Tag: Extreme Metal

February 7, 2025

Song of the Day: Coram Deo - Judas

This Ukrainian band started out as a semi-melodic black metal band, who later morphed into a thrash/death metal band, with a sound that worked a little better overall. After forming in 2003, in their hometown of Kremenchuk, they released a full-length album in 2007 in their native tongue. In 2008 Sullen Records issued an English language version of the album, which was entitled Evangelion. This pressing was on limited edition, hand-numbered CDr. The label re-issued the album yet again in 2010. In 2010, Australian label Soundmass (known for top-quality extreme metal releases) issued a follow-up release, the mini-album Death is Dead.… Continued →

January 25, 2025

April 12, 2024

Song of the Day: Drottnar - Cul-De-Sac

Impossibly difficult to categorize into any nice, neat genre, Norway’s Drottnar originally formed as Vitality, in 1996. They began playing death metal, but changed names when their sound shifted towards black metal. The band’s sound continued to evolve more and more, incorporating progressive and technical elements into something more avant-garde over time, while still retaining elements of black metal, death metal, and other extreme sounds. It is this level of experimentation and excellence that both sets them apart from their peers musically, and simultaneously makes their music less accessible to the general populace of listeners–even amongst fans of heavy music.… Continued →

December 12, 2023

INTERVIEW : Symphony of Heaven: Going to Extremes to Make a Point

What does black metal have to do with Christianity? I caught up with Asaph and PATHØS of Indiana’s own Symphony of Heaven to find out. IVM: You guys have been playing this style of music for a few years now. How did you get into black metal (or extreme metal in general) and what led you to want to play music in this style? Asaph: So my answer to this is a bit of a journey. I started the metal journey really with Living Sacrifice, which the early stuff would be considered extreme metal.… Continued →

April 7, 2023

Song of the Day: Vengeance Rising - Human Sacrifice

The first time I heard this band, I was completely blown away. The year was 1988. I was about 14 years old, and I had just started getting into Christian metal via bands like Jerusalem, Whitecross, and Barren Cross. Sacred Warrior was probably the heaviest I’d heard at the time. Then one night I was listening to KOKF 91FM out of Oklahoma City, a Christian radio station that had a late night metal show. I heard the most intense, loud, gnarly thing I’d ever heard in my life.… Continued →

February 18, 2022

Song of the Day: The Souls Unrest - Rising

Brace yourself. The Souls Unrest has one of the more complicated histories in all of Christian metal. The roots of the band lie in old school punk band Spudgun, who released one album on Bulletproof Records (a division of Gray Dot). That band got heavier and darker, changing styles so much that a new name was warranted–World Against World. That version of the band also released one album (an amazing album at that) for Bulletproof, before morphing again. A short-lived project called The Orcrist followed, but released no official recordings.… Continued →

July 24, 2020

June 5, 2020

REVIEW : Shadow Puncher - All Glory to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Part II

I’ve reviewed 3 different releases from Shadow Puncher (for 2 different publications), and one of the things I’ve noticed is the diversity of sounds and influences on each project. While the one-man band from Norway functions within the death metal genre, each release has a different feel. The earliest material had a strong thrash influence, then moved into a djent-heavy sound. This EP is the first to utilise keyboards in a prominent way, thus adding a progressive element. After a 1-minute ambient keyboard intro, “One End of Heaven” rips into the speakers with brutal rhythms, blastbeats and plenty of time changes.… Continued →

November 14, 2018

REVIEW : Shadow Puncher - Shadow Puncher EP

While this is being described by the label as “Norwegian death metal”, honestly that is a bit misleading.  To my ears, what we have here is a hybrid form of extreme metal.  For instance, you have some down-tuned nu metal rhythms, but they’re heavier than most.  The drum machine lends itself to an almost industrial-meets-groove-metal feel.  Think somewhere between Lucid and Malformed Earthborn, but lighter on the glitches and samples.  Genre-wise this is either really heavy nu-metal or generically “extreme metal.” The first song (if we don’t include the spoken opening track) has a really annoying “bree bree bree” section that I really hope is a poor attempt at humor, as it really seems to serve no other purpose. … Continued →

October 21, 2018

REVIEW : Ascending King - Funeral of the Species

Ascending King is a one-man extreme metal project from Texas. Stylistically it’s a straight-up 50/50 mix of raw black metal and funeral doom. What’s strange about that mix is just how incredibly well it works here. Slower tempos overall and crushing heaviness reminiscent of sludge without the leftfield tendencies of that subgenre, but with occasional mid-paced blastbeats? Mid-paced blastbeats you say? That’s an oxymoron! You’re right, it certainly is, but there’s no other way to describe certain sections of the aptly-named Funeral of the Species. Really attentive listeners, and readers-of-liner-notes may recognize the name Ruah (Hebrew for ‘spirit’ or ‘wind’) as a temporary member of Elgibbor, filling in on guitar and BGVs on spot dates for the Polish legends.… Continued →

October 18, 2018

October 16, 2017

Introducing: Slight Edge Effect

How many of you are fans of extreme metal bands that have solo projects totally not metal? Luke Weeks of As Earth Fades has a new project coming. But not a deathcore project. While the band is on a brief hiatus, Weeks has decided to do something in his spare time. He has recorded an entire solo album, titled Recorded Dreams, under the name of Slight Edge Effect. The project’s single, “Falling from this High”, will be available shortly.… Continued →

June 23, 2017

June 6, 2017

June 11, 2013