Tag: best of 2022

April 8, 2023

Best of 2022: Noah Hardwick

I’ve been sitting on this draft since January thinking eventually I’d get around to writing some short blurbs about each of my picks. But here we are in April and I still haven’t done it so I figure I might well go ahead and publish it as-is (especially now that Brandon has shared his list!). So here is, my best of 2022:… Continued →

April 5, 2023

Best of 2022: Brandon Jones

I’m finally getting around to doing a quick write up on some favorite releases and songs from the past year. These may or may not be in any particular order and is based upon a mix of memory and my 2022 Spotify playlist where I throw everything new onto it for continual playback throughout the year. Read below and feel free to post your own favorites of 2022 that I’m sure were accidentally skipped on my own list (and maybe even have yet to be discovered).… Continued →

November 27, 2022

20 Best Rock EPs of 2022 Ranked

A few weeks ago I appeared on the JFH Podcast to talk about my favorite EPs of 2022. In the process of preparing for the episode I listened to a lot of EPs and figured I might as well make the most of it and make it into a list. Rather than a single massive list though I decided to break it down by genre. So here’s part one of my favorite EPs of 2022: 20 rock EPs ranked. 20. November SkyOut of the Black I am really glad to see the members of Scarlett White moving forward with a new project.… Continued →