Tag: Doom metal

January 10, 2025

Song of the Day: Skymetal - Apocalipse

In the decade of the 2000s, there was an explosion of Christian metal bands in Brazil. For quite a while, it looked like that country, and the whole of South America, was set to completely take over Christian metal. And there were quality bands in all subgenres too from melodic metal to the extreme styles of thrash, black, and death metal. Skymetal formed in 1996 in Uberlandia, in the region of Minas Gerais, not too far away from fellow death metallers Krig, from Belo Horizonte in the same region.… Continued →

June 28, 2024

Song of the Day: Sáwol - Kaiverrettu

I only discovered this band a few months ago when I acquired a huge box of Christian metal CDs. Sáwol come to us from Finland, which is no surprise considering that nation has the highest number of metal bands per capital out of all the countries in the entire world. For some reason I missed out on them, even though their debut was released in 2010 through Bullroser Records, whom I was familiar with. The CD I acquired was actually their 2007 debut, which I enjoyed immensely.… Continued →

September 12, 2023

Wedding Party have reunited--new Album announced!

90s goth rock band Wedding Party have recently announced their re-formation. A new album is coming out this month! Pre-orders and digital downloads for the album, entitled “White Horse”, are available now. Fans can purchase at the band’s website here: https://weddingpartyofficial.com or through their official Bandcamp page here: https://weddingpartyofficial.bandcamp.com/album/white-horse Physical orders will start shipping out September 28th, 2023, limited to the USA only at this time.… Continued →

September 8, 2023

Song of the Day: Memorium - A New Dawn

Let me get my opinion out of the way right off the bat–there is not enough good, quality Christian doom metal. The list gets even shorter when it’s as unique and well-executed as this track is. Memorium is the braindchild of Duane Keith, label-owner and -founder at Vision of God Records and its subsidiary, Christian Metal Underground. The band is just a two-piece: Duane on drums and vocals and Mike Shinn on bass and guitar. Sadly the band is currently on hiatus. “A New Dawn” comes from a 3-way split with The Arbiter (from Hungary), and Lucifer’s Doom (from Brazil).… Continued →

March 3, 2021

Song of the Day: Trouble - The Tempter

Doom Metallers Trouble’s debut Psalm 9 release has been out for 30+ years. Imagine that!  Signed by Metal Blade Records, the 1984 album is commonly known as one of, if not the first doom metal releases. They were given the “white metal” moniker because of the obvious Biblical references.  I had a friend who passed recently who hung out with the band back in the day & it was nice to actually meet someone who listened to my “Christian music.” Guitarist Bruce Franklin would go on & join Supershine w/ Dug from King’s X & also release an outstanding industrial album generation-Brutal Reality.… Continued →

December 28, 2020

October 30, 2020

Song of the Day: Seventh Angel - The Passing of Years

When Seventh Angel’s debut album The Torment came out, I was an instant fan. I was a huge thrash fan in my teenage years, and their unique take on it–lots of acoustic interludes, and darker chord progressions–appealed to me. A couple of years later, the band followed up with Lament for the Weary. I must admit that at first I didn’t get it. It was much slower than any thrash I’d ever heard, and I hadn’t discovered doom yet as a genre, so I didn’t have a frame of reference for slower tunes.… Continued →

August 7, 2020

Song of the Day: Warlord - Where the Road Forks

If you asked me what the heaviest Christian release of all time was, a strong contender would be the self-titled EP from Portand’s Warlord (not to be confused with the secular heavy metal band of the same name). One of the earliest releases on the Tooth & Nail imprint, Solid State Records, their debut EP featured deep, dark, heavy riffs and lengthy songs. In fact, this 4-song effort clocks in at longer than some full-lengths, due to the longevity of the tracks. Often overlooked and underappreciated, the release was the first of its kind in the Christian market.… Continued →

February 28, 2020

Song of the Day: Trouble - The Misery Shows (II)

Though a fantastic classic/doom metal band, Chicago’s Trouble were always slightly confusing. They often used Christian imagery, biblically-themed lyrics, and somewhat uncharacteristically for doom metal–a positive outlook. Take this ballad from their 1990 self-titled album: Please, take His hand The time has come to learn Please, take my hand Let me take you to learn And yet, the band played almost exclusively secular venues with other secular artists, and depending on which band members you talked to, they seemed to distance themselves from the “Christian” tag.… Continued →

January 10, 2020

Memorium release new lyric video + free single

Doom metal band Memorium (Vision of God Records) have released a new lyric video, which can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/memoriumdoom/videos/751655828689493/UzpfSTM4MjUyODIxNTE0Nzc3MjoyODA3MDEzMzg2MDMyNTY0/. The single, which features a cool take on doom–classic doom (think early Candlemass or Cathedral) mixed with death-doom (My Silent Wake, My Dying Bride)–is also being offered as a free download here: https://visionofgodrecords.bandcamp.com/album/a-new-dawn?fbclid=IwAR2UlU-R5YGgfVFwP4ey7buNjEXWO1Nw4ZylD0GdoBvNOFvsvcn17aJpSbkContinued →

November 15, 2019

Song of the Day: Paramaecium - I'm Not to Blame

Paramaecium. Legendary. Heavy as a concrete slab, and slower than a slug. The band’s debut, Exhumed of the Earth, shocked metal fans everywhere with slow, heavy riffs, string parts, and death metal vocals that were juxtaposed with occasional operatic female vocals added in for good measure. Their sophomore album Within the Ancient Forest changed styles somewhat by cranking up the folk and classical elements and adding a technical flair. But by the time A Time to Mourn came out, the band had shifted styles again–still within the doom metal category, of course–by adding a touch of groove and including Seventh Angel/Ashen Mortality frontman Ian Arkley (later of My Silent Wake).… Continued →

July 8, 2019

April 24, 2019

REVIEW : Cruentis - Alpha and Omega

This 5-song EP contains 3 songs of melodic death metal (tracks 2-4) sandwiched in between 2 longer, unusual songs that genre-wise feature a hybrid of nu metal, doom metal and some classical instrumentation. Stylistically, the middle 3 tracks are similar to bands like Pantokrator, World to Ashes and similar melodeath bands (or In Flames and At the Gates from a mainstream perspective), but there is not a huge emphasis on the lead guitar. These are the strongest tracks with the most cohesive sound. The first and last tracks are more original, but ironically also weaker.… Continued →

October 21, 2018

REVIEW : Ascending King - Funeral of the Species

Ascending King is a one-man extreme metal project from Texas. Stylistically it’s a straight-up 50/50 mix of raw black metal and funeral doom. What’s strange about that mix is just how incredibly well it works here. Slower tempos overall and crushing heaviness reminiscent of sludge without the leftfield tendencies of that subgenre, but with occasional mid-paced blastbeats? Mid-paced blastbeats you say? That’s an oxymoron! You’re right, it certainly is, but there’s no other way to describe certain sections of the aptly-named Funeral of the Species. Really attentive listeners, and readers-of-liner-notes may recognize the name Ruah (Hebrew for ‘spirit’ or ‘wind’) as a temporary member of Elgibbor, filling in on guitar and BGVs on spot dates for the Polish legends.… Continued →

January 10, 2018

January 9, 2018


While this band hails from Louisville, I would have sworn they were from eastern Europe somewhere.  That’s a good thing.  Reverentia is yet another quality post-metal release I’ve come across recently.  But whereas the mysterious band God revel in djent rhythms and instrumental anthems to connect the listener to God, TIMŌRĀTUS takes a different approach altogether.  Each album is written and recorded in a different style.  I’ve sampled some of the other albums and there’s black metal, thrash, doom and experimental hybrids. The music on Reverentia was takes on form of post-metal is impregnated with black metal atmospherics, layers of shoegaze wall-of-sound sonics and doom metal riffs, creating a drone metal beast! … Continued →

September 22, 2017

Ascending King - Moon of the Dead

Ascending King, the spirit-filled blackened doom metal band has released his debut lyric video for his EP, Funeral of a Species. The project began back in 2015, formed by Aaron “Ruah” Kirby. Ruah signed to Nosral Recordings earlier this year. The video is for the track “Moon of the Dead”. The track premiered on HM Magazine today! Go pick up Funeral of a Species and Ruah’s labelmate, Children of Wrath‘s album, No Flesh Spared. Available now at all locations.
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March 20, 2014

March 13, 2014

REVIEW : Demon Hunter - Extremist

Demon Hunter returns with their best album in years (and perhaps of all time?)! Check out what makes "Extremist" such a powerhouse here, and be sure to check back all next week as we unveil our exclusive Demon Hunter Week!

February 19, 2014

REVIEW : Deliverance - Hear What I Say!

hristian Thrash legends Deliverance make their exit in a big way with Hear What I Say! as they challenge the world to pull away from their computers and soar into new life. Tracks like "The Annuls of Subterfuge" and "A Perfect Sky" are instant classics, and the band has finally brought their first ever German language track to the table.

January 17, 2014

March 12, 2013

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