Tag: Lacey Sturm

December 11, 2023

Best of 2023: Rob Jensen

1. Lacey Sturm – Kenotic Metanoia: This November Lacey Sturm released her first album in nearly 8 years. To say it was worth the wait is an understatement. If it’s going to take 8 years to release a new album, this is the caliber release you want to shoot for. Lacey sounds as good as ever and has dropped an exceptional album here. It easily outshines her previous release, Life Screams, and is, in my opinion, her best work to date, including her material with Flyleaf.… Continued →

November 18, 2023

New Music Out Now: November 17th 2023

I thought i’d do a quick post about some new releases out yesterday. New songs out by Small Wars (Fair Vaux) and Sam’s The Hero (Small Step Records), new acoustic EP by Names Without Numbers (Small Step Records), the chaotic Pipe Bomb and song “Tied Down”, killer hardcore band – Debtor with “Dead To The World”, and that powerful new full length from Lacey Sturm. Anything else we missed? Next week is the 2 song single from Too Bad Eugene, and the 4th release by Mainframe titled “Good Hearts”.… Continued →

November 4, 2023

August 11, 2023

July 8, 2023

November 12, 2022

Flyleaf Announce Reunion With Lacey Sturm

Sorry for my absence. You know, life. This is a couple days late but certainly worth talking about. The beloved alt-rock-metal band – Flyleaf, have indeed reunited with their acclaimed first singer and lead woman, Lacey Sturm. Since Lacey and the band parted ways like a decade ago, both parties went on to make new music and continue their careers. Lacey Sturm has come out as a very successful and talented solo artist but not in the acoustic-y, “fall asleep while driving” realm. Her music was as heavy as it was a lighter and more spiritual affair.… Continued →

December 16, 2021

September 21, 2021

May 16, 2020

July 18, 2019

Lacey Sturm Free Download of Unreleased Song, "Sacred"

Lacey Sturm released her debut solo album, “Life Screams”, a few years back and has now made a B-side from the album available as a free download to anyone who signs up for the email list for “Reflect Love Back”, a great ministry she and her husband Josh started this past year. Head over to this link to sign up and stay up to date with their ministry and get your download of the song “Sacred”.… Continued →

January 28, 2019

Lacey Sturm Fills in For Jen Ledger on Upcoming Skillet Tour Dates

Lacey Sturm who is now a rockin’ solo artist (and former member of Flyleaf) has announced alongside the members of Skillet that she will be filling in for Jen Ledger on a few upcoming Skillet tour dates as a co-vocalist. Ledger is currently touring as part of Winter Jam Tour. Speaking of Lacey Sturm, she has announced that she is working on a album follow up to “Life Screams”. She is working with Korey Cooper of Skillet on a couple songs.… Continued →

February 15, 2017

January 3, 2017

The Best of 2016: Rob Jensen

In 2016, I saw my tastes in music grow a bit more. This would account for why you’ll see some albums make an appearance on this list that, if you know me, you wouldn’t normally expect to see here. Overall, I thought it was a pretty good year for music, but a number of times some of the albums I was most excited about lost something after numerous listen throughs. This could account for why some albums (if you know me) you’d expect to see on my list are noticeably absent.… Continued →

January 2, 2017

Best of 2016: Ian DeVaney

2016 was a great year for Christian music, so great in fact that I found it difficult to keep up with all of the releases coming out! These are the albums that I found myself listening to the most over the course of the year though, and after spending a few days listening to the others that I missed, I’m quite comfortable saying that these are the best releases of the year! 1. Switchfoot – Where the Light Shines Through 2. Dogs of Peace – Heel  3.Continued →

December 13, 2016

November 14, 2016

REVIEW : Lacey Sturm - Life Screams

2012 saw the departure of Lacey Sturm from Flyleaf. She announced to her fans that it was her desire to take some time off and focus on her family, an admirable and noble decision for sure. In the hearts of her fans was a feeling of support for her decision, yet at the same time, those feelings were mixed with a hopeful wondering of whether or not we’d hear from Lacey again in the music arena. 2 years passed with hardly a peep as Lacey enjoyed some well deserved time off with her family.… Continued →

January 8, 2015

November 6, 2013

October 18, 2013

July 16, 2013

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