Album Review :
Eleventyseven - Attack of the Mountain Medley

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Artist: Eleventyseven
Title: Attack of the Mountain Medley
Release Date: 08/17/2012
Reviewer: Sara Walz


  1. Long Way Down
  2. All The Doubt In Town
  3. Nobody’s Business
  4. And I’m A Mormon
  5. Appalachian Wine

Alright, I am going to commit what is probably the cardinal sin of reviewing an album, I am going to write down my pure, unfiltered thoughts the first time I listen through each song. Normally, I will listen to an album at least 5 times through before even touching the keyboard and by the time the review is written I have at least 10-15 spins of the release under my belt. Today, however, I thought I would come at it from a different angle and let you hear my first impressions as they spill from my brain to the page. So here goes:

Attack of the Mountain Medley, it’s nice to meet you.

Long Way Down- Boppy sound, beat-driven. Seems like a happy, fun song but lyrics suggest that it’s much more serious than what the music portrays, “Long way to fall to have nobody catch you, long way to call to have nobody answer, long way to walk home if you don’t know the mountain ruins.” Leaves me feeling a little melancholy and introspective.

All The Doubt in Town- Ooh, country feel, toe is tappin’. Like all good country songs, hard times have fallen on a family but love is keeping them together. Thought that was a banjo but it wasn’t, bummer. No real climax to the song. “Keeping heaven’s porch light on,” I like that lyric. Love conquers all.

Nobody’s Business- I think we might have a banjo! Making moonshine, promiscuity, smoking pot, and keeping secrets about what really goes on in the “trailer park.” Nice little guitar interlude. Short song, might raise uncomfortable questions if there are small children listening with you in the car.

And I’m a Mormon- Slight change in sound, it was needed. Clearly, taking a crack at the commercials from a couple years back. The stripped down bridge gets an A+. “Your faith has been around for centuries, mine just put my family on TV, oh if he could just see me Joseph Smith would be tickled pink, I wake up to a new wife every morning, and I’m a Mormon.” Hilarious but super politically incorrect.

Appalachian Wine- Love the intro, keys and strings, delightful. So different from the rest of the EP. Metaphorical story? Clapping during the chorus! This line is a winner, “That’s kind of what it’s like up here for me, yeah, loving them will cost you everything.”

Overall: This is an EP unlike anything we’ve seen from Eleventyseven before, it’s unabashedly country-folk but still has that same tongue-in-cheek humor that endeared us to the band with songs like “Myspace” and “Quota.” Attack of the Mountain Medley isn’t the album for everyone with some not-so-kid-friendly themes and a distinct musical flavor that certainly isn’t Top 40 but if you’re looking for some porch sittin’ music look no further.
Attack of the Mountain Medley, we’ll hang out again someday.


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