Tag: modern rock

December 13, 2024

Song of the Day: The Mirrors - What Do You Say

After vocalist Bill Walden left 4th Watch in 1987, he had no plans to pursue any other music. (For context, the recognizable crooner had also been the early singer for Undercover.) So, when The Mirrors (formerly Malcolm & the Mirrors) came asking Bill to join them, and then asked again, he was reluctant and uninterested. However, providence prevailed and it turned out to be a great move both for the band and for Walden himself. The band was definitely on the ministry side of things. In fact, three of the band members became pastors.… Continued →

August 5, 2024

Song of the Day: Ilia vs Zahna - Last Night vs Underneath

I missed out on seeing Ilia live, but got the chance to meet & see Zahna (Suzy Martinez) a couple years back. This was always going be one of the hardest SOTDs to pick from a relatively short catalog. Ilia has had so many awesome songs that they are very hard to deem as personal favorites. I chose to go with their earliest incarnation of the band as Ilia changed vocalists 3 times until Zahna came aboard for the final lineup. Check em out if you haven’t already.… Continued →

February 12, 2024

January 13, 2024

Song of the Day: Bottlerockit - See You in Space Tonight vs Duddle a Duh

This British band completely flew under my huge “Christian” music radar. I discovered them through a British website/radio station called CrossRhythms that basically houses tons of Christian artists bios. Anyways, the band reminds me of quirky music akin to Canada’s Hokus Pick or even Believable Picnic or Rhubarb. Great band names I know :). Anyways, the first SOTD was released as a single from their 2nd LP & the 2nd is the first song of their 1st LP. They released a 2nd LP before changing their name to Audiogene.… Continued →

January 12, 2024

Song of the Day: Tonio K. - Without Love

Tonio K. was one of those hard-to-classify artists. He employed elements of rock, alternative, new wave, singer-songwriter, and more. He was too alternative for the mainstream, but not quite weird enough for indie rock. Let’s just call it rock and roll, shall we? Born in Southern California, the son of Armenian immigrants (born Steven Krikorian), K began his career with garage rock band The Raik’s Progress (who opened for Buffalo Springfield), then played a stint with Buddy Holly’s band the Crickets, but he got his first real break with a publishing deal for Intersong.… Continued →

December 25, 2023

December 13, 2023

December 9, 2023

September 6, 2023

Song of the Day: Random Hero - Lost Cause

This song goes out to all those like myself who have thought life is hopeless sometimes. I think we all feel that way sometimes. Remember to lift your head & talk to the God who created us. He is just a prayer away.  I totally want that dude’s dreads also! Also, check out prior drummer Patrick Madsen’s solo stuff. Goes by his creative last name reversed Nesdam! He’s also married to Zahna who is awesome live. I know the truth, It’s not hard to deny, But somewhere, My heart got lost in the lies, My faith, Is dying to see like you see, I’m on a one-way ticket, To the dark side of me.… Continued →

September 2, 2023

Song of the Day: Collision of Innocense - Took My Place vs In Between

Modern rock band CoI has its roots in Myrtle Beach, SC where I used to hang out a lot back in the day. They have released a slew of singles over the past few years & I keep anticipating a full-length, but have yet to seen one arise. From what I gather the band history branched from 2 different artists: Hands of Elohim which released the awesome song Never Alone & Voices at Midnight (you can read my review of their song Open Wounds on this site also).… Continued →

June 3, 2023

May 13, 2023

April 4, 2023

March 6, 2023

Song of the Day: Eowyn - Beautiful Ashes

Yep, Eowyn is part of her real name. I almost had the chance to interview her back in my college days (I did speak with her husband, but ended up graduating before I could schedule it.) She has a very unique voice which can be compared as a cross between Amy Lee & Lacey Sturm & maybe even Tiffany Arbuckle. Anyways, check these lyrics out & her whole catalog. Here’s to hoping we hear more from her. You’re beautiful Though you’re ashes you’ll not waste away So beautiful Let your eyes see life with scars not decay When the darkness overwhelms you And you feel like no one cares Do not fear There is a god who loves you And he is taking your hands  
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December 14, 2022

Song of the Day: Kingsdown - In Elegance and Rescue

This Arkansas band was a fave of mine when their The Scenario We Know So Well EP released. Prior songs from their Moments to Monuments were on my radar but this EP blew me away. They reeased a S/T LP that tbh I didn’t really care for which is I am guessing they went from the emoish modern rock sound to a rock n roll band.  Anyways hope y’all like it & here are some lyrics. I was lost at sea And your gentle touch rescued me You said you would stay but I was walking away I heard your voice say come to me It’s Our Time I feel so free tonight
   … Continued →

December 5, 2022

December 3, 2022

Song of the Day: EveReady - Live Completely

I apologize in advance, but here is a very obscure band that I found through an old Christian online radio station playlist. Wish I had more, but from what I gather their only other song was called For What’s It’s Worth. This song is pretty catchy imho. Maybe someone someday reading this will know more about them than I do. I don’t even know if their name is spelled right.  
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November 28, 2022

November 26, 2022

Song of the Day: Rock N Worship Circus - Gift of Cool

This band formed from a church worship band. They were one of the first modern rock worship bands I think. They had a tight modern rock sound & had songs on Christian edgier radio stations including Ride, Undiscovered. They have since changed their name to The Listening. Gabe Wilson has worked with many musical endeavors over the years also. These lyrics are awesome! I remember the day When the love of God landed in our town He took all the silent and broken hearts And fixed them up and gave them a sound He had almost every different kind of kid From every different kind of social background Taking all the cool they had and praising God As He spun them around, it’s when God came to town And the people in our churches, they were constantly amazed At the kids kneeling at the altar with their different fashion flavors You had squares and preps and skater punks, Goths and techno-ravers And the tattooed kids with the colored hair And they were all getting saved You think the sixties had good vibrations?… Continued →

November 21, 2022

November 9, 2022

July 30, 2022

Introducing: The Rocky Valentines (Ft. C. Martin of Starflyer 59)

I am going to take a moment and introduce you all to a brand new band featuring C. Martin who is the son of Jason Martin (and also a current member) of Starflyer 59. The new band is called “The Rocky Valentines”. The debut single “Off & On” will debut on August 19th via Velvet Blue Music with the full Self Titled EP out on September 2nd 2022. From the sounds of the preview video below, it is both classic and modern, alluring and full of melodies and sounds that his father I’m sure must be super proud of.… Continued →

July 27, 2022

July 13, 2022

July 11, 2022

Song of the Day: Spoken - This Path vs Through It All

This one goes out to one of my fave bands of all time. Matt Baird is a man ov God. I literally just saw them live yet again 2 days ago & bought some merch off his oldest son! Anyways their LP Echoes is still in my top 20 albums of all time. The other SOTD showcases the cleaner production sound that they became known for. They are still releasing new music so BOLO for new stuff that they played.
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July 10, 2022

June 4, 2022

June 1, 2022

Song of the Day: Simple Mystery - On my Own

Simple Mystery is a band that is from my hometown Normal, Illinois. The 4 piece comprised of Jason, Eric, Jimmy & Chris. Chris you may have heard of  from his later band The Frantics & his work with Miss Angie & pop rock/worship group Goodbye Audio. Anyways my buddy Kelly Kerfoot let me borrow the cassette tape & I had looked for this song for many years since my cassette tape bit the dust maybe 20 years ago!
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May 6, 2022

Song of the Day: The New Presidents - Arabian Nights

This obscure little band, while relatively unknown, has ties to some more connected acts. They only released one 4-song 12″ EP before breaking up and/or morphing into other acts. The most well-known member was Robert Vaughn, previously of RV and the Hubcaps, and who went on to play with Gloryhouse, Southside Blades of Eden (Broken Records), and most notably Robert Vaughn and the Shadows. RV and the Shadows was essentially the New Presidents line-up with a different name and slightly more mainstream style. Where The New Presidents dabbled in new wave and post-punk, The Shadows went full into power pop.… Continued →

May 2, 2022

Song of the Day: Ignescent - Calling Out To You Vs Remnants

Ignescent is a female fronted modern rock band from Chi-town. Their first album was produced by Wyrick in 2008 who had headed up Rugged Records back in the day & released a couple of sweet industrial tinged LPs. Since then, the band has released a bunch more stuff including Remnants which just found its way onto mainstream radio as of 3/31 the day I am writing this. They remind me of older Fireflight. It’s nice to see bands we saw in the Christian market to reach mainstream success imho.… Continued →

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