Album Review :
The Parousia - The Parousia EP

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Band: The Parousia
Album: The Parousia EP
Label: none
Release Date: February 2010
Reviewed By: BMer

Track List:

  1. C4
  2. Here’s the Line
  3. The Harlot and the Bear
  4. Cap’n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters
  5. Willow

The Parousia are a rock outfit hailing from Southern California. They released a DIY EP in early 2010 called The Parousia EP that features 5 tracks of faith-based, energetic rock. The group is somewhat hard to define into one specific genre of music, the singer has a rock sounding style, while the drumming is mostly punk/hardcore stylings featuring plenty of double-bass. The guitarwork is the most confusing, spanning from open drop-d breakdowns to short, upbeat punk riffs. Covering so many genres (pop-rock, punk, hardcore, metalcore…) can be successful, such as bands like A Day to Remember and The Suit, or it can be a deterrent if the sound comes off as an identity-crisis.

The opening track “C4” is very good, showing the range of The Parousia with a memorable chorus and solid drumming. The breakdown shows that the band has a serious message and wants to also give listeners a chance to get down. Throughout the The Parousia EP there are many creative elements that keep the songs from falling into the mundane, moments like the synth-backing breakdown in “Here’s the Line” and the drum effects at the beginning of “The Harlot and the Bear”. The guitar stays busy as well, often noodling through the verse only to deliver a big punch on the chorus.

Lyrically, The Parousia use some serious call to arms type lyrics like “Don’t look back, don’t look back, I will follow You,” in “Here’s the Line,” while in other songs they take a more light hearted approach like “O baby, baby when you walk through the door, it’s time to test my ego” in “The Harlot and The Bear.” Like the music, there isn’t a feeling of continuity thorough out the songs lyrically; there are moments when the ambiguity and metaphors are a little clumsy. The final product however is very good, and with more time The Parousia will hopefully hone in on a more consistent sound.

OVERALL The Parousia are a solid little band, The Parousia EP serves as a great demo that small labels should be checking out. Fans of Life On Repeat, The Suit, or even stuff like A Day To Remember should be checking these guys out.

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