Album Review :
Psalters - The Divine Liturgy of the Wretched Exiles

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Artist: Psalters
Album: The Devine Liturgy of the Wretched Exiles
Label: None (Independently released)
Release Date: 2006
Review by: Eric Pettersson

2.Psalm 6
3. Rich Man and Afghanistan (Rich Man and Lazarus)
4. Gloria
5-6. Solemn Collects/ Amal
7. Creed
8. Sword
9. Dig It Up
10. Hosanna
11. Mysterium Fidei
12. Momamic (Man on the Moon and Man in the Cup)
13. Red
14. Ol’ Glory
15. Lord’s Prayer
16. Scarf Dance
17. Agnus Dei
18. Badlands
19. Dumpster Divers
20. All Who Are Weary
21. Train De Vie

Based out of Philadelphia for about ten years, the Psalters have been seen at such large-scale events as Purple Door, and have recently toured with their best friends, mewithoutYou. Members of the Psalters were featured on the last two mewithoutYou albums, though they choose to personally remain unnamed, even within their own album covers. The Psalters are the voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” They live on their black tour bus, which is run on veggie oil, and they are striving for a change of heart in America.

On the Psalters website, there is a “Manifesto” which explains the true problem behind leprosy. This condition does not actually make body parts fall off. It only takes away the sense of feel, and when people cannot feel pain, they end up hurting themselves. Thus is the case in America. We have become so rich and so overfed and so materialistic and comfortable, that we cannot feel pain. We cannot relate to the poor, the hurting, and because we cannot relate, we neglect. This is where the Psalters come in. Listening to this CD and reading all the text at their website will make you want to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor. It will leave you feeling convicted, praising God, and calling out to Him for deliverance from your sins in a very emotional, passionate, and real way.

The Psalters is a musical experience like none other. Every song is different, with major influences ranging from Middle Eastern to ancient church music (think Gregorian chanting) to the occasional folk and a hint of Fugazi, and most of their instruments you will not even be able to pronounce correctly. Their point is to say that there is no such thing as the church in America… the church is the body of Christ, and this is a global body, not nationalistic. Our citizenship lies in Heaven and Heaven alone. As one member cries out during the end to “Hosanna”:

Oh is it true that songs can do what bombs have always missed?
To strike the lips of power that all men have longed to kiss
That all may know if You don’t save then everything is lost
Your road map to freedom is from infancy to the cross

No rock will bear my load, I’ll cry out loud with in my time
A battle cry against the world
“God help me!” is the line
And as I rush upon the field I know I may fall slain
But I would rather fight and die than live my life in vain


Official Site

Note: The Psalters run entirely on donations, and their albums can be ordered through their websites for free, though donations are obviously greatly appreciated. If you like what you hear, or even if you don’t and you just agree with what they’re doing, consider keeping the Psalters in your prayers as well.

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