Tag: Metallica

November 17, 2017

October 13, 2017

Shadow Puncher Signs to Nosral Recordings

Shadow Puncher, a Norwegian death metal act, has joined the Nosral Recordings roster. The project formed in 2016, with Kevin Max Ølstøren running everything. Influenced by bands such as Metallica, Pantera, Sepultura, and Dimmu Borgir, Shadow Puncher brings a brutal representation of Norwegian death metal. Check out The Throne of Justice and Love, The Path of Challenges and No Despair EP. Ølstøren is working on the project’s new album coming next year.
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August 12, 2017

Introducing: Disciples of God (D.O.G.)

There’s a new Christian metal supergroup on the rise. They go by Disciples of God, or simply D.O.G.. Roxx Productions are helping the band with making their debut at SoCal Metal Fest 2. The band has a powerhouse lineup, bringing members from some of the oldest thrash and power metal bands. The lineup includes Terry Russel of Holy Soldier and Neon Cross on Vocals and Drums, Larry Farkas of Vengeance Rising and Die Happy on Guitars, Don Webster of Neon Cross on Guitars, and lastly, Terry’s son, Colton Russel on Bass.… Continued →

June 6, 2017

Hand of Fire - The Prophecy

California Thrash band Hand of Fire has a new music video for y’all to see! The song is called “The Prophecy” and it is brutal. It brings the sound of old school thrash, much like Slayer or Metallica, with the vocals of Death Angel. The track is going to be apart of their upcoming debut album, titled Let the Killings Begin, coming out through Rottweiler Records.
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January 3, 2017

The Best of 2016: Rob Jensen

In 2016, I saw my tastes in music grow a bit more. This would account for why you’ll see some albums make an appearance on this list that, if you know me, you wouldn’t normally expect to see here. Overall, I thought it was a pretty good year for music, but a number of times some of the albums I was most excited about lost something after numerous listen throughs. This could account for why some albums (if you know me) you’d expect to see on my list are noticeably absent.… Continued →

November 21, 2016

5 Christian Metal Bands You May Not Have Heard Of (80's/90's Version)

Today, I am posting a list of Christian Metal bands from the old days that aren’t mentioned very often when talking about Christian metal. Most of them tend to be Nu-metal, ironically, even though the 90’s was the time for Nu-Metal/Rapcore. 5. Oficina G3 Oficina G3 is a Christian prog metal act from the late 80’s. Forming in 1987, the band began as a heavy metal/hard rock band, influenced by Stryper and Petra, but progressed into a Progressive metal/nu-metal/metalcore-ish band. This band was most likely thrown out, due to this period, when the Christian thrash scene had just hit it’s stride, with the Big 4 of the Christian scene: Deliverance, Vengeance Rising, Tourniquet and Believer.… Continued →

September 27, 2013

In the Silence of the Mind: Purity in the Media - Part 3

In the Silence of the Mind: September 27th, 2013 Purity in the Media: Part 3. Lee Brown: FaceBook l Website l Twitter “Music is God’s gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven.” – Walter Savage Landor Now, I know my thought for today won’t be a popular one. Anytime a “preacher/teacher” speaks out about questioning our media choices, people feel as though the Spanish Inquisition is happening all over again. For many years Christian leaders have tried to dictate followers’ media choices through coercive means.… Continued →

January 11, 2010

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