Tag: grunge
December 27, 2024
When Applehead surfaced, sole member Greg Minier had already cut his teeth as axe-slinger in highly respected crossover thrash outfit The Crucified, and put out a one-off EP (as a solo project) of more straight-forward thrash under the simply-named Minier. Just as The Crucified was ending, the guitarist changed directions considerably and recorded a full-length album of grunge/alternative metal under the band name Applehead. In fact, the project’s debut album Meaning was one of the most authentic attempts at grunge in the Christian market.
The album hit hard not only musically but lyrically as well, tackling subjects like alcohol abuse, struggles with sin, devotional inconsistency, and as the album title suggested, the search for meaning in life found via hope in the Creator.… Continued →
December 15, 2024
Indie Vision Music Premiere - Minor Rockstar - Jesus Loves You
We are proud to present the brand new song “Jesus Loves You” from the upcoming Minor Rockstar album titled “Freedom”, due out December 19th on Thumper Punk Records. Check out the stream of this great new song over on our YouTube page (viewable below). Let us know what you think in the comments below.… Continued →
November 18, 2024
PADOVER (Featuring Damian Horne of Silage) Releases Debut EP
I just got wind of this new project called PADOVER that features the talents of Damian Horne of Silage fame. He emailed me and gave me info and I’m certainly glad he did. The band just released their new EP “Paper Catches Fire” and they want you all to give them a listen. I think a lot of old 90’s alt rock fans alongside all the latest and greatest from the past 20 years or so of modern music making will find something to appreciate in the music of Padover.… Continued →
October 30, 2024
Song of the Day: Rusty Shipp - Neck Breaker
Yah! Russ T Ship is back at it again with his nautical modern rock/grunge band. The first single is from their upcoming album, ‘Cosmic Innuendo, Vol. II.’ Here is what he says about the lyrics:
“This song is a segment taken from the concept album’s larger fiction story of an evil band of pirates who sets sail on a sinister mission, dismissing the prophetic warnings of an old sailor on the pier who warns of a worse fate for them than the gallows if they keep their course.… Continued →
September 13, 2024
The Rumors Are True celebrate 100 episodes with guest Jeff Schroeder
Our friends over at The Rumors Are True podcast have reached an amazing marker of 100 episodes! To celebrate the milestone, founder Jeremy Alan Gould chose guitarist Jeff Schroeder for conversation. Jeff’s dense pedigree includes Christian indie projects like Lassie Foundation and the violet burning, as well as mainstream heavyweights Smashing Pumpkins. They discuss the differences and similarities in working in such vastly different projects, while Schroeder reflects on his current and perspective on the current state of the music scene.
Click the link below to listen:
The Rumors Are True 100th episode featuring Jeff Schroeder… Continued →
September 6, 2024
Song of the Day: Puller - Last One Out (R.I.P. Geoff Riley)
The Christian indie scene suffered a great loss last week, losing notable drummer Geoff Riley, known best for his immaculate time-keeping skills in the band Puller. The band was formed by Mike Lewis (ex-For Love Not Lisa, secular grunge/post-hardcore band), and hailed from Oklahoma. Mike posted the news of Geoff’s death, and some very poignant thoughts about Riley’s life and artistic contributions to the independent music scene via Instagram. Because it can’t really be said any better than this, I’m linking the post and including the entire text here:
Geoff Riley Instagram Announcement
“Hearing the news of my friend and music partner Geoff Riley passing is an overwhelming devastating loss.… Continued →
July 1, 2024
Poor Old Lu Straight Six Kickstarter Vinyl Campaign
Poor Old Lu have just announced that they are starting a kickstarter in mid-July, on the 15th to be exact, for the vinyl pressing of their classic album “Straight Six”. The album has been completely remastered and will be available on vinyl for the very first time EVER! They will have a couple “stretch goals” with some pretty amazing bonuses so you’ll want to check all that out. For now, follow their accounts on Facebook and Instagram for continuing updates. atPoorOldLu on instagram and Poor Old Lu Official on Facebook.… Continued →
April 27, 2024
Spoken in Tongues Return With Killer New Song
Spoken in Tongues have returned with a brand new song titled “Jackie” and it is on all digital networks, now! The song will appear on the band’s upcoming EP, “Awkward Future”. You can preorder very limited amount of vinyl, tapes, and CDs of the EP right here on the band’s official bandcamp page. The self-described “your new favorite GRUNGE band” from Nashville, TN. is sure to get new and old fans alike of the genre alongside the greatest indie rock bands out there, excited. Oh and did I tell you that some special faces are a part of this project?… Continued →
March 21, 2024
Daniel Markham Releases Third Video from New Album
Daniel Markham has just released a third video from his brand spankin’ new album Just Like a Dream. The Denton, TX-based multi-instrumentalist has crafted a powerful dreamscape that blends elements of power pop, classic rock, and alternative music straight out of the 90s. The album was recorded and mixed by acclaimed producer David Barbe (Drive-By Truckers, Son Volt, Deerhunter) at Chase Park Transduction in Athens, Georgia, in May 2022, and features Kris Killingsworth on the drums and Kyle Harris on the bass. It is his tenth (!)… Continued →
November 6, 2023
REVIEW : Teeth for Eyes - Teeth for Eyes EP
This punk rock supergroup features ex-members of Crux, Empty Tomb, Cicero, and Gov’t Hate Mail. So you can see why I was excited about hearing this disc. The EP contains 7 songs, clocks in around 17 minutes, and comes as a pro-CDr in a standard jewel case with a single panel insert with credits and no lyrics.
Musically what we have here is no frills punk rock and roll. It’s not quite as spastic as Crux, and doesn’t have the hardcore/thrash leanings of Empty Tomb. When comparing to its members previous projects, it’s probably closest to Gov’t Hate Mail, but just slightly heavier than that project.… Continued →
August 26, 2023
The Empty North release new single!
The Empty North is a new rock band that focuses on a sound straight out of the 1990s–grunge/alternative rock with an independent aesthetic. While the recording took place in Juneau AK, the band is comprised of members from Juneau, Portland OR, and Chicago IL. There are two tracks available for streaming now, and another will be available for streaming in a week or so. There are also split releases in the works with The Proper English, Australia-based NoiseArt Collective, and Robochill.
For now, check out “Appendage Angles,” a song based on the personal testimony of founding member Justin William Price (The Proper English, ex-Cicero).… Continued →
August 17, 2023
Applehead Pre-Order Goes Live, First New Music in Over 30 Years
Applehead which is the grungy-punk-rock side project of Greg Minier the guitarist for the much celebrated thrash-hardcore-punk kings, The Crucified, has a brand new album out soon on Roxx Records which will serve as their first new music in over 30 years! By the sounds of this new stuff (listen to ‘Down’ below) we are all in for a real treat and something to truly get excited about. Pre-order the CD right here from Roxx. Vinyl is coming and pre-orders for that will happen a couple months from now so stay tuned.… Continued →
July 26, 2023
Minor Rockstar Release Debut EP
A new grungy-punk like band called Minor Rockstar just dropped their debut EP titled “Wasted” and it is available on all digital networks now through Thumper Punk Records. They have a really unique moody yet melodic sound that would have fit comfortably on any rock radio FM dial throughout the 90’s but not so drenched in nostalgia that they don’t fit in here in 2023. Imagine Superheaven, Balance & Composure, Off Road Minivan, Weezer, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains in a blender and you’ll get a feel for the sound you’re about to encounter.… Continued →
July 16, 2023
Applehead - Down (Official Music Video)
Finally, we are getting another look at the upcoming Applehead album “The Light Side of The Apple” in this new music video for the track “Down”. Applehead is the music project of Greg Minier from The Crucified. It’s insanely good and sounds amazing. Check out the video below.… Continued →
May 7, 2023
Jettee - Dancing Alone (New Music)
Jettee which is the project of Jett Foreman who happens to be the son of Tim Foreman of Switchfoot, just dropped a brand new song titled “Dancing Alone” and it’s quite good. Check out the song below and make sure to stream at your favorite digital network. Oh, and buy a tshirt here.… Continued →
March 22, 2023
Greg Minier (The Crucified) Returns With 'Applehead'
Greg Minier, the talented guitarist from thrash metal legends – The Crucified, is back with his Applehead project and just dropped his first new song in nearly 3 decades titled “Down”. This is great stuff and brings to mind some classic 90’s hard rock music. Reminds me of Alice In Chains meets Velvet Revolver, Guns n’ Roses, STP, and Soundgarden. Even a little Mammoth WVH. Greg knows what he’s doing and this is definitely not amateurish like a few others out there. They are working on a brand new full length album that’ll be out later this year.… Continued →
February 3, 2023
Song of the Day: 3 Car Pile-Up - Dweeb
90s alternative. People either love it or hate it. Despite the excesses of the genre, or the just plain slackness of it, I still love it. 3 Car Pile-Up was never going to win any awards for their musical contributions–unless it was maybe the high school talent show. Their one and only album is raw, somewhat sloppy, and even kind of juvenile in its approach to both music and lyrics. However, that is exactly what I love about it.
If you can’t relate to the lyrics of “Dweeb” then I’m not sure you actually lived through American Christianity in the 80s/90s:
When I was in grade school, my friends made fun of me
They used to call me stupid names, like “Jesus Boy” or “Freak”
But I knew come Sunday, that I’d be number one
‘Cuz I knew all my verses, and I would get some gum
I’m a dweeb!… Continued →
December 10, 2022
Song of the Day: SHeeSH - Lip Service
This 3 piece grunge band made one album & fell into obscurity from what I can tell. Their label is none other than Grrr which houses a lot of the Jesus People U.S.A artists. Check em out if you like the garage grunge that seemed to rule the early 90s.
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October 31, 2022
Song of the Day: Redline vs Ironside Collective - Vapor vs Doomsday
Redline is a grunge/post hardcore band from the 90s that changed their name to Echocast then to Ironside & now to The Ironside Collective. I think I saw them live right as they changed to Echocast. The Ironside Collective is their name & will song be coming out with stuff on The Charon Collective record label.
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October 17, 2022
Song of the Day: Shelak - Change
So here alas is another rarity. I don’t remember where I got this song from, but I always found it catchy. Seems to be modern rock/grunge back circa the early 2000s from Minnesota. I found them listed on an old Tripod site that listed other Minnesota bands: punkers Angry Atom & Children 18:3 along with IVM bands Names Without Numbers & The Roosevelts. Maybe someone knows more about them?
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August 15, 2022
Song of the Day: Sometime Sunday - Blue
Sometime Sunday’s first LP on T&N is one of my fave albums of the 90s. They spun off into a few different directions such as Tragedy Ann, Rock N Roll Worship Circus, Tomfest, etc… This song may sound cool, but its a harsh reality to those of us who have ever dealt with lust. If one needs a good book to read on the subject, check out Ted Robert’s Pure Desire. Looks like I already wrote a SOTD on Tragedy Ann if you want to read it in the archives.… Continued →
May 15, 2021
Salt Creek Signs With Tooth & Nail Records
A rising indie band from Nebraska called Salt Creek, made a lot of waves and significant buzz on the underground scene for a number of years and they just earned their spot among a lot of great bands on legendary Seattle based label – Tooth & Nail Records. The label just released the band’s label debut EP titled “Our Own World”, through all digital networks and streaming sites. Give it a listen and comment with your thoughts. For fans of Basement, Balance and Composure, Teenage Wrist, Superheaven, and Citizen.… Continued →
January 4, 2021
Song of the Day: Jaded Thorns - 130
Jaded Thorns were a grunge band that hailed from New York . Releasing 2 LPs & disbanding, this was a band that I wished for more of. It is hard to find much on them as their record label did not last long. Both Epiphany & Things My Father Taught Me were on Word of Mouth (The Roosevelts, Sides of the North, Mending Point, Poor Man’s Riches). A few songs hit radio: Epiphany, Remnants, Lie Awake & Lost In The Moment & the one featured. The lyrics come straight from Psalm 130 verse 1: “If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?… Continued →
December 25, 2020
Song of the Day: Adam Again - Angels We Have Heard on High
First things first–merry Christmas everyone! It’s been a challenging year, and many of us are ready to see the back of it. I always post my Song of the Day picks on Friday, so I was pleased to the lucky draw for Christmas Day! Of course, it had to be a Christmas song, and there are lots of good ones to choose from, even from our niche scene.
For those unfamiliar with Adam Again, they have deep roots in the Christian music scene. They started out in the California scene of the 1980s through Broken Records and later Brainstorm Artists.… Continued →
September 11, 2020
Song of the Day: The Prayer Chain - Fifty-Eight
I had this song on my mind the other day as I was thinking about what song I was going to choose for this week. The modus operandi: Ruminate on a song and make a choice. Find it on YouTube. Listen while I’m writing. Dang. I’ve loved this song for years, but was still surprised at how good it sounded more than 2 decades after it was recorded. I highly recommend headphones!
This song has so many layers. So many things that make it great. It’s difficult to know where to begin.… Continued →
August 21, 2020
Song of the Day: The Altered - Low
Not much is known about this band, who released one album for major label Curb Records in 1997, called Yours Truly. They played a fairly straight-forward brand of alternative rock that hinted at grunge without ever fully going to Seattle. The lead single was “Low,” with its provocative chorus:
I’m wasted!
I’m wasted!
I’m wasted . . . without You!”
While the song might have raised eyebrows among critics of faith-based rock music, the lyrics hit home for some. I remember playing the song for a friend of mine, who at the time was not a fan of anything hard or heavy.… Continued →
January 22, 2020
Switchfoot Joins Nickelback and Stone Temple Pilots on Tour This Summer
This is no joke. A personal fave of mine, a band we call Switchfoot is joining up with world renown Canadian rock band Nickelback and California based grunge-alt-rock band, Stone Temple Pilots (STP) for a run of dates this summer/fall. This might just an epic rock extravaganza or How You Remind Me of a cringe worthy PHOTOGRAPH? Either way, there is a little something for everyone and a true rock n’ roll fan to enjoy. I’ve heard the new vocalist of STP is one of the best.… Continued →
February 16, 2019
Introducing: Sweatpants
Update: I have added the official music video for the song “Mold”, below. A new band by the name of Sweatpants out of the Bakersfield, CA. are have returned with a new single “Mold” that sheds light on their new musical direction. It’s very difficult to paint a description to similar artists since this young group seems to be paving their own way with a unique touch. I think fans of mewithoutYou, Superheaven, Citizen, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and The Raconteurs, would find something to appreciate in these guys.… Continued →
February 14, 2019
New Peter118 Track, "Waiting" (Free Download)
Yesterday, Peter118 released a new track on Raven Faith Records called “Waiting” and it really took me by surprise. For those acquainted with the Peter118 sound, you’re in for a big surprise as well. Up to this point, the band has played an edgy, raw punk rock, but this is like Peter118 meets Green Day (Nimrod/Warning era) meets 90s grunge and truthfully, the 90s grunge part stands out the most. This song is very well written, catchy as anything, and displays a real growth in songwriting.… Continued →
January 11, 2018
XD Out - Break Me (Lyric Video)
Check out the cool new song “Break Me” from hard rock act XD Out, below. Recommended for fans of Grammatrain, Chevelle, RED, Bush, and Stone Temple Pilots.… Continued →