Album Review :
Future of Forestry - Travel III

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Artist: Future of Forestry

Album: Travel III

Label: Credential Recordings

Release Date: June 29, 2010

Reviewer: Eric Pettersson


  1. Bold and Underlined
  2. Working to Be Loved
  3. Did You Lose Yourself?
  4. Protection
  5. Horizon Rainfall
  6. Your Day’s Not Over

Starting in May 2009, Future of Forestry released three EPs, each with six songs dealing with the general theme of travel. The third and final installment of the Travel Series came June 2010, and for some strange reason it went under the radar here at IVM. I am correcting that now, with a review of Travel III, at Brandon’s request.

While the three EPs do not necessarily focus on a different aspect of Future of Forestry’s sound in the way that Thrice’s Alchemy Index did, Travel III does immediately stand out as being the most electronic and fun. It’s quite a change from their 2007 debut, Twilight, which was filled with sprawling indie rock landscapes of lush U2 and Radiohead influenced tunes. This time around, the record begins with “Bold and Underlined,” notable for its rollicking guitar riff and pounding drums (think The Black Keys or House of Heroes). Due to the heavy incorporation of electronic sounds within a basic pop rock song, as well as Eric Owyoung’s vocal styling, Travel III often reminds me of Jars of Clay after they reinvented themselves in 2009. The bass is heavy throughout, putting most of these songs into that rare category of pop rock music that could be played at a dance club. It also reminds me of Beck and Cake.

Overall: Future of Forestry have proven their talent from the start, but Travel III shows that the band is also able to stretch themselves by playing in new territory, succeeding at a more upbeat sound than what they have done in the past. This EP is fun and creative, with enough electronic rock energy to get you moving.

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