Tag: mortification

July 12, 2024

Song of the Day: Erase - Mental Overload

One of the few bands in the Christian scene that played in the groove metal style (that slightly slower, but just as intense cousin of thrash) was the Canadian band Erase. I remember when Mental Overload first came out and it made a huge impact on the then-stagnating Christian metal scene. The band’s popularity was, in part, owed to Jason Campbell, the ex-Mortification drummer, who was now pulling double-duties on vocals and guitar. Sadly, they only released one album (for David Villalpando, AKA Burrito’s Morphine Records label) before going their separate ways.… Continued →

December 8, 2023

Song of the Day: Lightforce - Metal Missionary

Lightforce was a heavy metal band from Australia, active in the late 1980s. They recorded 3 cassette demos from 1986-87, before getting the attention of US-based Pure Metal Records. The band’s label debut Mystical Thieves was a unique entry in Christian metal. While based in traditional heavy metal, it touched on speed metal and power metal without ever fully crossing into thrash territory. It was heavy, loud, and raw. In 1990 the band recorded a fourth and final demo called Break the Curse, which saw the band going in an even heavier direction, just before changing their name.… Continued →

February 29, 2020

November 15, 2019

Song of the Day: Paramaecium - I'm Not to Blame

Paramaecium. Legendary. Heavy as a concrete slab, and slower than a slug. The band’s debut, Exhumed of the Earth, shocked metal fans everywhere with slow, heavy riffs, string parts, and death metal vocals that were juxtaposed with occasional operatic female vocals added in for good measure. Their sophomore album Within the Ancient Forest changed styles somewhat by cranking up the folk and classical elements and adding a technical flair. But by the time A Time to Mourn came out, the band had shifted styles again–still within the doom metal category, of course–by adding a touch of groove and including Seventh Angel/Ashen Mortality frontman Ian Arkley (later of My Silent Wake).… Continued →

November 23, 2017

August 30, 2017

May 1, 2017

INTERVIEW : Symphony of Heaven

This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Logan Thompson, also known as Symphony of Heaven. I posted an article about him awhile ago here on Indie Vision Music about his release of “Stratagem”. Check that song out. We talk about upcoming music, gear, and lyrical backgrounds. Enjoy! Also, go check this article out on my blog, as well as other cool Christian metal and hardcore news! How are ya man? I’m good. How are you doing? I’m doing well. I’ve got a few questions for you.Continued →

February 10, 2017

Symphony of Heaven releases "Stratagem"

You most likely have never heard of Symphony of Heaven as it is a brand new band. Logan Thompson is the one-man band that is Symphony in Heaven. He has an instrumental called “Anno Domini” that is great. SOH released a song titled “Stratagem” that is primarily power metal styled up until the vocals come in. Pure death metal gutturals. It’s like Lightforce (pre-Mortification) and Mortification put together. The song is incredible. Go check it out here! Continued →

December 5, 2016

Revulsed (ex-Mortification, ex-InExordium) begin working on sophomore release

Revulsed has announced that they have started to work on their sophomore album. For those who don’t know, Revulsed in a band that drummer Jayson Sherlock, formerly of Mortification, Paramaecium, Inexordium, Horde, Deliverance, and Altera Enigma, and guitarist Sheldon D’Costa, formerly on InExordium, formed as a way to still do music. The duo hired on Konni Lühring of Defeated Sanity and formerly of Despondency, to do vocals for the album. After the album was recorded, the band was starting to play shows and due to Konni living in Europe and the others in Australia, Konni parted with the band.… Continued →

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