Tag: Nate Allen and The Pac-Away Dots

December 26, 2024

REVIEW : Guest Review: Good Saint Nathanael - I Write the Songs I Need (submitted by Brian A. Smith)

We don’t often post guest stories/reviews, but when we had the chance to get veteran writer Brian A. Smith (you might recognize his name from The Phantom Tollbooth), we had to jump at it! Brian offers his thoughts on Good Saint Nathanael’s new album I Write the Songs I Need, released earlier this year. ———————————— Nate Allen has performed in various bands under various names. Some of his songs would be considered quirky, weird, silly, and insightful. Good Saint Nathanael is different. Hide No Truth, the first record under the Good Saint name, wrecked me emotionally.… Continued →

June 25, 2024

2nd Single Released from new Good Saint Nathanael album

“Gravity” is the second single from the forthcoming I Write the Songs I Need full-length album from indie folkster Good Saint Nathanael. The single still speaks to past traumas songwriter Nate Allen has endured, but there’s clearly now some distance and perspective gained as the songs from the new album are lighter than 5 years ago. “Gravity” is now available for streaming or download. Additionally a video for the song has been released as well. Both can be found on the artist’s Bandcamp page: https://goodsaintnathanael.bandcamp.com/track/gravityContinued →