Album Review :
Inhale Exhale- I Swear...

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Band: Inhale Exhale
Album: I Swear
Label: Solid State Records
Review by: Kimberly J


01. I Need A Space Ship (Instead I Got Problems)
02. Its Myself Vs. Being A Man
03. The Impatient Will Suffer
04. Is The Fact That Im Trying To Do It, Doing It For You?
05. I Live The Bad Life (You Make It Worse)
06. No One Is Invincible
07. The Words That We Have Chosen
08. Drink Till We Drop
09. Ill Die with No Friends And A Grin On My Face
10. Fluvanna
11. Knowledge Priceless

Ryland Raus-Vocals
John LaRussa- Guitar
Jeremy Gifford- Bass
Chris “Gator” Carroll- Drums

The past few years have seemed to be a good place in time for Christian metalcore artists to stretch their limbs a bit. Many bands have taken the opportunity to test the waters of experimentalism (yeah that’s a word) and different musical textures. One of the bands taking this step of musical acceleration is Inhale Exhale. Their debut album “The Lost. The Sick. The Sacred…” held a nice hand few of standout tracks and memorable moments for me, leaving me with a great impression of the band and their musical style. Two years later they’ve graced us with their latest creation, I Swear…

One thing that initially stood out for me with this record was vocalist Ryland Raus’ vocal stamina. I had speculations of his vocal greatness, but this album has really given me that push to just accept it. Not only is he a great screamer, he has the vocal chops that can make a song from thunderous and epic, to personal and intimate. After listening to the first track off of the new record, “I Needed a Spaceship (Instead I got Problems)”, I definitely got that original Inhale Exhale feel; hard hitting, with big, ridiculously massive, guitar riffs! The second track on the record “It’s Me vs. Being A Man”, might actually just be one of my favorite songs as of right now. It has this slow groove to it that manages to stay cohesive with even the heaviest parts of the album.

I Swear… has some common metalcore qualities such as anthem type songs; Inhale Exhale just has a different approach. I don’t want to get over analytical, which I tend to do on a regular basis, but even within the guitars there seems to be a voice only our hearts can articulate. That’s sort of a crazy statement to make, but I mean it. The songs on this album can seriously raise up something inside you and become fluid and intertwined with your own heartbeat! It’s an awesome feeling!

I could really go through and tell you how wonderful each song is, but I have to refrain myself this time. I hate to just bring this review to a halt, but I can’t help but say I Swear… is just an all around win: musical quality, vocal quality, lyrical quality; everything! This will be the recorded I put on when all I want to do is feel consumed by compelling music. This will also be the record I turn on when my friends and I want to hardcore dance in my living room when my mom isn’t home. So in all, I Swear rocks…Inhale Exhale rocks…Enough said!


Standout Tracks: It’s Me vs. Being a Man, Knowledge = Priceless, The Impatient Will Suffer

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