Album Review :
Grave Robber - You're All Gonna Die!

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Band: Grave Robber

Title: You’re All Gonna Die!
Label:  Rottweiler Records
Release Date: 11/7/11
Reviewer: Rob J
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Track Listing

  1. Flatliners
  2. You’re All Gonna Die
  3. Paranormal Activity
  4. Invisible Man
  5. Something Wicked This Way Comes
  6. Nightbreed
  7. Haunted House
  8. Incredible Shrinking Woman
  9. Last Man On Earth
  10. Fill This Place With Blood
  11. Curse Of The Werewolf

Grave Robber is about to release their next album, You’re All Gonna Die! and it is an album that has well exceeded all of my personal expectations. If you’ve been a fan of Grave Robbers albums up to this point, this CD will be no exception. If you’ve never given them a listen before or if you haven’t been impressed up til now, this CD may surprise you as there are many deviations from the bands previous offerings and has something for everyone.

The album kicks off with an eerie intro called “Flatliners”. At first listen I was immediately reminded of the theme from George Romero’s 1982 classic, “Creepshow”. But this intro is definitely distinct from it and easily as creepy, if not more. At its climax we’re thrown full force into the album’s title track, “You’re All Gonna Die”, a song that’s pretty heavy punk and like many on the album, has a definite southern rock tint on it.

There are still plenty of old school punk tracks on the album such as “Paranormal Activity”, “Something Wicked This Way Comes”, and “Haunted House”, but there are also many new and welcome additions to what you’re used to from previous albums. There are horror film intros to many songs, you’ll notice some keys and synth on “Paranormal Activity” and “Invisible Man”, some “has anyone seen my face?” solos on a few tracks, a really sweet breakdown in “Something Wicked This Way Comes”…I could go on and on.

Are you looking for the message in the music? It’s something that is always at the forefront for me as a listener and this album delivers just as Grave Robber has always done in the past. Nothing sugar coated, nothing watered down. From the title track reminding us of our own mortality (are you ready for what’s next?), to “Invisible Man” which speaks to the fact we all too often overlook the poor and others in need around us, there’s tons of substance here. Wretched himself introduces “Incredible Shrinking Woman”, a track against domestic violence and voicing a hope for those trapped in those situations to get out and for the abusers to get help. Every song has lyrics with depth and meaning.

OVERALL This album is a total win. As I’d mentioned earlier in this review, whether you’re familiar with the bands prior efforts or not, whether you’ve liked them or not, this album is a step up and has something for everyone. Punk? Check. Southern rock riffs? Check. Sick solos? Check. Heavy riffs? Sweet breakdowns? Keys? Synth? Great lyrics? All check. I make it a point not to give out a score of 10 in my reviews, especially with bands I personally enjoy, but in this case I really don’t feel I have a choice in the matter. It’s a 10 at least and will certainly make an appearance in December on my “albums of the year” list, being a strong contender for the top spot. Grab this album ASAP, you won’t be disappointed. You can order a copy at To get a digital copy, go to It is also available NOW on itunes!

Score: 10/10

Be sure to check out Grave Robber at the link above and you can follow them on twitter at @graverobberpunk!

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