Tag: 2016

December 23, 2024

Song of the Day: Darkness Divided - The Hands That Bled (Acoustic) vs Souls of the Lost

This Texan band takes their name from Genesis 1:4 I found about them from RadioU in Ohio with their song Remnants. Since then, I have followed them & they just released their latest single King of the the Undertow recently. Starting in church worship, they changed styles in 2010. I personally am not a fan of acoustic covers, but I love this one.  Also, included a fave of mine from them.
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December 30, 2023

Song of the Day: DOC - To Da Dome vs Nimisilla Park - Outpour

So I have been listening to gospel hip hop for many years. I remember having this rap group Pullin’ No Punches as a kid. It sported the marvelous collab w/ Bride & the reworking of the God Gave Rock & Roll 2U song. DOC was an abbreviation for Disciples of Christ. There were several 90s hip hop artists that abbreviated their names such as ETW’s End Time Warriors, SFC’s Soldiers for Christ, PID’s Preachas in Disguise, CROW’s Constantly Right Overcomes Wrong, etc… Anyway’s fast forward to 2016 & w/a name change released Welcome to Nimisilla Park.… Continued →

April 23, 2020

Relient K Drop Live Album

In something of a surprise (at least to me), Relient K released a new live album on Spotify minutes ago. The 15 tracks that appear on the release include one track from Two Lefts, a few choice selections off Mmhmm, and the rest are from varied releases after that. Looking forward to giving this a good listen. You can also pick up the live vinyl HERE, however it appears to contain 9 songs rather than 15. Who’ll be checking this out??… Continued →

January 18, 2017

Clear Convictions Breaks Up

The Christian metalcore band Clear Convictions has announced their disbanding. Clear Convictions started in 1999 but didn’t release their debut album, Warning until 2004 through Strike First Records, the subsidiary of Facedown Records. The band recorded another album that came out through On The Attack! Records and most recently as of 2015, their EP, New Seasons. The band announced on New Year’s Eve that they had disbanded. The band stated that “some us wanted to bring this chapter to a close”. They ask their fans to go to their merch store and buy some stuff.… Continued →

January 3, 2017

The Best of 2016: Graham Wall

1. Showbread “Showbread is Showdead” How couldn’t I include my favorite Raw Rock band on this list? It’s sad that this is the final Showbread album, but I don’t think they could have ended their legacy any better. I didn’t think very highly of the last two albums, but “Showbread is Showdead” had me reminiscing on the good days of “Nihilism”. Any album that includes a song with a Korg synthesizer, screaming, a booming bass guitar, and a chorus that sounds like a cheerleader squad is cool in my books (e.g.… Continued →

January 2, 2017

Best of 2016: Ian DeVaney

2016 was a great year for Christian music, so great in fact that I found it difficult to keep up with all of the releases coming out! These are the albums that I found myself listening to the most over the course of the year though, and after spending a few days listening to the others that I missed, I’m quite comfortable saying that these are the best releases of the year! 1. Switchfoot – Where the Light Shines Through 2. Dogs of Peace – Heel  3.Continued →
Paper Route - Real Emotion

The Best of 2016: Christopher Hardwick

1. Paper Route “Real Emotion” Picking a number one album for 2016 seemed impossible with so many great alternative and rock releases this year. But when I started looking at my most played songs of 2016 on Spotify, it became clear which album deserved top spot. Although Paper Route’s “Real Emotion” took a few listens to sink in, it is a great follow up to the “Peace of the Wild Things” and is deserving of being my pick for best album of 2016. 2. House of Heroes “Colors” House of Heroes finally put out a concept album after years of teasing us with loosely themed albums.… Continued →

Top 20 Albums of 2016 - Casey G.

Overall, I sadly didn’t feel like 2016 was saturated with tons and tons of great music and found myself grasping at straws to pull this list together. With that said, there truly are were a few gems and I encourage you to check out each of the bands on this list. I’ve also included a sampler play list at the bottom for quick reference. Hopefully something on this list will connect with you! 1. Viscera – My Epic There’s a reason these guys consistently make it onto “best of” lists.… Continued →

December 31, 2016

October 16, 2016

October Releases?

With October quickly coming to an end, my question for all of you is what album from this month has made the biggest impact? What release have you been spinning the most? Favorite CD, Vinyl, Tape, Digital album of October 2016?… Continued →

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