Tag: nickelback

April 1, 2022

Nickelback Announce World Tour With Makeshift3

Nickelback will return to the stage again and this time they are taking out the band Makeshift3 for a string of dates, mostly at coffee shops and and church basements. Nickelback will be supporting their new “worship” record – “How The Bible Reminds Me” which features 12 very catchy, radio friendly tunes consisting entirely of melodies from “How You Remind Me” & “Photograph” but based on different bible verses. Makeshift3 are fresh off their new drum solo album “Fluorescent Cymbals” and will be touring it alongside their friends in Nickelback.*… Continued →

January 22, 2020

Switchfoot Joins Nickelback and Stone Temple Pilots on Tour This Summer

This is no joke. A personal fave of mine, a band we call Switchfoot is joining up with world renown Canadian rock band Nickelback and California based grunge-alt-rock band, Stone Temple Pilots (STP) for a run of dates this summer/fall. This might just an epic rock extravaganza or How You Remind Me of a cringe worthy PHOTOGRAPH? Either way, there is a little something for everyone and a true rock n’ roll fan to enjoy. I’ve heard the new vocalist of STP is one of the best.… Continued →

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