Album Review :
Divided By Friday - s/t

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Band: Divided By Friday
Title: self titled
Label: unsigned
Release Date: May 19, 2010
Reviewer: BMer


1. Disappoint: Surprise
2. Make It Out
3. Nothing Like Today
4. Hello Again

Divided By Friday have released their fourth album, a 4-song EP self-titled released without a label.  This pop-punk/pop-rock outfit, one of Indie Vision’s favorites, has added some more players to the team and are starting to really find their sound.  This EP is well produced and easily the bands best work so far with a lot of dynamic in each song and stand-out vocals.  Previous releases by the band were good but somewhat generic and predictable, but this self-titled effort has some much improved song writing.

The EP starts off with the best track, “Disappoint: Surprise” an energetic quicker-paced song featuring some great vocal melodies and even some double-kick pedal adding a somewhat serious feel to the music.  The next two tracks are more of your standard pop anthems, bopping along at a steady pace.  The lyrics appear to revolve around love lost, a girl that apparently slipped away, a common music-inspiring theme. The last track “Hello Again” is the most subdued song on the EP, featuring an acoustic guitar to lead the song out.

Divided By Friday are not creating anything groundbreaking, but what they are doing is very good, and now with the added members and solid production they’ve created an EP that will hopefully put them on the map.  I enjoy the fact that this EP is straight-forward, four songs and no fluff or instrumentals, the band gets right to the point.  The fact that the band chose to release an EP instead of a full-length is great in my opinion, more bands should follow this trend.  An EP allows the listener to really focus on these four tracks rather than risking songs getting lost in a full-length.

OVERALL the EP is good, featuring some of the older writing style of Divided By Friday but also showing a lot of maturity.  These songs will be fun for everyone, catchy melodies and almost everyone can relate to the lyrics about heartbreak.  Fans of pop-rock/pop-punk should definitely pick this up.

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