Tag: Intense Records

July 21, 2023

Song of the Day: Sacred Warrior - Sword of Victory

Everyone has their gateway. That first band or artist that got them into a particular style of music. I got into Christian rock in 1988, first hearing and enjoying artists like Petra and Russ Taff, and then quickly moving on to Jerusalem and Whitecross. But this band right here–Sacred Warrior–was my gateway to true Heavy Metal with a capital HM. They had no pop songs, no sleazy hooks or glammed-out looks, but their debut album Rebellion was full of heavy riffs, melodic (but not glam) vocals, and super-heavy and dark chord progressions.… Continued →

May 19, 2023

Song of the Day: globalWAVEsystem - Deathstroke to Youth

It’s been a while since I’ve featured any industrial music, so this seems like a good time to remedy that. globalWAVEsystem has been around since the early 90s, playing a harsh form of electronic industrial or EBM. At times the music is danceable, but it had a much harsher, darker edge than Deitiphobia or November Commandment. Yet the songs were more structured than Mental Destruction or Blackhouse and there were never any guitars present. In fact, their niche take on the genre is probably what kept them from getting broader exposure and more fans than their counterparts in Mortal, Circle of Dust, and the aforementioned artists.… Continued →

May 17, 2023

US KIDS: An Alternative Music Revolution (Film)

Some exciting news has just surfaced. A couple independent filmmakers have moved forward with their plan to document the 2nd big revival that took place 1980-1995 which featured a collection of Christian Artists on a mission to reach the lost and seeking youth who were very much looking for answers and in need of a savior. Click this link here for the GoFundMe campaign that seeks to raise funds to cover some production costs. This follows on the heels of the recent box office success of the “Jesus Revolution” film as well as others like I Still Believe, I Can Only Imagine, and the Jesus Music documentary.… Continued →

April 7, 2023

Song of the Day: Vengeance Rising - Human Sacrifice

The first time I heard this band, I was completely blown away. The year was 1988. I was about 14 years old, and I had just started getting into Christian metal via bands like Jerusalem, Whitecross, and Barren Cross. Sacred Warrior was probably the heaviest I’d heard at the time. Then one night I was listening to KOKF 91FM out of Oklahoma City, a Christian radio station that had a late night metal show. I heard the most intense, loud, gnarly thing I’d ever heard in my life.… Continued →

November 4, 2022

Song of the Day: Recon - In My Dreams

Recon was a Christian metal band active in the late 80s and early 90s. They were one of the earliest true “power metal” bands in the Christian scene. They played a traditional form of heavy metal that was augmented and supplemented by progressive tendencies and tempos that sometimes approached speed metal. The band released a pair of cassette demos, first in 1989 and then 1990, and also had a song featured on the most excellent California Metal II compilation where I first heard the band. Vocalist Vett Roberts sang in a high-pitched operatic style not too unlike Jimmy Brown (Deliverance) or Geoff Tate (Queensryche), or possibly even a more musical version of King Diamond (Merciful Fate).… Continued →

September 3, 2022

Song of the Day: Bloodgood - I Wanna Live In Your Heart

The passing of Michael Bloodgood still hits hard with all of us who remember his music and have followed his health on social media. This SOTD was actually my 2nd intro to them. My first being Battle of the Flesh off one of the Intense Records comps I found at a Hobby Lobby almost 30 years ago! I fell in love with this ballad & I still about the lyrics to this day how much Jesus still loves us. I felt my heart was leading I set my course on you In your eyes I’m reading Tell me what you want to do I want to live in your heart I want to be in your thoughts Where you go, walk with me And when you talk, talk about me The whole world sits and wonders How a man loves his woman When passion’s filled with thunder From the trance they’re under When you’re alone in the middle of the night Let my love be your light When you awake from your sleep Know in your heart my love’s deep My love’s deep
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August 26, 2022

Song of the Day: Tourniquet - Tears of Korah

Many fitting tributes have been written about the one and only, the mighty drummer/musician/song-writer/animal rights activist Ted Kirkpatrick. So much has been said about his life, his music, and his impact that I can’t really add much here. Ted’s incredible musicianship is impossible to overstate. He was revered even by the most ardent anti-religion folks, for his musicality alone, including folks like King Diamond and Marty Friedman. While I never got to meet Ted, I did have the chance to see Tourniquet live once. It was their first tour with Luke Easter as the new lead vocalist.… Continued →

August 5, 2022

Song(s) of the Day: Bloodgood - Crucify / The Messiah

If you’ve been following social media regarding the Christian scene at all over the recent weeks/months, you’ll likely be aware of Michael Bloodgood’s recent health issues, culminating in his death last week. Michael was a co-founder, and obviously namesake, of the legendary and seminal Christian metal band Bloodgood. The band has been active since the 1980s, with their first album coming out in 1986. They stood out from the pack in various ways: the theatrical singing and stage antics of lead vocalist Les Carlsen, the top-notch music and writing of the band, and their no-compromise approach to lyrics and music ministry.… Continued →

July 1, 2022

Song of the Day: Deliverance - No Love

Metalheads are divided over whether the subgenre dubbed “speed metal” actually exists or not. Often confused with shred metal and/or Neo-classical (yes, those guys play fast, but that’s not the same thing), it’s almost synonymous with thrash except there are often clean vocals and/or slightly cleaner guitars. In the Christian scene, the most obvious examples are the seminal and fantastic Valor, Tourniquet’s early work (also adding a progressive element) and the mighty Deliverance. While Deliverance has flirted with a lot of different styles (speed/thrash, gothic metal, alternative metal, groove, etc.),… Continued →

October 22, 2021

Song of the Day: Mortal - Cryptic

I’m sure a few of you have been wondering when I was going to eventually get around to covering this important band. Well, wait no longer. Mortal’s roots were in a similarly-named synth-pop project called Mortal Wish. While that version of the band showed promise, it only hinted at the greatness that was to come after a minor name change and a huge change in direction. (FYI: downloads of 2 different Mortal Wish demos are available online if you know where to look for them!) The mysteriously-titled (Lusis means “freedom”), dark and brooding debut hit stores in 1992 via Intense Records, the first in the industrial genre for the otherwise exclusively metal label.… Continued →

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