Album Review :
The Farewell Scene - Broken Halos EP

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Band: The Farewell Scene
Album: Broken Halos & Clipped Wings
Label: N/A
Reviewed By: Chris W


  1. The Love You Seek
  2. Unending
  3. You Count The Stars

With the recent blow up of electro-pop and other sub-genres (the validity of which is debatable because most of the bands are straight up terrible) there are going to be a lot of awful bands that are out to ride the trend and make money, and then there are going to be the ones with an actual heart for the music they’re making. Upon browsing through the NoiseTrade catalog I came across a 3 song EP that intrigued me, and so I got it.

The Farewell Scene is electronica similar to that of HelloGoodbye, Owl City, PlayRadioPlay, and maybe a bit of Metro Station (since we’re naming the current big hitters in this style) But where you’ll find those bands singing about failed relationships, summer fun, and other rather pointless crap, you’ll find TFS singing about God’s unfailing love and mercy. Lyrics such as “Your love for me/ You shed on Calvary/ Your love for me/ Takes me away/ Unending, is what you said/Unending, is the love you bled/ Unfailing, is who you are/ Love isn’t far, Love isn’t far.” The instrumentation is excellent. There’s plenty of electronics and synth pads, making for gorgeous mellow electronic praise and worship. The production value for a debut EP is amazing. If you’re not a fan of auto-tune and vocoders well, I really can do nothing but say it’s here in large quantity. There is a cover of “You Count The Stars” by Chris Hayzlett of The Anchor Fellowship which is well executed.

Overview: The greatest part of this album is despite all the synthesized elements, what is not synthesized is a truly worshipful heart that has a passion to make music for God and not for any kind of self glory, and it shows.

P.S. Just a quick note about my score on this, I would score it higher at a 9.5 or so but it is only a 3 song EP and thus is not quite enough material in my mind to warrant such. It’s been a long time since music reached out and grabbed me at the core. I very much look forward to hearing a full length from these guys.

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