Tag: Kansas

October 23, 2024

August 9, 2024

Song of the Day: Possession - Have No Fear

Possession was a thrash metal band (with speed metal, black metal and death metal tendencies) from Kansas. They released one full-length album and 2 EPs in the mid-90s (as well as a 2-disc compilation of all recordings in 2020), and despite their innovative, genre-bending sound, managed to stay very underground. To evade a controversy with secular metal label Metal Merchant–and some alleged wrongdoing on the part of the label–Possession self-released their recordings, to much critical acclaim but to no commercial success. Ironically, what made them a listener’s and critic’s favorite, yet kept them in the underground, was precisely their unique take on extreme metal.… Continued →

October 26, 2022

Song of the Day: Room Full of Walters - Jefferey Dahmer Went to Heaven

Room Full of Walters was a modern alternative rock band from Kansas & were on Christian rock radio formats back in the late 90s. This SOTD references the age old question of how far is too far gone for us to be able to go to Heaven. The band had seen an interview on television & wrote this song. I know the reference is very extreme, but it still brings to light that every sin keeps us away from Jesus. Not one is good enough & we ALL need JESUS.… Continued →

January 2, 2017

Best of 2016: Ian DeVaney

2016 was a great year for Christian music, so great in fact that I found it difficult to keep up with all of the releases coming out! These are the albums that I found myself listening to the most over the course of the year though, and after spending a few days listening to the others that I missed, I’m quite comfortable saying that these are the best releases of the year! 1. Switchfoot – Where the Light Shines Through 2. Dogs of Peace – Heel  3.Continued →

May 29, 2015

The Jay Sekulow Band - "Undemocratic"

The Jay Sekulow Band has released their new single "Undemocratic". The band does not seem to have a permanent official lineup, but consistently includes John Elefante (Kansas), John Schlitt (Petra), and Jay Sekulow (Jay Sekulow Live!). The song is based off of Sekulow's new book of the same name that was released earlier this month.

January 19, 2011

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