Tag: Narrowpath Records

May 10, 2024

February 3, 2023

Song of the Day: 3 Car Pile-Up - Dweeb

90s alternative. People either love it or hate it. Despite the excesses of the genre, or the just plain slackness of it, I still love it. 3 Car Pile-Up was never going to win any awards for their musical contributions–unless it was maybe the high school talent show. Their one and only album is raw, somewhat sloppy, and even kind of juvenile in its approach to both music and lyrics. However, that is exactly what I love about it. If you can’t relate to the lyrics of “Dweeb” then I’m not sure you actually lived through American Christianity in the 80s/90s: When I was in grade school, my friends made fun of me They used to call me stupid names, like “Jesus Boy” or “Freak” But I knew come Sunday, that I’d be number one ‘Cuz I knew all my verses, and I would get some gum I’m a dweeb!Continued →

October 19, 2022

September 17, 2022

Song of the Day: Jesus Freaks - Hate vs Sub-Train - Epidermis

Jesus Freaks was a thrash groove metal band that changed their name to Sub-Train after releasing 2 albums. They had some decent Christian metal airplay back in the day. Yeah they sounded like Metallica ripoff, but I’m not too worried about it. They still have headbanging music! And yes, I thought about this band when DC Talk came out with their Jesus Freak stuff.  And as a sidenote, Scott Waters’ No Life Til Metal site has a great review on them as he toured with them while with Ultimatum.… Continued →

September 24, 2021

Song of the Day: The Lonely Now - Original Intentions

Wonderfully noisy, and delightfully obscure, The Lonely Now only released 3 full-length recordings in their short career: —Captive, 1986, Narrowpath Records (cassette only) —Original Intention, 1987, Narrowpath Records (cassette, LP) —Honest Tear, 1990, Narrowpath/Refuge (cassette only) While all of their releases are somewhat difficult to obtain, ironically their final album–the only one with national distribution through Refuge–is the most difficult. It was released through the same agreement as debuts by The Crucified, Breakfast with Amy, and The Swoon. In fact, founding member Greg Sostrom (AKA Greg Strange) was the owner of Narrowpath Records.… Continued →

December 4, 2020

Song of the Day: The Swoon - Sweet Ally

Don’t you hate it when an amazing band releases one stellar album and then disappears off the map leaving virtually no trace whatsoever? That’s more or less what happened to Minnesota’s The Swoon. This intelligent, artsy, literate (one of the band’s song titles is a Dante reference) band made up one third of Christian jangle-pop’s ‘holy trinity’ (also including The Throes and The Walk). Their debut album was released on Narrowpath Records, in conjunction with Refuge (the obscure indie label also released such classics as debuts by Breakfast with Amy and The Crucified), and was made up of two earlier cassette-only demos, ben son, ben son Beatrice and Neverland, the latter of which was produced by Charlie Peacock.… Continued →

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