Tag: High Endurance Records

December 26, 2024

REVIEW : Guest Review: Good Saint Nathanael - I Write the Songs I Need (submitted by Brian A. Smith)

We don’t often post guest stories/reviews, but when we had the chance to get veteran writer Brian A. Smith (you might recognize his name from The Phantom Tollbooth), we had to jump at it! Brian offers his thoughts on Good Saint Nathanael’s new album I Write the Songs I Need, released earlier this year. ———————————— Nate Allen has performed in various bands under various names. Some of his songs would be considered quirky, weird, silly, and insightful. Good Saint Nathanael is different. Hide No Truth, the first record under the Good Saint name, wrecked me emotionally.… Continued →

July 7, 2023

Song of the Day: Destroy Nate Allen - B**bie Bar

Destroy Nate Allen is a fun, energetic band that mixes the simplicity and energy of punk rock with the acoustic sounds of folk, making for an interesting take on folk-punk. Quirky but sincere lyrics and vocal styles combine with straight-forward messages–usually on subjects other artists don’t want to touch–make for both a challenging and entertaining listen. Take “Boobie Bar” for instance. On the one hand it’s a crude song whose title I had to censor, just so it doesn’t get picked up by filters. On the other hand, the intent behind the song is just about as pure as it gets: Don’t go down to the boobie bar If you want a real relationship, you won’t get far Don’t go to that boogie bar The song comes from their 2012 album, With Our Powers Combined.… Continued →

June 5, 2012