Tag: Blood and Ink Records

October 13, 2024

Song of the Day: Clear Convictions - New Breath vs Welcome to the Last Days

Puerto Rican hxc Clear Convictions is at it again with a brand new single that released a couple days ago. The new album Endure should be released in the next few months. Check out the band’s earlier discography & this excerpt from an early interview “‘Clear Convictions’ comes around because that’s how we see our lifestyle. As Christians, we believe by faith and that faith becomes true and alive , something that you can feel inside, it is like having an ear and true relationship with the Creator.… Continued →

December 21, 2022

January 21, 2022

Song of the Day: The Warning - Condemned to Hell

If you’ve been around the Christian punk/metal/hardcore/indie scene for any amount of time, you will likely have heard the name Burrito. Not his real name, of course–the man David Villalpando was a legend in the underground scene. Sadly, the man that many called a friend passed away this week from covid-related illness. For those who didn’t know him, it is difficult to overstate his impact on the scene. From a musical standpoint, while none of his projects ever achieved mainstream success or financial prosperity, they were always on the bleeding edge of innovation.… Continued →

January 15, 2021

Song of the Day: The Virgin Birth - Empires of Excrement

Remember when hardcore was still exciting? Fast loud rules! While hardcore can still be interesting, I find the monotony of some in the genre to be irritating. Here’s the formula: melodic leads, heavy use of breakdowns, some clean singing somewhere, and just enough tempo changes to give the appearance of being innovative. Okay, I’ll stop. I sound as old and jaded as I actually am. I still love the heavy music scene, and hardcore in particular. I just hate the fact that it’s getting harder and harder to tell the bands apart from one another (especially metalcore and deathcore).… Continued →

June 6, 2017

Vagabonds signs with Blood & Ink Records, release Music Video

The post hardcore band Vagabonds has signed to Blood & Ink Records. The project formed August of 2013, and have released a split EP, and a single independently. The project is run by Luke Dean, who does everything within the band. Vagabonds is preparing to release their debut album, I Don’t Know What To Do Now, on June 30th. Pre-orders are available now. Listen to “Paralysis” below.
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May 11, 2017

April 6, 2017

March 1, 2017

January 27, 2017

January 24, 2017

Facedown Records Announces Facedown Fest 2017 Lineup

Facedown Records has just announced the lineup for Facedown Fest 2017. The festival has hosted many bands that were signed to other labels or the subsidiary Strike First Records, including Clear Convictions (Strike First), Comrades (ex-Blood and Ink), Bloody Sunday (Strike First) and several others. This year is the 20th anniversary of the label so they have had many of their prominent acts come join in or even reunite. The label is also hosting the Fest for 3 days, which is very abnormal as it is usually a one day event.… Continued →

January 18, 2017

Strengthen What Remains Stream New Song; Cassettes Available for Pre-Order

The metallic hardcore act, Strengthen What Remains has a new song streaming, as well as pre-orders for their Promo cassette for 2017. The band started in 2010 and released two studio albums and an EP. The band recently had a few members step down and had new members join. One of those is Logan Hayworth, former Bassist for Abated Mass of Flesh. The Promo tracklist is:
  1. Exploit. Enslave. Overpower.
  2. Liberation of the Spirit
  3. Against the Stone
Pre-order it here.… Continued →

Clear Convictions Breaks Up

The Christian metalcore band Clear Convictions has announced their disbanding. Clear Convictions started in 1999 but didn’t release their debut album, Warning until 2004 through Strike First Records, the subsidiary of Facedown Records. The band recorded another album that came out through On The Attack! Records and most recently as of 2015, their EP, New Seasons. The band announced on New Year’s Eve that they had disbanded. The band stated that “some us wanted to bring this chapter to a close”. They ask their fans to go to their merch store and buy some stuff.… Continued →

October 22, 2016

Church Tongue (Blood & Ink) Releases Debut Album, "Heart Failure"

Spirit-filled Metalcore band, Church Tongue released their debut album, Heart Failure, on October 22, 2016 on the Christian hardcore/metal label, Blood & Ink Records. The band, based out of Indianapolis, recently signed to Blood & Ink Records, started in 2012. The band released the single, “Medicine Breath”, via Lambgoat. Blood & Ink Records started in the early 2000’s with Christian metal bands, With Blood Comes Cleansing, Soul Embraced, Besieged and Christian hardcore bands, Blessed by a Broken Heart, xLooking Forwardx, Stars Are Falling, and even being associated with Christian metal bands, Figure Four, Clear Convictions, and legendary Christian metalcore acts, Strongarm and No Innocent Victim.… Continued →

September 9, 2014

May 6, 2014

Safekeeper by Comrades

REVIEW : Comrades - Safekeeper

Comrades stretches the boundaries of a genre often devoid of vocals, and in the process paints a subtle backdrop for the powerful music they perform. Read on for the full review.

February 7, 2014

July 30, 2013

January 31, 2012

INTERVIEW : Comrades

Blood And Ink Records have recently signed Virginia’s 3-piece post-hardcore group Comrades.  Blood & Ink have released a compilation of Comrades songs from between 2010-2011 titled “Collections: 2010-2011” that you can check out here. I recently completed an email interview with the band, so take a second and get to know Comrades:  
 First tell us a little background on the band, who you guys are, where  are you based out of, what style of music do you guys play?
We are based out of Richmond, VA, and all of us currently live either in, or close to the city.
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July 11, 2011

May 30, 2011

March 31, 2011

REVIEW : Ironwill - Unturned

Ironwill release their debut full-length Unturned on Blood & Ink Records, fast-paced hardcore reminiscent of Shai Hulud, With Honor, and Call to Preserve.

December 8, 2010

May 27, 2010

February 8, 2010

July 30, 2009

REVIEW : Venia - Frozen Hands

Band: Venia Label: Blood & Ink Release Date: July 2009 Reviewed By: Chris W *Used with permission from Christian Music Zine* Do you like fast paced chug chug hardcore? Do the sounds of Terror, Seventh Star, or No Innocent Victim excite you? Do you like bold spirit filled hardcore? If so then this album probably sounds like at least 5 other cd’s you already own but still love, and you’ll probably add this one to your collection and adore it. Ok, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest I hope you realize that I am in no way knocking or hating on Venia.… Continued →

January 27, 2009

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