Album Review :
Endeavor / Servants - Split

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Band: Endeavor / Servants
Album: Split
Label: Unsigned (Endeavor) / Motherland Collective (Servants)
Release: 1.17.14
Reviewer: Brody B

  1. Here to Give (Endeavor)
  2. Worried Traveler (Endeavor)
  3. Thinking Small (Endeavor)
  4. A Burden of Mine (Servants)
  5. Revoke (Servants)
  6. Standard of Life (Servants)
  7. Hold On

Melodic hardcore has become a bit of a bleak and dreary scene. If a band’s merch table is toting “fresh snapbacks” and floral print pocket tees is often the main focus of the genre now rather than the quality and heart put into the music. Shows have simply become a way to peddle merch rather than a gathering of like minded individuals yelling their hearts out until their throats are sore.

Endeavor and Servants are here to break this tired trend. Both bands expertly craft lyrically uplifting and musically soaring tunes that are sure to capture the attention of melodic hardcore fans worldwide; refusing to let them go even after multiple plays.

Endeavor kicks things off with Here to Give. After a short laid back intro, things kick into high gear with punk beats, with intricate lead guitar weaving in and out of the mix. The song may seem like nothing but a circle pit soundtrack until the last third when a crushing breakdown storms to the forefront as vocalist Andy Leonard proclaims, “It was a beautiful dream inside a hellish nightmare”.

Worried Traveler is a track that takes many twists and turns, constantly changing, but always making the listener want to move. Whether it be mind-numbing tapping sections, groove laden riffs, or chunky breakdowns, I can guarantee this track will have crowds moving the room at shows.

Refusing to merely fade away, Endeavor ends their section of the split with possibly their heaviest track, Thinking Small. The track has a recurring breakdown that emerges at just the right time, every time. In contrast to all the heaviness, the driving melody that finds solace between the breakdowns seems all the more sweet.

Of the two groups, Endeavor settles slightly more on the heavy side of things with melodic undertones. Leonard tends to focus on the lower end of the vocal scale, but don’t ever pigeonhole him as a monotone vocalist as he mixes things up a good bit with high pitch howls and some occasional talk / yelling.

Servants come out swinging in full force with A Burden of Mine, a track that’s sure to induce images of room spinning circle pits with it’s furiously fast tempo and punk beat. The opener bleeds well into it’s successor, Revoke. Revoke is a great representative of the frenzied of the multi-voiced band as they trade off easily between vocalists amidst the frenzy of guitar licks and leads.

Standard of Life is the standout on Servants section of the split. The track is truly special as it transcends any real genre labeling with it’s ability to seamlessly switch between atmospheric slowjam and rebellious, raised fist anthem. The refrain of, “I’m screaming in anger against your hate / perverting every righteous thing!” is sure to be in your head for days.

Hold On ends out both Servants segment and the split as a whole, and boy does it do it in style. The closer is short, but not to the point. The track avoids being straightforward, but rather crams as much melodic goodness as it can into one hardcore morsel. Hold On demands multiple listens to fully capture all the nuances held within.

Overall: Simply put, If you don’t know these two bands and are into hardcore, you NEED to be. Both bands have a very real passion and an uncanny talent that are sure to lead them to truly special places.

RIYL: Shai Hulud | Life In Your Way | Means

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