Album Review :
Paul Baloche - Glorieux

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Artist: Paul Baloche
Title: Glorieux
Label: Integrity Music
Release Date: 7/2/13
Reviewer: Jonathan Andre


  1. Glorieux (Glorious)
  2. Tu Nous As Sauvés (You Have Saved Us)
  3. Tout Mon Espoir (My Hope)
  4. Roi Des Cieux (King of Heaven)
  5. Cet Amour (The Same Love)
  6. Nous Sommes Sauves (We Are Saved)
  7. Par Le Don De La Croix (All Because of the Cross)
  8. Être Près De Toi (Just To Be With You)
  9. Voici Le Jour (Today is the Day)
  10. Oh Seigneur (Oh Our Lord)
  11. Vois Donc Le Seigneur (Look Upon the Lord)
  12. Règne En Moi (Reign in Me)
  13. Merci Pour La Croix (Thank You For The Cross)
  14. Alleluia

Paul Baloche has always been one of my favourite worship artists, delivering some of my favourite worship songs and anthems of all time, from ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart’, ‘Above All’, ‘Hosanna (Praise is Rising)’ and ‘Offering’; to ‘Glorious’ and more recently ‘The Same Love’ from his 2012 album The Same Love. Now releasing his 2nd recorded French language album, comprising of radio hits from his previous 2 albums Glorious (2009) and The Same Love (2012); Paul Baloche and some of his French-speaking friends have delivered to us 14 songs full of powerful emotion and uplifting energy. With these songs being recorded so that the French speaking population can hear the songs translated in their own language and therefore sing along to them in weeks and months ahead, Paul has picked some of his famous hits throughout these last few years, comprising them into a 14 song collection titled Glorieux. While this album is marketed to the French speaking population within the world; I thoroughly enjoyed this album (even though my French isn’t the best). Maybe it’s because I’ve heard most of these songs by Paul before on his 2009 and 2012 albums, therefore knowing all the words and lyrics. Regardless of whether you’ve heard the English translations or if you know French at all very well, Paul has delivered an album certain to be purchased by French people, French Canadians, as well as those wanting to learn French (or who are just fascinated with culture and other languages) alike.

On a holistic level, Glorieux features 14 of Paul’s greatest hits that have appeared on both his last two albums. Title track ‘Glorieux’ (‘Glorious’) speaks about how God is glorious and stands above everything else within this world, while ‘Voici Le Jour’ (‘Today is the Day’) is a big divergence from the English translation, adopting more of a faster-pace and an introduction very similar to Lincoln Brewster’s rendition of the popular Brewster and Baloche written radio hit. ‘My Hope’, ‘We are Saved’, ‘King of Heaven’, ‘All Because of the Cross’ and ‘Look Upon the Lord’ were all hits from The Same Love, and all also appear on the French album. While many of Paul’s friends have taken lead on a variety of tracks on Glorieux, it was pleasing that Paul himself sang on some of my own favourite tracks, primarily on the French translations of ‘Reign in Me’ and ‘The Same Love’. Though it would’ve been nice to hear at least All Sons and Daughters trying to sing French on either ‘King of Heaven’ or ‘Oh Our Lord’ (both songs on Glorieux were sung by some of Paul’s close French-speaking friends); each of these songs were still given justice with both the male and female vocals on the songs were delivered with such great harmonies and were also some of my standouts on the album. Also on the album are the French translations of ‘You Have Saved Us’, and ‘Just to Be With You’, some of the highlights from Glorieux that showcase Paul and his friend’s powerful vocals and great pronunciation of the words to deliver tracks that seemingly sound like they were written in French first rather than translated from English. And while I may have wanted to hear French translations of ‘A New Hallelujah’ or ‘How Great Is The Love’; the 14 tracks were and are more than enough to give a snapsnot of Paul’s career these last few years.

Overall: Paul’s album is a masterpiece and ought to be greatly appreciated even if you don’t really know French. Paul’s contribution to the worship industry has been massive, and just like his contemporaries like Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Chris Tomlin and Kari Jobe; has changed the scope of worship songs throughout decades and decades of worship hits being written. While the album may be at a loss if one were to purchase the album if they didn’t understand French (or if they had both Glorious and The Same Love already); Paul’s 2013 album is a certain purchase for many people who do know French, in French countries where there isn’t the same access to Christian material, or if you are just fascinated with French culture and want to improve your vocabulary. Whatever the motivation, Glorieux is full of great worshipful moments, and is possibly the best (and probably the only) album I’ve listened to that’s not in English. Well done Paul for such an honest and enjoyable album full of heart and emotion!

RIYL: Julissa, Christine D’Clario, Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Matt Redman

Buy the Album: iTunes/Amazon mp3

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