Album Review :
This Beautiful Republic- Perceptions

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Artist: This Beautiful Republic

Album: Perceptions

Label: EMI

Release Date: Aug 19

Review By: Kimberly Johnson


The album begins soft and subtle with the opening track “Pain.” It’s another one of those “hate the name, love the song” type things. Maybe it’s the bluntness behind it. There’s no mystery! Oh well… Bringing smooth melodies that just cry to be kicked up a little, the song finally breaks free, falling into its catchy, upbeat, pop rock coated flare. This Beautiful Republic’s second full length album, Perceptions, is a collection of light and likeable, radio-friendly tracks. Every once in a while you need that “drive in your car, tap your steering wheel” album. I believe I’ve found a suitable candidate for your new road trip obsession.


Ben Olin (vocals) speaks of the bands progression from their debut full length, Even Heroes Need Parachutes, saying, “We wrote harder, more “in your face” rock songs, as well as softer, vertically- oriented songs for this record.” Olin put it pretty well actually. Perceptions shows itself as a solid rock album with a few other underlying genres.

For example, “Beautifully Broken” and “For the Life of Me” bring passionate and meaningful subjects, but are delivered with a Top 40 sensibility.  


On the other hand, tracks like “My God” and “A Point Between Extremes” have a few varieties of genres within them. In “My God’s” concise 2:57, TBR find a way to squeeze a somewhat bubblegum pop chorus in with low tuned guitars and screams! Definitely not something I thought I’d see out of them, but I was pleasantly surprised. I dig the style for them and wouldn’t mind seeing them add heavier influences in the future.


“A Point Between Extremes” meshes together a slow groove type ambience with some indie input. I love the mesh of emotions and levels within the song. The vibe is so relaxed and natural. How can you not love a song that’s so uncontrived? Closing out the alum is “Say Goodnight.” I’m convinced it’s the perfect song to finish off the album with its dreamy feel and delicate touch. Overall, I must say Perceptions is a job well done. Each song is enjoyable, catchy, and all around fun to sing along to! But as a warning, one of them WILL be that next song stuck in your head! It’s unavoidable!



Standouts: My God, Last Second Chance, Surrender Saved My Life, A Point Between Extremes, Pain




RYL: If you’re a fan of Kiros, then this band is right up your alley!




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