Tag: Nick Barber

March 20, 2022

September 18, 2019

Lo-Fidelity Records Announce Reissue of Poor Old Lu "Sin"

Lo-Fidelity Records have announced a 25th anniversary reissue of the classic Poor Old Lu album – “Sin”. The album is getting the vinyl and cd treatment again and there will be bonus tracks. Check out the campaign right here and make sure get your orders in quickly as some of the vinyl are close reaching the quantity maximum. You can find the band on Facebook right here so make sure to visit and say hi.… Continued →

February 4, 2019

Rose Blossom Punch "Sorry To Disappoint You" Vinyl Campaign

Rose Blossom Punch which featured Aaron Sprinkle and Nick Barber of Poor Old Lu fame, are getting the vinyl treatment for their unreleased Ep “Sorry to Disappoint You” which was created 20 years ago. Support this great campaign and get a vinyl release of an album you’ve never heard by a band you’ve never heard THAT MOST DEFINITELY NEEDED TO BE HEARD! Click here for the IndieGoGo campaign and help fund this long lost rarity. You can also find the band page on Facebook here (reunion please?).… Continued →

September 5, 2018

Poor Old Lu "Mindsize" Gets The Vinyl Re-release Treatment

An amazing album titled “Mindsize” from Washington state based alternative rock band – Poor Old Lu, is getting pressed again on Vinyl and available in several different options/colors. Also on CD. The remastered deluxe edition will be available next year and you can pre-order via kickstarter right here. Lo-Fidelity Records is putting this out. This is the band that the Sprinkle brothers originated from of which have gone on to bigger and brighter things over the past few decades. It’s also notable to report that former member Nick Barber is also making music again with his new band “Subways on the Sun” which have a debut album out this month on Spartan Records.… Continued →

March 29, 2012

Poor Old Lu - All Pretty For the TV

Today’s Video Flashback comes from the Alt-Rock band, Poor Old Lu, which released several (awesome) albums in the early to late 90’s on Alarma Records. The band attempted a short lived come back of sorts in 2002 with their Tooth & Nail album “The Waiting Room”. The band featured brothers Aaron Sprinkle (Fair/Rose Blossom Punch/Studio Producer/Solo) and Jesse Sprinkle (has gone on to play in bands like Demon Hunter, Dead Poetic, Morellas Forest, Serene, and solo work), Nick Barber (also of Fair), and Scott Hunter.… Continued →

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