Tag: California

March 25, 2025

REVIEW : Frank Lenz - Blending In

Everyone’s favorite quirky pop musical genius returns with five songs. Having done stints with Fold Zandura, Lassie Foundation, and Cush, Lenz has ventured out solo since 2001’s Hot Stuff. So what’s it like? This is pop cynicism at its finest. Sugary sweet pop melodies with some of the most bizarre and quirky lyrics yet. Is Lenz Scottish? Because this is right up there with Belle and Sebastian or early Teenage Fanclub. Then again, this EP is hard to peg for so many reasons (yes, the release title is ironic).… Continued →

March 14, 2025

Song of the Day: Black and White World - Love is the Law

The 90s was such an interesting decade for music in general, but for the Christian scene in particular. There was such a diversity of sounds and multiple genres exploding in all different directions from alternative to metal to punk to hardcore to hip-hop and electronica. Then even within each of these there was a multiplicity of subgenres all moving in different trajectories at the same time. It wasn’t uncommon to go to a gig in the 90s and see a ska band opening a show that also included indie rock and hardcore.… Continued →

February 21, 2025

Song of the Day: Seventh Seal - Can't Stop Believing

We continue our series in February of focusing on contributions to the Christian independent music scene from our black brothers and sisters for Black History Month. While heavy metal, and especially this form of ‘glam metal’ was dominated by people whose skin color resembles mine, Seventh Seal stood out from the crowd. They were a commercial metal band from Palmdale, California whose 5 members were all African American. Seventh Seal was truly an anomaly in this regard. While there are other heavy metal bands with black members, I can’t think of any others where the entire band was made up of black members *and* who played in this particular style.… Continued →

January 31, 2025

Song of the Day: Demonic Dismemberment - Indelible

It’s been a while since we’ve covered some grindcore here, so it seems like the right time. One of the most–if not the most–intense genres of metal and/or hardcore and/or noise (depending on which angle is taken), grindcore is generally an acquired taste and is more often than not a ‘love it or hate it’ genre with very little room for bystanders. Having emerged in the 1980s as an ever-increasingly intense subgenre of hardcore punk, it is generally characterized by ridiculously fast, and very short songs.… Continued →

December 27, 2024

Song of the Day: Applehead - Meaning

When Applehead surfaced, sole member Greg Minier had already cut his teeth as axe-slinger in highly respected crossover thrash outfit The Crucified, and put out a one-off EP (as a solo project) of more straight-forward thrash under the simply-named Minier. Just as The Crucified was ending, the guitarist changed directions considerably and recorded a full-length album of grunge/alternative metal under the band name Applehead. In fact, the project’s debut album Meaning was one of the most authentic attempts at grunge in the Christian market. The album hit hard not only musically but lyrically as well, tackling subjects like alcohol abuse, struggles with sin, devotional inconsistency, and as the album title suggested, the search for meaning in life found via hope in the Creator.… Continued →

December 20, 2024

Song of the Day: Flight 180 - O Come All Ye Faithful

With Christmas being right around the corner, you know what time it is! It’s time for our annual Christmas-oriented Song of the Day entry. With a plethora of punk, indie, and even metal Christmas tunes (seriously, there’s way more than you might expect!) to choose from, it can be a daunting task. I like to choose tunes that are thoughtful, yet playful. Fun, yet reverent. I can’t think of a Christmas tune that fits that description much better than the ska/pop-punk stylings of Flight 180’s “O Come All Ye Faithful” (incidentally also my favorite Christmas song).… Continued →

December 1, 2024

REVIEW : xDoulosx - Birth Pains

Doulos – Birth Pains This band was my big surprise hit at Audiofeed Festival last summer. Sure, I’d heard the name for several years and probably sampled a track or two online, but I’d never fully experienced the band until that live set in a hot tent in July. They blew me away with their energy and riffs galore. Lots of tempo changes, fast parts, mosh parts, exactly as hardcore should be! And so, while I was excited to review this album, my excitement also come with some degree of trepidation.… Continued →

November 27, 2024

November 25, 2024

Song of the Day: Terminal Generation - Body Bag vs Suck You Down

So here is another rarity band that I have pulled from the archives. The Terminal Generation considered themselves the world’s scariest band. Based out of California, they melded distorted guitars & vocals. Most would know them if they followed 90s Christian industrial movement when R.E.X. records released an industrial compilation called Electro Shock Therapy in 1995, but they actually got their start in LA in 1989.  
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November 22, 2024

Song of the Day: Innermeans - Casualty of Me

I wasn’t sure what to make of this band the first time I heard them. It was heavy, metallic hardcore, created in the era just before full-blown metalcore had become a thing. And the vocals were unlike anything I’d ever heard in hardcore before. The band hailed from southern California and were only active for a couple of years in the late 90s. They released a pair of demos, before releasing a devastating 4-song EP for fledgling Solid State Records, then-brand new sub-label of Tooth & Nail focusing exclusively on hardcore and metal.… Continued →

November 11, 2024

November 8, 2024

Song of the Day: Imisi - God is Love (feat. Columbus Riddim)

‘Imisi is a reggae duo spearheaded by brothers David Fohe and Jubilee Fohe. They play in the pop-reggae or “lovers rock” style, but with a worshipful emphasis on the love of God. Imisi’s music was first brought to a wider audience through Mark Mohr’s (of Christafari) label Lion of Zion Entertainment, who released a pair of albums in 2003 and 2006, respectively. They seem to have been active up until at least 2023, releasing more albums–mostly digitally–through their websites at ReverbNation and BigCartel. “God is Love” comes from the 2013 project Riddimtion Project Vol 1 of which I can barely find any info at all.… Continued →

October 25, 2024

Song of the Day: Barren Cross - Believe

One of Christian metal’s most prominent acts during the genre’s Golden Period (roughly 1986-1992), Barren Cross rocked a traditional heavy metal sound, managing to stay both heavy and melodic without ever succumbing to glam on the one hand, or thrash on the other. The band released 4 full-length studio albums, a live album and a handful of singles & EPs before calling it quits in the mid-90s. A pair of compilations appeared in 2007 and 2014, respectively. Members (especially vocalist Mike Lee) have been active in a number of other projects including Barebones, Michael D.R.I.V.E.,… Continued →

October 18, 2024

Song of the Day: Charity Empressa - Crush of Mountains

Charity Empressa is essentially a solo project of Eric Campuzano (The Prayer Chain, Lassie Foundation, Stranger Kings, ex-Starflyer 59, Cush) with a revolving cast of support and collaborators. While the list of those giving input is lengthy, among them are Troy Daughtery (Hoi Polloi, Duraluxe), Wayne Everett (Prayer Chain, Lassie Foundation, ex-Starflyer 59, solo), Frank Lenz (Fold Zandura, solo, ex-Starflyer 59), Andrew Prickett (Prayer Chain, My Brother’s Mother), Herb Grimaud (the violet burning, Raspberry Jam, Stranger Kings), Josh Hagquist (ex-Dogwood, The Beautiful Mistake), and many others.… Continued →

October 7, 2024

September 25, 2024

Song of the Day: Protect Your Heart - Fireproof

This LA band has released a plethora of singles over the past few years with the latest at the time of this write up being The devil you know. I’m not sure if the band falls within the “Christian” category anymore as the actual music video depicts mannequins without clothes. I personally like the following lyrics as we as humans fall down & need to strive to get back up on our feet again. I might lose on every single try But I’m not afraid to roll the dice One more time… Continued →

September 24, 2024

Model Engine song unearthed from the archives

Brilliant alternative rock band Model Engine (formerly Black Eyed Sceva) have posted a ‘new’ song recently. “Soapbox” was recorded in the late 90s as a possible addition to The Lean Years Tradition, or to be included on the follow-up album that never happened. The song showcases everything that was great about the band: rootsy, alternative, progressive, earthy, it’s all there. You can read the whole story about the rediscovery of the song on the band’s Bandcamp page, and also download the song for a mere 50 cents!… Continued →

September 13, 2024

The Rumors Are True celebrate 100 episodes with guest Jeff Schroeder

Our friends over at The Rumors Are True podcast have reached an amazing marker of 100 episodes! To celebrate the milestone, founder Jeremy Alan Gould chose guitarist Jeff Schroeder for conversation. Jeff’s dense pedigree includes Christian indie projects like Lassie Foundation and the violet burning, as well as mainstream heavyweights Smashing Pumpkins. They discuss the differences and similarities in working in such vastly different projects, while Schroeder reflects on his current and perspective on the current state of the music scene. Click the link below to listen: The Rumors Are True 100th episode featuring Jeff SchroederContinued →

September 4, 2024

Song of the Day: Abandoned Pools - Sublime Currency

Most know Tommy Walter aka Abandoned Pools from the Tooth & Nail release. However, he released lots of music beforehand with the mainstream band Eels & the moniker actually stemmed from 2 other names before it involved into AP. This SOTD was actually the 3rd single released from the album of the same name. Abandoned Pools is currently working on their 6th release & their Kickstarter project started August 6th, 2024.
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August 16, 2024

Song of the Day: Bon Voyage - I Just Wanna Be With You

Indie pop duo Bon Voyage was a collaboration of Jason Martin (Starflyer 59, and about a dozen others) and his wife Julie on vocals. The project was somewhat accurately described as “Starflyer with female vocals,” which is not inaccurate though not really complete either. Whereas SF59 added layers and layers of guitars and fuzz, Bon Voyage stripped things back to the pop essentials. Julie’s vocals are akin to Julee Cruise, most famous for her work on the Twin Peaks soundtracks. The band released three albums for BEC and/or Tooth and Nail, and we haven’t heard from them since 2008.… Continued →

August 3, 2024

Song of the Day: Sever Your Ties - Adoration vs Captive

I was given the Safety in the Sea cd recently from this band I have known about for quite some time. Thank you Eli!  Anyways, this article showcases 2 of my fave songs from them. Captive though hits hard with me especially with the following lyrics. We probably all have felt this way at some point, but now we are not alone with our thoughts and struggles as our Heavenly Father is here to help us through!!! So here I am, waiting with my perfect thoughts  But they’re all dead and wrong  This isn’t what I expected  This isn’t what I had in mind, but still I can’t move on  It’s been so long since I felt loved It’s been so long since I cared  This world has nothing to offer  This world is full of despair  I was full of glass  You can see right through  Push me down I’d break  Until I saw you  It’s easy to believe what you want to  When this world holds captive our hearts  There’s something in the way that binds you  It keeps us torn and apart   I can feel what it’s like  My fellas I won’t lie  I can feel, So here I am, I can feel something inside  But it is not my own, it’s not my own  I wish I could see my future, see how everything unfolds  ‘Cause now I’m not alone, I’m not alone
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August 1, 2024

July 29, 2024

INTERVIEW : Starflyer 59's Jason Martin Looks to the Future but Waxes Nostalgic

I’ve been a fan of Starflyer 59 since the affectionately titled “Silver” (officially self-titled) released in 1994. So when offered the chance to interview Jason Martin in advance of their new album Lust for Gold, I jumped at the chance. Always known for being brief in interviews, he still managed to be substantial in his correspondence. LH: The response to the new single “909” has been incredible so far, with many people commenting how the sound hearkens back to 90s-era SF59 with the later style of vocals.Continued →

July 26, 2024

Song of the Day: Focal Point - Neglected

Legendary hardcore band Focal Point, from Northern California, is well-known not so much for the music they created (tragically), but for the groups that had their origin in the quintet. Training for Utopia, Demon Hunter, Nyves, and Low and Behold all trace their origins back to Focal Point at least in part. As important as those connections are, it’s a shame that too few actually remember the music of Focal Point, as it’s probably my favorite of all the aforementioned. They arrived on the scene late in the “new school hardcore” movement of the early 90s as hardcore was becomingly increasingly more metallic, and yet hadn’t fully shifted into metalcore, which would happen a year or two after Suffering of the Masses dropped.… Continued →

July 22, 2024

Song of the Day: Lambs & Lions - Rebel Hymn of Grace

This new oi/street punk band from Thumper Punk records is a great band akin to Hanover Saints & the like. Their lyrics are very anthemic for our Christian faith. HM has a great write up oon them if you want to know more here: https://heavensmetalmagazine.com/index.php/2024/06/17/lambs-and-lions-release-hymns-of-grace/ Check out some of the song’s lyrics below Sola Fide, by faith we stand, Sola Gratia, by His grace, not by human hand. Solus Christus, Christ alone, Soli Deo Gloria, to God be the glory, the cornerstone! No indulgence bought, no penance earned, Just the blood of Christ, the tide has turned.… Continued →

July 5, 2024

Song of the Day: The Living - Hideaway

One of the funnest and most interesting aspects of the Christian indie/punk/metal/whatever scene is that no matter how long you’ve been involved and no matter how much of an expert you may think you are, there are always new–or in this case, old–bands to discover. I found out about The Living via our friends over at Christian Tape Underground, a blog that specializes in unearthing rare and underground cassette tapes and demos from indie bands of all genres. The Living was a great little post-punk/goth rock band with lots of potential.… Continued →

June 28, 2024

R.I.P. Randy Layton

With only 6 months into 2024, it’s already been a tough year for Christian alternative music fans. Joining Brian Quincy Newcomb, Michael Knott and Ezekiel Vade in the heavenly throng is indie champion, journalist and label owner Randy Layton. Randy was the founder and owner of Alternative Records, who put out releases by the Seventy Sevens, Steve Scott, Robert Vaughn and the Shadows, and 2 Pound Planet, in addition to releasing very influential compilations, featuring music by the above artists plus Daniel Amos, Scratch Band (pre-Seventy Sevens), and others.… Continued →

June 20, 2024


xREDLINEx is somewhat of a supergroup, from the DIY/independent hardcore scene, featuring ex-members of Zao, 2Minute Minor, October Bird of Death, Blindside (the one from Chicago, not Sweden or Pennsylvania), and several others. The music on Tongue Tied features a throwback sound that is a mixture of late 80s hardcore and mid-90s metallic hardcore. Unlike 2Minute Minor, there is not a strong punk presence, and while there is no metalcore whatsoever, there are some clearly metallic riffs a la 90s ‘chugga chugga’ style hardcore. That’s all cool in my book as that’s one of my favorite subgenres of hardcore, and there seems to be a real lack of the style is the current scene.… Continued →

May 13, 2024

INTERVIEW : Getting Horror-bly Brutal with Seth Metoyer

Some of our readers will be familiar with Seth Metoyer’s work through his extreme metal bands Mangled Carpenter (brutal death metal/grindcore), Pulpit Vomit (grindcore), or Brain Matter (industrial metal), but he has also been moonlighting in the film industry, creating scores for horror films for well over a decade. We recently caught up by email to discuss the prospects and perils of making scary music for scary movies as a not-so-scary believer. LH: For those who don’t know, how long have you been making music? SM: I’ve “officially” been making music for about 20 years.… Continued →

May 10, 2024

Song of the Day: Koinonia - Frontline

Alright, you’re gonna need to buckle up for this one. For two reasons: 1) Koinonia has a somewhat lengthy history, and the band’s members are/were probably more connected than any other band ever in contemporary Christian music; and 2) they were a jazz fusion band, which is probably not a genre most IVM readers are astutely familiar with. The band formed in 1980 and were active throughout that decade before disbanding in 1991. While the members were Americans, several of whom were of Latin/Hispanic descent, their music was more widely-known in Northern and Western Europe where they often played to sold out crowds.… Continued →

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