially cause these guys are primarily a hardcore band. The only thing I’m confused with is the lyrics. I have not read them, but they seem to have something to do with religion. There is also a part where Musten is just screaming, which is another buildup to another backing vocals shout.

“Shadow of Death” starts with the brutalizing toms and Musten’s violent vocals. The song is very groovy and fast. There aren’t words to really describe how good this EP is, or at least that I can think of. So sorry for the short review. There is a great solo, however it is brief. The song is definitely mosh-worthy. The song gets slower and grittier and sounds as if they are ready to bust someones teeth out.

“BrickXBrick” is 5 minutes long. It is a grueling track and it slays. The song slows down around the 1:30 minute mark and goes into this very Sepultura/Living Sacrifice hold-guitar-notes-while-floor-toms-get-hit thing (No better way to describe it) The vocals destroy and the band brings their all.

The EP is definitely one of the best EPs from 2017. This will make my list for Best of 2017. The EP brings metal and hardcore to a new level. Amazing EP.

For fans of: Nails, Living Sacrifice

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Derek O.
Derek O.
March 25, 2017 10:29 am

This is the best album released this year so far.

Peter Frampton
Peter Frampton
July 21, 2021 1:34 pm

this many years later, still excited about this release

Wiley Murder Willis
Wiley Murder Willis
May 12, 2017 7:04 pm

Such a great band & Album

April 3, 2017 12:49 pm

So freakin good!

Phil metalhed
Phil metalhed
March 27, 2017 9:05 pm

Not even close. I expectd mor from such a long layoff. I wont say im let down, but its def not as gud as ther old stuf. Im also confused about the anger on “Weight of the World”. Maybe it hasta do wit them leavin solid state?

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